Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 792: The awkward Kalecgos

Seeing Teregosa, Kalecgos didn't know what to say.

Although he was a single dragon, he was not single because he didn't understand other people's thoughts-Kalecgos knew exactly what Teregosa thought.

But Kalecgos didn't call this cute blue dragon girl!

In Kalecgos's opinion, the blue dragons are too calm and conformist!

Kalecgos needs passion-especially after being covered in thick bone armor, Kalecgos needs real passion!

It is precisely because of this abnormal personality that, in Kalecgos's opinion, the enthusiastic Luminus is more interesting than the cold blue dragon girl.

Don't forget, Kalecgos is one of the rare blue dragons who is good at fire magic!

In the control room, the atmosphere became a little more subtle inexplicably.

Both Drunken Wind and Khadgar started looking for something to do on their own, leaving only Kalecgos looking at Teregosa with an embarrassed face.

At this time, Kalecgos was too lazy to complain about the unreliable Drunken Wind and Khadgar, and he was messing around now.

"Uh, I didn't mean that-I mean, I always thought of you as my sister... I didn't mean anything else, I was just more interested in that adventurer."

Kalecgos's glib tongue became clumsy, he didn't want his words to hurt Teregosa.

Looking at the appearance of Kalecgos, Teregosa thought of some of Alexstrasza's teachings-the life oath-binder was broken for the future of the dragon, especially this group of insisting on monogamy. Blue Dragon, you are always like this, no wonder the number has not risen!

"What kind of interest?" Teregosa, who secretly made up his mind, pressed forward, "Or, where did you go?"

"I only met her once..."

When it comes to this question, Kalecgos is quite embarrassed, after all, to put it bluntly, this is Kalecgos's unrequited love.

"Have you eaten your magic pudding for her?" Teregosa in the form of an elf looked like a goddess of frost, "the one that will make the clothes burst when eaten?"

The sharp question left Kalecgos gaping.

Zuifeng and Khadgar laughed silently, it seems that Kalecgos has done something very excessive before!

"Or, you taught her the acupuncture points of the body?"

Acupuncture point?

This time it was Drunk Wind’s turn to be surprised. Kalecgos also studied the skills of monks? I have never heard of it!

But when Drunk Wind turned his head, he saw Kalecgos, who was flushed.

At this moment, Drunk Wind reacted, Kalecgos didn't understand the skills of monks at all, he was just looking for an excuse to take advantage...

Wait, why is Teregosa so familiar with Kalecgos's routines?

After understanding all the causes and consequences, Zuifeng looked at Kalecgos again, as if looking at a human-shaped dragon scum.

Noting the drunken eyes, Kalecgos tried to defend himself, but he opened his mouth in vain, only to find that he had nothing to say after all.

In any case, no matter if it is “young and frivolous”, or whether he is “stylish”, I did have a lot of sultry actions either intentionally or unintentionally.

For Kalecgos, these may have passed with a smile, but Teregosa remembered all of this clearly.

Everyone was silent.

In order to alleviate this atmosphere, Drunk Wind wanted to say something, but considering that he could bring Kalecgos to be the gatekeeper this time, relying on this less serious temptation, it seems that he is not qualified to speak. .

As for Khadgar?

Sorry, he is happily watching the show.

Teregosa stared at Kalecgos, then his eyes were red.

Kalecgos panicked even more.

This look of Teregosa is so familiar to him-when Teregosa was a young dragon, she was aggrieved for failing to cast spells; when she grew up a little, Kalecgos was a young dragon. I often make jokes with her, and when the jokes go too far, Teregosa sometimes feels sad.

But unknowingly, Teregosa has become a strong adult dragon for a long time. She will still be shy, angry, and anxious, but Kalecgos hasn't seen her crying for a long time.

Kalecgos was finally stunned.

At this moment, Kalecgos discovered that Teregosa was often by his side when he was happy or sad.

An unspeakable mood suddenly filled Kalecgos's heart.

Why did I become unhappy after I super-evolved back?

Is it because she likes too many blue dragon girls? Or is it because you have become proud?

Kalecgos suddenly discovered that this might be because Teregosa was no longer by his side.

When he was still a fighting five scum, Sora had powerful mana but would not use it. The other dragons were making fun of him. Only Teregosa was by his side, silently accompanying him.

When she put on Galakrond’s armor and became the leader of the new generation, Teregosa no longer actively appeared by her side. Although she would find various opportunities to approach herself, she still There is no need to look for funny objects.

Kalecgos finally scratched his head awkwardly, and finally made up his mind to start casting his own spell.

"Well, haven't tried this for a long time."

Teregosa's eyes widened.

A magic dining table suddenly appeared, and the table was filled with sparkling and colorful puddings.

"Hey, Tai Lei~ Would you like to try my pudding? It's super!"

Teregosa covered her mouth.

"Or, how about you being my spouse? After I go back, eat slowly—"

Hearing Kalecgos's "Wooing Proclamation", the drunk wind whistled, and Khadgar waved his hand and summoned the sky full of petals.

Teregosa shyly rubbed the ends of her blue hair, and finally chose to nod her head.

In this simple command post, the elder Blue Dragon and the Five Scum of the Blue Dragon Legion had his own wife.

Drunk Wind touched his chin, looked at Kalecgos and Teregosa, and then spoke quietly.

"It's nice to be young."

"Shut up! Pandaren!" At this moment, Kalecgos seemed to think of the temptation that Drunk Wind had brought to him, "I'm thousands of years older than you!"

"Who knows." Drunk Wind chuckled and turned the subject away, "Kadgar, the second stage can begin-I think, the warm-up of adventurers should have been completed?"


Do you think this will be a tragic Shura field? Sorry, it's a bunch of sweet dog food!

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