Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 801: 1 other warlock

To tell the truth, Zuifeng plagiarized a certain Buddha's wonderful idea on the Frozen Throne, and the idea of ​​starting a refrigerator caused Kalecgos to yell. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā.

"It can be like this? Oh my God, this is incredible!"

The idea of ​​drunken wind also gave Kalecgos a great inspiration. After carefully thinking about the encounter he met Kel'Thuzad, he created some moves to confuse adventurers.

Such as "Bone Storm!"

Well, Kalecgos thought for a long time. Without revealing his true identity, he seemed to have this effective move.

Manipulating Galakrond’s bones, unfolded a vigorous storm among adventurers.

In the Bone Storm, those who cannot resist the storm will be completely wrapped in thick ice, which is just right, not fatal, but can lose combat effectiveness.

In the thick ice, Drunk Wind looked at the adventurers bullied by Kalecgos outside and almost couldn't help laughing.

It has to be said that Kalecgos is really an outlier among the blue dragons. On the one hand, it does not conform to the rigorous character of the blue dragon. On the other hand, the magic that he is good at is mostly unpopular. When he emerged, he even summoned a few The furnace spirit comes out...

Fortunately, the adventurers don't seem to realize the key to the problem, and no one thinks in the direction of "this guy is an undercover".

In general, this is a seemingly normal boss battle, but the boss is a bit stronger.


Everything is in Drunk Wind's plan, but for adventurers, this is a difficult battle.

Both Ellen and Luminus felt that they couldn't hold on.

In front of the tired bones, even Pluto was sent back to the Twisting Void because of his injuries.

Among this hurriedly organized army of adventurers, the tauren warrior who was the first to carry the tower shield on top has been frozen in ice, and other defensive professions can’t stand it. Even Paladins, many Paladins are holding on. Invincible, they were all wrapped in thick ice.

Many of the bones on the majestic Kalecgos belonged to Galakrond (the ancestor dragon who bit off Tyr's hand), and Galakrond’s bones have extremely powerful magical resistance and physical defense. Gao is terrifying, whether it is a spellcaster (Faculty, Warlock, and a few shamans), or a physical class (hunters, thieves, and warriors), in front of this giant dragon of bones, they can't please.

In addition to Kalecgos's overly powerful offensive power, the adventurers were once abused to doubt their lives.

Take Alan, for example. He tried his best to get a brain-dead arrow under the cover of Pluto, but for Kalecgos, the negative energy contained in this thing was not even enough to make him bleed.

Of course, the sudden appearance of the warlock still attracted Kalecgos's attention, and he turned his gaze to Allen.

"Hahaha, little warlock? You don't naively think that this level of fel energy can pose a threat to me? Hahaha!"

Allen was silent. He wondered how to reverse the current decline.

"Or, you warlocks are like this? Using energy that you don't understand at all, thinking you are superior?"

Although Alan had been paying attention, he was still half-dead under Kalecgos's poisonous tongue.

But now Alan really has no time to get angry, because if he can't find a way, the adventurer is likely to be wiped out here!

But Kalecgos did not expect that this kind of map cannon for warlocks finally angered someone.


A thin figure hovering in the air appeared. He opened a book in his hand, and the spell was released while waving his hand.

As a result, a blazing green fireball fell from the sky and smashed the proud Kalecgos.

Kalecgos crawled out of the big hole on the ground, turned his head to look at the initiator.

A high elf.

The high elf who is gracefully monking a thick book, his short capable hair and strong evil energy illustrate his identity.

"Haha, it seems that I still underestimated you. I didn't expect that I saw a warlock again? When did Azeroth have so many devil's lackeys?!"

Kalecgos habitually started taunting, but the effect of this sentence was unexpectedly good. Finally, the eyes of the two warlocks were red.

"The devil's lackey?" In the eyes of the short-haired high elf, the green fel flames began to blaze. "The devil is my lackey! Chaos rain!"

In the stunned everyone, a green circle suddenly appeared in the central square of Aizhu Nirub, and then a burst of "meteor shower" fell on the circle.

Every meteor is a hellfire!

Allen couldn't believe that this warlock, who had never heard of it, was so powerful.

Kalecgos was also slightly startled.

I can't tell that such a big fish is hidden among the adventurers.

But so what!

I, Kalecgos, is the winner of Longsheng now, you are a Tang Sect Warlock, don't talk!

After the rain of chaos, a small group of hellfire appeared on the ground. Under the manipulation of the high elf warlock, these fire stones roared wildly, and then they were useless.

Because Kalecgos flew up.

With his generous wings flapping, Kalecgos almost laughed out loud. The warlock looked good, but he seemed to have something wrong with his brain. What is the use of summoning a group of hellfires in the face of a flying unit like yourself?


The high elf seemed to be He opened the thick book again and started a complicated spellcasting.

Kalecgos was in mid-air, watching with interest the warlock opening the book and chanting words.

Seeing that Kalecgos stopped, the adventurers each chose to recover their wounds, restore their mana, or even take a few breaths.

Under the spellcasting of that high elf warlock, the hellfires shattered one after another, and then reorganized in a frantic twist, and finally turned into an extremely huge stone man. (Or... hellfire?)

This hellfire is really too big. Its body directly fills in one-third of the "ceiling" destroyed when Kalecgos appeared. Unless Kalecgos retreats now, if he wants to continue doing things, he This giant must be dealt with.

But this giant is very difficult to deal with.

Looking at this distorted face and hideous body, Kalecgos finally noticed something was wrong.

This big man's body height is up to a hill, and it's not funny at all!

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