Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 814: Fierce battle in the demon camp

Marton's first battle was a contest between quality and quantity.

The quality of demon hunters and the number of demons.

In the depths of the Twisting Void, the demon's strength is strengthened. In theory, Mardun's demon will always have a quality advantage.

But don’t forget, the essence of a demon hunter is also a demon!

After gradually adapting to Marton's environment, under the turbulent fel energy, the demon hunter's combat effectiveness has also improved.

This is very embarrassing. Due to the particularity of the Demon Hunter, the Marton Demon's home advantage is gone!

And all this was in the expectations of Illidan and Medivh. After Garona's exploration was over, the two of them were already sure that the demons left by Marton were definitely not strong guys—at least they were not the opponents of the demon hunters!

After all, the stronger the strength, the greater the energy required for transmission. From the perspective of the Burning Legion, since the transition ship has been dispatched, it must be given priority to transport those powerful guys!

But Illidan and Medivh are different. With the help of the Sargerite Keystone and the power of Medivh, it is still possible to transmit these thousands of elite fighters, as long as they have survived the beginning. This was a difficult period, breaking the encirclement of the devil, and then the elite who broke into pieces is the tiger into the flock!

It can be said that this fierce battle in the demon camp is the top priority of this battle of Mardun!

Although a large number of demons were directly killed in the first wave of offensive, most of these demons were nothing more than cannon fodder-even these guys were not Marton's original demons, but the "foreign demons" summoned by Eredar Warlocks using contracts.

Just realizing this, Illidan and the others are no longer willing to delay. It seems that there are no masters on the devil's side. This is the moment when their masters attack!


The spider queen Tyrana is the defender who stayed in Mardun.

This kind of task of staying behind in the lair is really familiar to Tyrana-no need to fight, no need to transfer, only need to urge those demons to speed up the manufacturing progress of the Fel Cannon.

Tyranna's combat effectiveness is not strong, so this task can be said to be "people use their best."

Unfortunately, when the Burning Legion is involved in Azeroth, things will always change. When Tyrana learned that a group of guys had landed on Mardum somehow, and even occupied a demon camp, this proficient in summoning and The magical demon spider queen was stunned on the spot.

What the hell?

For thousands of years, only the Burning Legion has attacked others. When is it time for someone to raid the Burning Legion’s nest? !

After being surprised, Tyrana felt endless distress again.

For this demon spider queen, this is simply "sitting behind closed doors, the pot comes from the sky"-you know with your ass, no matter what the result of this time is, after the battle is over, you must bear a lot of responsibility responsible.

damn it!

Without hesitation, Tyrana summoned the demon leader who remained the strongest in Marton.

Abyss Lord Azkas.

This abyss demon king who claims to be the lord of the doomsday is now Mardun's highest combat effectiveness.

Usually, the Abyss Lord’s daily routine is to flog the imps-the Abyss Lord who has no fight to vent is very irritable, and the demon spider queen Tyrana cannot let this brainless idiot intervene in the logistics preparation at will.

Tyrana believed that if Azkas saw Morgue's slow work speed, he would wave his whip mercilessly!

After seeing Azkas, Tyrana did not hide it, but explained the situation directly.

"What?" Azkas widened his eyes. "Is there an idiot who wants to twist the void and challenge the great doomsday lord?"

After a brief astonishment, Azkas smiled rarely, but the smile of the Lord of the Abyss was full of murderous and bloodthirsty desire.

"Hahahaha! Unbelievable! Some fools come to die!"

With that, the Lord of the Abyss simply grabbed Tyrana by the neck and carried her to his face.

"Now, tell me, Tyrana—where are those idiots?"

Azkas's brutality did not cause dissatisfaction with the demon spider queen. The strong have their own privileges, even in the Burning Legion.

"In Area 39-Abandoned Demon Camp."

"Hahaha!" The excited Azkas threw off Tyrana, turned and walked towards the teleportation circle, "I look forward to it, hahaha!"

As the tragic green light of the teleportation disappeared, Azkas disappeared, leaving only Tyrana panting, and the mess all over the floor.

After a long time, Tyrana finally found the problem.

"Damn it, the Fel Cannon hasn't been mobilized yet!"


Doomsday Lord Azikas did not directly support the 39 area.

Illidan and Medivh destroyed the teleportation system here as soon as they occupied the demon camp, so this huge demon could only teleport to area 38, and then rushed to the battlefield excitedly.

In the depths of this distorted void, where the fel energy is turbulent, where Azkas has walked, there will even be a direct storm of fel energy.

And Illidan and Medivh did not "disappoint" Azkas. When the abyss lord came to the battlefield, the demon army was being defeated.

After discovering the reality of the demons and realizing that these demons were not strong, Illidan, Maiev, Vashj, Medivh and Garona took action.

This is amazing.

The demon that could be 50-50 with the demon hunter collapsed instantly.

These masters seem to be in the flock of tigers, each riding a thousand.

Although the demons of the Burning Legion will not have the problem of fleeing, when the formation is completely destroyed and a large number of demons die, their failure is also predictable.

So what Azkas saw was defeating the demon and being beaten to the ground.

This excited abyss lord roared and directly joined the battle.

Due to the big victory on the front battlefield, the demon hunters are cleaning the battlefield and making up for the dead, but who would have thought that a big boss would suddenly emerge at this time?

Caught off guard, a rain of flames rolled down, and dozens of demon hunters and watchmen fell directly into the rain of fire.

And Illidan and Maiev, who were commanding the scattered destruction of the troops, had their eyes torn apart!

Damn devil!

Pay your life!

Maiev flickered and disappeared in When she appeared again, she was already behind Azkas.

A sharp dagger was overdrawn and headed straight for the Abyss Lord's...Chrysanthemum!

On the other side, Illidan, who was spreading his wings, somehow suddenly staggered and almost fell from midair...


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