Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 817: Warlock

The problems faced by Demon Spider Queen Tyrana don't stop there. ??一 While the demon hunters are madly demolishing their homes, the warlocks are starting to search...

Mardum has too much information, and even a rune that can be seen everywhere on the ground here contains demonology. Although it has been decided to bring Mardum fragments back to Draenor, this is far from enough.

There are so many good things left!

The difference between regions is still great!

As Medivh worked hard to reinforce Area 39, the warlocks came out and began to carry everything that seemed to them useful.

And when someone found a destroyed jump ship, this kind of "home-copying" atmosphere reached its peak.

A large number of warlocks joined forces to open a huge portal on this planet that is already on the brink of chaos.

Because the jump ship was destroyed and could not be activated, the warlocks simply summoned a lot of demons. They pulled and pushed to get the big guy into the portal. The picture feels like "Tracker on the Volga". .

(When Illidan saw this jump ship, he even thought that his eyes were really blind.)

With the news that one area after another was completely destroyed, Tyrana finally made a decision and couldn't wait to die!

Even if the invaders don't come to trouble themselves, the Burning Legion will punish themselves afterwards. After all, in theory, he is Mardun's highest garrison officer!

So after thinking about it, Tyrana felt that the top priority was to let Lord Sargeras see her efforts, and she must do something!

But what should be done?

If you choose to resist this time, you will definitely be beaten!

She couldn't resist, and she couldn't do nothing. After thinking about it, Tyrana finally figured out a way. She summoned all the prison demons on Marton and started her own action. Want to read a book???

Since you want to make Marton collapse, then I must keep Marton!

Even if I can't keep the entire Marton, I must keep a part of Marton!

When the time comes, even if he is investigated, he has something to say, "I tried my best, but the enemy is too strong. Azkas is killed in battle. I can only try to save a part of Marton!"

The prison demons are an alternative among the demons. Their combat effectiveness is not strong, but the ability of the guardian is one-to-one. All the talents of these demons are limited to the freedom of the prisoners, such as the talent yoke and the talent cage. .

There are rumors that these prison demons were originally left by the Pantheon Titans, who were dedicated to guarding the guardians of the demons. However, after Marton was broken, they were infected by the Twisting Void and became demons, although their attributes were huge. But the housekeeping skills have not changed.

We don't know whether the rumors are accurate, but judging from the characteristics of these prison demons, it is really possible. After all, this kind of incompetent guy appears in the Burning Legion and looks at the prisoners, which is always strange.

In Marton now, the most numerous demons are **** demons. After all, their talent determines that they are really not suitable for the front line.

The reason why Tyrana summoned all the prison demons was to ensure that the central 1 district where she was located was intact through the yoke of the prison demons' talents.

A large number of prison demons applied seals at the same time, and it might really be able to keep this area.

I have to say that the idea of ​​the devil spider queen is very interesting.

And in a corner that Tyrana didn't know, a demon secretly reported Marton's chaos to Sargeras. This demon spider queen would definitely be charged with "inefficient".


Mardoon’s complete collapse is inevitable, but the demon and demon hunters are trying to leave a part of Mardoon, and the battlefield has entered a strange and harmonious stage.

As time went by, Mardoon finally became more and more unstable.

Area 39 has been completely stripped down, and all the warlocks, demon hunters and watchmen have gathered. Illidan used the Sargerite keystone to try to transport Area 39 back to Draenor.

This is not a simple task, not to mention without Medivh's help this time.

On the other side, Medivh, who had completed the seal of Area 39, left Area 39 and started his own mission.

What Medivh has to do now is to make up for Marton.

Under the destructive destruction of the demon hunter, Marton is now in a state of "will be broken and not broken". What Medivh has to do is to completely break it.

This task can only be done by handing it over to Medivh, because only he can find a way back to Draenor in the Twisting Nether.

Walking in the desolate Marton, Medivh has nothing to say.

As a person who has been deeply involved in fate, arcane magic, and fel throughout his life, Medivh no longer feels emotion.

Like many pieces of destiny Medivh does not say just do it, but unlike them, Medivh thinks before doing it.

Although Medivh knew that he could not control his destiny, he knew that he could turn himself into the strongest link of his destiny, which was enough.

This is also "strong" in a sense...

Unfortunately, Medivh’s good spirits did not last long.

According to the plan, after the transition in Area 39, Medivh also began to destroy the entire Mardoon, but before he took any action, there was a sudden turn of the sky, and Medivh fell to the ground during this turn of the sky, losing Consciousness.

I don't know how long it has been since I woke up again.

Medivh did not seem to move.

But the strange thing is that Medivh clearly felt that he was in a dimness, after a long time, and walked a long way.

Marton was still on the verge of destruction.

Medivh tried to recall what had just happened, but the more he thought about it, the more headache he got.

In a trance, Medivh seemed to perceive something wrong. Isn't it the same feeling that happened when he was manipulated by Sargeras?

Sargeras? !

When Medivh realized it, the hidden soul fragment finally no longer covered it.

"Mortals, we met again..."

Seeing the huge phantom in front of him, Medivh Khan rained.

Only those who have really come into contact with Sargeras can know how terrifying this demon is.

As if thinking of his own experience, Medivh finally shuddered.

Looking at Medivh trembling, Sargeras laughed.

"How? Why are you not afraid when you explore the notes I left? On the contrary, when you see me now, you are full of fear?"

"Sargeras! What are you doing?"

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