Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 819: Technology of the Burning Legion

In fact, Medivh’s refusal did not surprise Sargeras—in Sargeras’s opinion, these mortals always have their own minds and are often extremely determined.

In a sense, this kind of firmness is both what Sargeras needs and what Sargeras hates.

The need is because Sargeras needs a firm subordinate, and the delay is because it also means that it is difficult for Sargeras to turn them into subordinates.

However, it doesn't matter.

Sargeras believed that these mortals were different from those stupid brothers in his pantheon—they would not be obsessed with those unnecessary rules and follow the so-called destiny.

When they learn about the conspiracy of the Void Lord, in order to defend this universe, they will definitely stand on their side! Stand on the side of the Burning Legion!

(Poor Sargeras, he didn’t realize that, in fact, the mortals of Azeroth already had their own position, neither of the Burning Legion nor of the Ethereal Air Force. For the heroes of Azeroth , The Burning Legion and the Ethereal Air Force are not fun...)

After all, Sargeras let Medivh go-or said, Sargeras, who was just a phantom, couldn't do anything to Medivh. He didn't want to let Medivh go, he could only let Medivh go.

At the same time, Marton finally fell into a complete collapse.

In addition to the part that was packed and taken away by the warlocks and demon hunters, there was also the part that was bound by the prison demon summoned by Tyrana. The other fragments of Madun were in Medivh's unremitting efforts (chai) power (qian) It finally turned into a completely broken land—or a rock floating in the twisting void.

That's right, the whole Marton was trembling crazily, turned into countless pieces, scattered in the depths of the twisting void.

There was no explosion and no fire.

Marton fell to the ground like a glass ball that was originally full of cracks. It was completely scattered-this seems not appropriate enough, we can put it another way, like a cold, cracked glass ball. Was thrown into the hot water.

Thanks to the blessings of the warlocks and demon hunters, this demon's lair in the depths of the Twisting Void has finally been destroyed for thousands of years.

Everything on Marton floated into the twisting void together with these broken grounds. Here, the turbulent fel energy was not fatal to the devil, but it was still troublesome.

The reason why this former prison still exists is not only because the demons need a place to stay, but also because in the depths of the twisting void, without Marton, the demons can only face the fel storm alone.

As for the result of the Fel Storm, no one can say-it may strengthen the body of the devil, or it may simply destroy them to the point that there is nothing left.

Unfortunately for Medivh, the initiator, none of this is important anymore.

Although there is no Sargerite keystone in his hand, Medivh has the coordinates of Draenor.

For Medivh, who was once an astral mage, returning from the Twisting Void to Draenor was obviously not a troublesome thing.

When Medivh just stepped on the roof of the Dark Temple, he saw Illidan who had been waiting here.

"Medivine, I think you have a new mission."

"What task?" Medivh raised his brows with some doubts. "So urgent?"

"Go to Azeroth and find a guy who is good at engineering-preferably a Draenei." Illidan said nonsense, "We may have made a great discovery!"


The "great discovery" that Illidan said was nothing but the abandoned jump ship.

The search for Mardum was planned before, but to drag the jump ship back was an absolute temporary intention-the main reason was that they didn't expect that Mardoon could have such an unexpected joy.

After all, the warlocks didn't visit the entire Mardum at that time, so even if Mardum had a transition ship, they probably never encountered it.

Although this jump ship was identified as bad, its research value is still incalculable.

First of all, this is the crystallization of the technology of the Burning Legion. Studying it not only means that you can improve your ability to fight the Burning Legion, but you can also obtain certain skills that can be used by warlocks and demon hunters.

Secondly, the separate existence of the jump ship also proved that the demons are indeed invading Azeroth with the help of the jump ship.

In the end, after carefully studying the transition ship, Illidan came to a conclusion-this thing is definitely related to Storm Fortress.

In the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the main gun of the Storm Fortress left a deep enough impression on Illidan. You know, it was the Holy Light Particle Railgun that stunned Kil'jaeden!

(Although a shell is an Atama crystal, the cost is also It is said that the draenei were once the Eredars. From this jump ship, you may be able to find out The reason why Ereda turned to the devil back then!

It is for this reason that Illidan attaches great importance to this jump ship.

When Medivh returned, he urged Medivh to find a reliable engineering master.

At this moment, Illidan already had a good idea.

If possible, this interesting jump ship can be used as a mobile device exclusively for demon hunters. Although the portal is convenient, it is not omnipotent after all!

In general, the results of the Mardoon raid this time were very good, not only ruined Mardoon, but also got a lot of interesting things.

The warlocks are trying to crack the runes obtained in Mardum. If they figure out the mystery in these runes, maybe they can build a Mardoon like before it was broken, and lock in the demons of the Burning Legion!

On the other side, while working in the Dark Temple in full swing, Medivh also came to the Temple of Dragon Sleep alone, facing the drunk wind, he was straightforward.

"We got a damaged jump ship. Do you know where there is an engineering master who can study this stuff? It's better to be a draenei."

Zuifeng thought for a while.

"Perhaps we can go to Master Ruhr in Draenei. He is one of the maintenance personnel in Storm Keep."

However, just when Drunk Wind and Medivh were about to leave, there was a sudden "bang" in the Temple of Wyrmrest. Medivh looked along the direction of the sound and saw a doll exploded, and wooden fragments scattered. One place.

Zuifeng bent over and built the fragment with the number 173 written on it, frowning.

"Looking for Ruhr needs to wait a while, an adventurer has discovered the trail of the Lich King!"

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