Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 823: The meaning of time back

Nozdormu did not bring the Drunken Wind trio into the time tunnel, but took a relatively "conservative" approach, using the law of time to restore what had happened.

In this way, there is no need to destroy Azeroth's difficult time network, and it can also figure out what happened, killing two birds with one stone.

To figure out what happened as a bystander is enough for people who are not hoping to change time.

With the help of the sands of time, the three of Zuifeng finally figured out what happened here.


The Xia Ji team did gain something.

The thieves of the Xia Ji squad, who were exploring in a standard posture, were in front. While sneaking, the pathfinder Nosath discovered this laboratory belonging to Professor Putrside.

Since there is no Frozen Throne, the Lich King's men are basically in a state of fighting on their own. They find a place that looks pleasing to the eye in the twisty underground tunnels underground in Northrend, and then use it as an "office" location.

And here is the "appropriate" place in the eyes of Professor Putriside.

Quiet and spacious, just right for experimentation.

Originally before the Battle of Ulduar, due to the threat of the ancient gods' minions, the Lich King had not dared to ask his men to disperse, for fear that something would happen.

However, after Yogg-Saron was eliminated, the Lich King gradually became bold. He and his subordinates began to expand underground in Northrend, and Professor Putriside was ordered to study potions for the living. .

The requirement of the Lich King is that Professor Putrishid must create a potion for the living-everyone who comes into contact with this potion will become undead, and then become the Lich King's commander.

It can be said that Professor Putriside's mission is the most important among the Lich King.

Don't forget, now the Lich King has lost Val'kyr!

It is precisely for this reason that when a large number of "offices" are unprepared, Professor Putrzeid's laboratory has already had a trap.

Toxic gas darts, there are many.

By the time Nosas touched the laboratory, the thief was already very careful, but the enemy he had to face was a bit superhuman.

Professor Putricide is extremely sensitive to the breath of living beings, and he has discovered something wrong the first time Nosath arrived.

The only problem was that Professor Putriside at the time did not know where the thief was.

In order to lure Nothas, Professor Putricide did not start to stun the snake. He continued his experiments to study more powerful suture monsters for the undead natural disasters.

In fact, he has already set up a thieves search potion...

On the other side, Nothas, who first saw the Undead Scourge Technology, was stunned.

A large number of specimens (even living), tortured souls (Nothas heard the wailing), evil stitching monsters (looks very disgusting), everything here is suffocating Nothas!

Nothas decided to go back to his team as soon as possible, and then directly report Drunk!

I have to say that Nosath is a veteran-even if his emotions are extremely out of control, he still hasn't lost his mind, and he made the most correct choice the first time.

He didn't attack by himself, but called for support directly as agreed.

It's a pity that Professor Putriside's medicine is ready.

The glass test tube was smashed on the ground, fragmented-in the hazy smoke, Nosath's figure appeared.

not good!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Nothas turned around and wanted to run - but just as he was about to leave, Professor Putriside activated the trap in the laboratory.

In the midst of the poisonous gas, Nosath suddenly felt an indescribable dizziness. In this case, he directly opened the cloak of shadow and wanted to escape quickly.

The idea is very good, but the reality is very skinny-after all, this is the home court of Professor Putritzide.

The space trap directly blocked the way Nosath left, and the poor thief found tragically that he couldn't get out at all!

At the same time, Professor Putriside also started his own methods.

After being captured by the two suture dogs, the immobilized Nosas was taken directly to the experimental platform, and underwent a simple undead transformation under Professor Putriside.

Nothas's soul was shattered-after that, Professor Putrishid poured his potion into Nosath's body, and then controlled him to leave the laboratory.

Since Nozdormu's backtracking is what happened in this laboratory, so when Drunk Wind didn't know how Nothas, who was let go, deceived the pass-when he saw Nothas again, he was carrying Xia this The team members and other members enter the laboratory.

Looking at the status of these people, Drunk Wind judged that under the control of Professor Putriside, Nosath said that nothing happened to him, but he found traces of the dead.

As he said when he tried to deceive Drunk Wind, there was a small group of undead natural disasters.

Although the Xia Ji squad was cautious, the other four people were recruited one after In this case, the entire Xia Ji squad was unlucky.

The two suture dogs, Xiao Bao and Da Shou, rushed out first, and then Rotten Noodles and Rotten Intestine also began to charge.

Khadgar's scroll was in Luminus' hands, and the battle was over without even opening the scroll.

When finally catching all the uninvited guests, Professor Putrishid finally revealed his true colors.

"Oh? Look what I found!" (drinking a bottle of potion)

"Several ignorant martyrs who want to be heroes." (distorted disdain on his face)

"It's a pity that you met an enemy that you can't face." (Pat your own experimental platform hard)

With that said, the excited Professor Putrsideder directly started his own action-he acted quickly to start his new transformation operation, trying to transform the surviving soldier into his own.

He almost succeeded.

Although the leader of the Xia Ji team is very determined, it is difficult for them to persevere with this physical transformation.

In a blink of an eye, the soldier captain of Xia Ji team lost consciousness.

After hesitating a little, Professor Putricide did not transform Nothas, which was a waste of materials in his opinion.

Since this is not easy to handle, let's change the goal.

Professor Putriside's next goal is Luminus.

Now that the scouts and wizards of the Xia Ji squad have lost their combat effectiveness, it can be said that Professor Putriside has won, and this squad may disappear silently.

When he saw this situation, Zuifeng's brows were already frowned.

It seems that the state of Xia Ji team is worse than I thought?

But in that case, who used the scroll for help?

Professor Putrishid shouldn't be killing himself like this!

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