After an argument, it was Kalia and her Royal Guard of the Forsaken that finally got the vanguard position.

   This is what Zuifeng expected.

   From the perspective of Drunk Wind, the pioneers are either the Forsaken or the Paladins.

   But considering that the undead's natural disasters seem to have gotten some strange potions that target the living, Zuifeng thinks it's better to be careful.

   After the Forsaken, Dranosh and Kor'kron are the second echelon, while the remaining Silver Hand and Azjol-Nerub are more of a support force, advancing slowly.

  In terms of killing, the Paladins are indeed better than others, but Drunk Wind is very worried that the Silver Hand will kill the enemy with a thousand and self-injury.

   And because the undead natural disaster itself has a great quantitative advantage, this method is absolutely undesirable.

   It is with this in mind that Drunk Wind decided to fight steadily and use Kalia and the Forsaken Royal Guard to find the flaws in the Lich King.

   After finding the flaw, the Paladins specifically focused on the flaw, and the Silver Hand will be able to quickly expand the results and directly win!

   In this way, after a period of integration, the coalition forces left the Temple of Wyrmrest and began to move towards the target location.

  Everything, for Azeroth!


   Through the frozen keel wilderness, along a hidden mountain col, the coalition forces successfully entered the tunnel.

   This tunnel is a masterpiece of the Aizhu-Nerubians. In order to resist the undead and lightning bolts, they had to build entrances in various remote places to form a safe zone.

   In the safe zone, the Azjol-Nerubians can attack and retreat and defend, and even when necessary, they can artificially create blood collapses, directly concealing everything in Northrend.

  Kalia, who was walking in the forefront, didn't care about marching into this low cave. She held her waist, held the torch, and started the journey of exploration.

   is going to see my stupid brother again.

  Before, Kalia sometimes wondered, if he could stop Alsace in the first place, would everything be different?

   But as the understanding of the events of the year became more and more profound, Kalia found that the problem was not that simple-the moment Alsace fell into the trap, it seemed that the whole tone of the matter had been determined.

   When humanity is tortured, it has already lost.

   No matter how Alsace struggled, he couldn't escape by the means of Dreadlord.

   As for Alsace's human nature, when he had to accept the test, his consciousness was gone.

   That is to say, no matter what route Alsace followed at the time, the final outcome will all be the same or similar.

  Kalia also yearned for immortality when she was a child-but that was just a child's dream.

   And now it’s alright, I'm really immortal.

   But after she really stayed away from death, Kalia realized that death and birth were originally a reincarnation.

   There is no immortality without death, but it looks more like a kind of curse, the kind that will never be released.

   "After dealing with Alsace this time, what should we do? Where is our future?"

   Just when Kalia was thinking about it, they encountered a small group of undead.

  A few undead encounters with them

   are all undead creatures, the two sides are 50-50.

   And this kind of result is obviously unacceptable to Kalia.

  Can you believe it? I am the Royal Guard of the Forsaken!

   How did you go back and forth with a group of salted fish that didn’t know where it came out?

   Could it be that Alsace's men have evolved to this level?

   My God, this is terrible!


   On the other side, in fact, the Lich King also began to ponder after learning about this encounter.

   This is Alsace's initiative!

   He sent the elite of the undead and natural disasters, and Professor Putihide who is most familiar with the terrain here, hoping to give the Allied forces on the side of Drunk Wind a good start.

   But depending on the situation, Arthas's side was also a complete failure-the undead under Kalya looked much stronger than expected, which made Arthas have to be more cautious.

   After all, this is a battle of life and death.

   If you really lose to Drunken Wind, then there will be no Lich King and Arthas.

  Unlike the original history, the scale of the undead natural disasters is not uncontrollable. As long as Alsace is really killed and the undead staying in Northrend, everyone can slowly clean up!

   And after Alsace conducted his own test, Saratas cautiously finally moved.

   Soon, an action against the orcs was finally ready.

   A large number of faceless men suddenly appeared on the scene, and then directly launched a surprise attack on the orcs who were still marching in a hurry.

   Well, it was a surprise attack, but it was actually a head-on confrontation.

   After all, for the orcs, the raid will not bring chaos-on the contrary, this kind of undeclared war often makes them more excited.

   Everyone, I long for glory.

   So, a group of excited Korkalong directly pounced on the Faceless.

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