Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 855: Forgotten

  Kalia chose to stay in Northrend after all.

  Without the help of Frostmourne, relying only on this helmet, it is very difficult for Kalia to completely control these undead.

The undead under the Lich King are completely different from the forsaken under Kalia’s rule. They are really thoughtless walking dead. If Kalia is careless and relaxes their control a little, they may show addiction at any time. The nature of blood.

   Maybe the walrus or other people will be unlucky.

   In this case, Kalea must always be careful-it is impossible to leave, so returning to Lordaeron has become indefinitely.

   Fortunately, Taresa is still at Dunhold Castle-with the assistance of Archbishop Faor, she came to Lordaeron and began to act as an agent for the Forsaken.

   said it was an agent, but in fact, there was not much that Taresa really needed to do, and with Faor's help, plus she had also served as a director of Dunhold Castle, so the Forsaken did not cause turmoil.

The Silver Hand completed his own revenge and trial of evil-Drunk Wind handed Kel'Thuzad and Professor Putrihid to Old Fording with great face. Anyway, the pledge is not interested in these guys, so simply give it to the Alliance. It can satisfy the Paladins' sense of justice.

Originally, the Violet Avenger wanted to participate in Kel'Thuzad’s trial, but Khadgar opened up part of Ulduar. The wizards immediately said what was the meaning of the trial. It’s better to go to Ulduar to see, because the remnants of the natural disasters were all It was handed over to the Hand of Silver for purification.

   As for the tribe, this time the shot was more to clean up the surrounding environment. After all, in the case of Northrend, the old lair had a bunch of undead next to it.

The growth of Dranosh is the unexpected joy of the tribe. Dranosh, who has truly experienced life and death, has become a real Saurfang-fighting bravely while maintaining a certain level of calmness. It's simply rare.

   But compared with the beaming and revenge alliance, the current state of the tribe is very bad.

   Continuous blood loss from the war coupled with the death of the powerful Warsong clan chiefs and the young chiefs before and after, even the rectal orcs will inevitably be a little confused.

   Fortunately, the current tribal chieftain is Thrall.

When many orcs were ready to move, Thrall simply held a contest-in the arena just built in Durotar, the young orcs (and some big girls) were able to vent their overly exuberant experiences. The final victor will become the generation chief of the Warsong clan.

   This event is not limited by origin, but it limits the age, and also limits the combat partners-Thrall and Drektal racked their brains and formulated a series of rules to maintain the order of this competition.

There is no doubt that in this unprecedented competition, the winner will get the supreme glory, and this kind of glory cannot be rejected by the orcs-just like after all the plans are made, Thrall said That way, "I even want to end in person at such a grand event, and come to a battle without asking the elements for help."

  The orcs' contest is in full swing, and in the underground of Northrend, the Azjol-Nerubians have begun to make a fortune.

Anub'arak died under Atud's (or under one horn), but Atud always felt that Anub'arak deliberately did not avoid his attack. This Aizhu-Nerub once After all, the king fell under his former men.

   After finding the source of life left behind by their ancestors, Azjol-Nerub also began a new life. Now that the revenge is over, they now have only one goal, which is to rebuild their homeland.

  The adventurers returned to Misty Harbor through the huge ship hired by the oath. It is foreseeable that there will be a lot of new talks in the taverns in Misty Harbor in the future.

   As for the adventurers who have fallen completely in Northrend, there may be people who have fought with them before, commemorating them with a glass before drinking, and then scolding, "The **** owes me several gold coins before he died."

Of course, there are also people who are frustrated by the death of their friends-for example, an adventurer named Solidas Stukov, who lost his left eye and the best in Northrend Friend, Tauren Spearman Raig from Thunder Bluff.

   Since then, this human warrior, nicknamed Ghost Agent, chose to return to Gilneas' hometown and spend the rest of his life in peace.

The blue dragons are still in the magic hub sorting out Azeroth’s increasingly chaotic magic net, and the red dragons are also guarding lives as always. The bronze dragons no longer travel time but start to truly travel Azeroth and record themselves Seeing everything, Malfurion fell asleep surreptitiously. Kael'thas of the high elves finally took the throne as the new Sun King, the fog of Pandaria was completely dispersed, and cheap agricultural products allowed the refugees in the Westfall to get the problem. Quick solution-Azeroth seems to have restored peace and tranquility once again.

   Of course, except for the Wasteland of Fear-Nomi and Lili had an upset there.


   The battle of the Ice Palace is over, the battle of the Northern Expedition is over.

  Although there are still aftermaths, Kalia needs some time to adapt to wearing a But what is certain is that Northrend's problem is finally solved-and completely solved.

   There is no Yogg-Saron, no Lich King, no Saratas.

   But the wind was drunk but didn't want to enjoy this rare peace. He went directly to the Dark Portal, and even Kael'thas passed by in a hurry for the enthronement ceremony.

   Drunk Wind rushed to the Dark Temple non-stop to meet Illidan, and figure out what the jump ship they got was.

   After all, I got the news of the Burning Legion's expedition during the raid on Mardum, and through the performance of the transition ship, Drunk Wind can relatively accurately judge the way and time of the Burning Legion to Azeroth.

   Well, the method should be determined, but the time is destined to be unclear. After Illidan returned in the Dark Temple, I accidentally discovered that the time flow rate of the Dark Temple and Marton seemed to be different.

   Illidan fought in Mardun for more than a month, but from the perspective of the Dark Temple, they only went there for three days.

   So, when the Burning Legion will arrive, no one seems to be able to say it clearly-even Sargeras may not even know...

   But Drunk Wind, who did not find this problem, has rushed directly to the Dark Temple. Behind him, the draenei craftsmen temporarily put down the restoration work of the Storm Fortress and went directly to the Dark Temple.

   For these draenei craftsmen who are committed to repairing the storm fortress and returning to Argus, this jump ship may be able to provide some incredible inspiration!

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