Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 861: Going to Karesh

   These draenei artisans really made Drunk Feng speechless.

   They used thousands of years of being single to prove that there is no time limit for Zhu Gusheng.

   Say lonely for a lifetime, just lonely for a lifetime!

  Well, this is just a joke, after all, these draenei artisans are not worse than others, even more free and easy.

   Everyone has their own choice, right?

Soon, in addition to a certain unlucky person who was still copying books and a few remaining troops, a large number of demon hunters, warlocks, and watchers were assembled. Zuifeng also deliberately pulled the void dragon under his old mother-in-law. Enhance the mobility of this unit, after all, from Nerus’s mouth, I learned that Karesh’s place is still very large.

   It is said to be no less than Azeroth.

   Although the erosion of the void energy has become much smaller there, it is definitely not comparable to the broken Marton, so Drunk Wind must make all the preparations.

   And the appearance of the void dragons also brought Nerus's evaluation of Drunk Wind to a higher level.

   Ethereal spirits have their own native mounts-in the arid Karesh, the Ethereal spirits domesticated the void camel, which looks like a camel, as their mounts very early.

   But it's a pity that after the void energy was poured into Karesh, these poor void camels had to be wrapped in thick bandages like their masters to maintain stability in form.

  Moreover, not all Void Camels have this kind of treatment. After all, in critical moments, we often need to give up some.

  Although Drunken Wind and his subordinates have not seen the performance in Karesh yet, with the appearance of these void dragons, Nerus already feels a great opportunity.


  In people's impression, the void is nothingness, and the energy of the void is a kind of chaos.

   But Karesh is different, at least once.

Karesh used to be a complete world-although it is a bit difficult to give birth to a Titan, there may be a chance to give birth to a star dome with some surrounding galaxies. Although there is no Titan's intervention, there is only a virtual spirit. Intelligent creatures, but also enough to be called "a world".

   It's a pity that they were spotted too early.

   Dimensius is not a very powerful character-at least under the influence of the void, he is far away from the force of the ancient gods.

   And just such a not-so-powerful guy, he ruined Karesh.

   Although Karesh used to be dry and severely deserted because of two suns, there are always oasis in the desert. Under the hard work of the Ethereals, they built Karesh into a vibrant area.

   In order to fight the wind and sand, the virtual spirits used their own sealing technology to create a dome canopy to isolate all unfavorable factors that may interfere with their lives, such as excessive radiation and terrible wind and sand.

   (These dome greenhouses also exist in Outland, that is, those dome ecosystems-yes, these are the masterpieces of the Ethereals.

   But all of this became meaningless when Dimensius arrived.

   Although it is known as the Devourer of the Worlds, Dimensius is not easy to swallow a complete structure of the world-this swallowing is often in units of 10,000 years.

   So the first step, in order to eliminate the resistance of this world, Dimensius began to destroy Karesh's protection.

All planets will have shields that isolate the void energy due to their own energy, and Dimensius's skill is to pierce these shields. Soon, Karesh was opened by Dimensius and injected a lot of them. A portal to void energy.

   The chaotic void energy directly eroded everything.

   The golden sand turned into a weird purple-black crystal, and all creatures outside the settlement began to mutate and become extinct.

   Soon, even these domes could hardly withstand the erosion of Dimensius.

   The Void Spirits, who are no longer waiting to die, combined the power of the whole family and began to build a huge circle to protect the entire planet, hoping to isolate the erosion of the void.

   Their idea is very simple, that is to simply isolate all disordered energy, so that the chaotic void energy can no longer destroy the world.

   The idea is good, but the actual result is far from the imagination.

   Void energy was temporarily isolated, but the magic circle unexpectedly began to frantically absorb orderly energy, the name of this energy is arcane.

   Then, the terrible arcane storm began to raging in Karesh, caught by surprise, the Ethereals lost their bodies and turned into an extremely unstable arcane-soul state.

   With their own sealing technique, they barely wrapped their body with a bandage.

   But the catastrophe is far from over.

   The devouring of Dimensius continued, but the magic circle that sealed the entire Karesh insisted on not knowing it. The sudden change in form made the Ethereals caught off guard, and for a while, it was impossible to maintain this circle.

   Fortunately, they found that under their new form, they seemed to have a peculiar connection with the astral world. They could move freely in the astral world, so after some discussions, they finally chose to give up Karesh.

The Ethereals took away almost everything they could take away, and left their homes to become astral They have been conducting various transactions, looking forward to one day they can use the benefits they have gained and hire strong enough The people, help them kill Dimensius and take back their Karesh.

   In the jump ship, Zuifeng quietly listened to Nerus's narration-this phantom's tone was extremely calm, but from Zuifeng's point of view, the excessive calmness exposed his excitement.

   But this has nothing to do with Zuifeng.

   Zuifeng cares more about the part where the Ethereal transforms into a bandaged person.

   This is very interesting-why is it that the Void Spirit is obviously the duality of the arcane-soul, but it can move freely between the star realm and even distort the void?

   Could it be that there is also some connection between arcane and shadow?

   Arcane and fel are order and chaos, holy light and shadow are justice and evil, is there a connection between arcane and shadow? What about fel and light?

   Drunk Wind thought for a long time, and found that only arcane and holy light, fel and shadow would often appear together.

   Hazy, Zuifeng seemed to feel as if he was about to catch something, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't catch it.

   shook his head, Zuifeng no longer thinks about this question. This kind of essential thing can't be clearly figured out by patting his forehead.

   Besides, Karesh has arrived now.

   Well, I have to say that some of the technologies of the Burning Legion are still good. Compared with that trip to the Storm Fortress with the help of Millhouse coordinates, the ride on the jump ship is at least comfortable, not a little bit better.

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