Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 865: The plot of Dimensius

Dimensius, Devourer of All Realms, Fatty Blue under Lord Void.

Originally, Zuifeng thought that this title was just a joke. How terrible can a BOSS with a small field mission chain be?

Zuifeng selectively forgot that even Loken was just a five-person boss.

(Drunk Wind, who has never played 7.0, doesn't even know that even Ysera died in the field mission... so embarrassing!)

And after calming down the anger of these souls, Drunk Wind finally knew what happened to Karesh after the ethereal left.

When the barrier was successfully established, Karesh, who was isolated from the shadow energy, did not directly restore calm as the Ethereal wished, but began to crazily attract arcane energy, so the entire planet became a serious arcaneization from the first desertification. .

Most of these deceased died in the process of arcaneization, after all, the resistance of the bandager to the arcane storm was really bad.

Their souls are not annihilated, but the arcane body has become part of the arcane storm, so their "perception" is rather chaotic.

However, in this chaos, they began to converge.

No one knows why, but what can be confirmed is that the magic circle did not block the claws of Dimensius. The Devourer of the Worlds did not give up his plot against Karesh, and was even trying to absorb the power of arcane magic!

This conclusion seems strange.

Is Dimensius so good?

But Zuifeng believed, because in theory, Maharaja Void was also a fat blue man.

Maybe the ancient gods existed in order to corrupt the potential star souls and used them by the Void Lord, while the Dimensius family was to swallow the weak world and grow their own power!

Will it all make sense soon after thinking about it this way!

All the enemies are pulled over, all the miscellaneous fish are eaten, the policy is clear!

And the most critical point to prove Drunk Wind's guess is that Dimensius's circle is already destroying the shadow seal-the appearance of Mana Wraith is based on this.

A large amount of information drowned the drunk wind, and he could only avoid shock as much as possible while guarding his consciousness.

At this moment, the drunken wind is like a great Yu who controls the water. He must channel the soul energy and untie the entanglement between the arcane and the soul, so that this tangled aggregate can be completely disintegrated!

A difficult task, but after resisting the first craziest impact, Drunk Wind started to become more comfortable.

Although the process is slow, drunk wind can feel that he is gradually clearing away these tangled souls!

From the perspective of others, the mana resentment in front of Zuifeng was like a cloud of smoke meeting Qingfeng, and slowly disappeared.

Several people present felt a clear sense of vitality-although the place was deserted, the souls of those dead Ethereal spirits became part of the surrounding environment.

This subtle feeling of vitality appeared.

If according to the law of events in Azeroth, the souls of these virtual spirits will return to the wilderness, and then become part of the wild spirits. As for whether the wild spirits can be born in Karesh, this is beyond the control of Drunk Wind. .

After a long time.

Zuifeng finally opened his eyes.

After shook his head gently and dispelled the slight discomfort, Zuifeng finally spoke.

"Something has been gained-I think we have some other gains now."

Of course, this is not the place to talk. The three of Zuifeng chose to wait patiently. After Allen and his teammates used Nerus’ equipment to collect data, Zuifeng returned to the vicinity of the jump ship with them. .


Nerus originally wanted to process the data, but Zuifeng said something more important and dragged him to the conference room.

"The horror of Dimensius is beyond my expectation." Drunk Feng said straight to the point, "I solved a huge mana grievance-a twisted collection of Ethereal Dead souls and arcane magic, and I released those poor souls. , But in the process, I got some of their perception."

"The memories of my people?"

"Not a memory, just some chaotic, hazy perception." Zuifeng shook his head, "but the news still makes me a little uneasy."

"what happened?"

"Dimensius is devouring the core of this world."

"It's like this. When I was appeasing my soul, I felt their inexplicable hostility towards outsiders—the hostility was very strong. I thought this was the subconsciousness of your people at first, but when I carefully appeased, I found that It is the arcane energy that is holding the power of the soul."

"In other words, these arcane powers are resisting your arrival?"

Several other people understood the meaning of Zuifeng for the first time. If Zuifeng's description is accurate, then it is obvious that arcane magic is the driving force of mana grievances attack.

In other words, the subconsciousness of those souls is not hostile, it is the power of arcane that has launched an impact on Drunk Wind-otherwise Drunk Wind may really lose consciousness and become an idiot!

"That's right." Drunk Wind nodded, "And this arcane power is not the same as Arcane Storm-I suspect that the aggressive arcane power comes from Karesh, not from the stars. Arcane energy absorbed in the world."


Several other people were silent.

If Drunk Wind’s perception is right, then this is very telling-why is Karesh hostile?

"An old friend of mine (jiu), Bryan, once mentioned to me that the soul of the stars-or each planet itself-has its own inherent attributes, which will affect the people living here. Creatures, and star souls are not an exclusive race, but according to your description, you are the only intelligent race of Karesh, so Karesh’s planetary will should be very similar to yours. He should be communicative and good at communicating. It’s not right to throw a fist up there."

The other three nodded course, this is only one aspect. The key evidence is that in the process of comforting, I felt something unusual, that is the power of the shadow, and it is related to the ancient times. The power of shadow similar to the god. "

"Combining these two points, I can basically confirm that the purpose of Dimensius is to assimilate, infiltrate, and then swallow Karesh, and now Karesh has been affected, even part of it has been swallowed!"

When Zuifeng made a conclusion, the remaining three people became serious.

Things seem to be more troublesome than expected. According to the estimation of the Ethereal Spirit, the current Karesh has at most received some influence because of the Shadow Seal, but now things are not the same as imagined.

After all, Dimensius, who has not devoured Karesh, and Dimensius, who started devouring Karesh, are completely opponents.

If part of Karesh has now become part of Dimensius, the battle plan needs to be more cautious. 8)

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