Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 880: Drunken foresight


(This chapter is two-in-one, it is really difficult to separate,)

After solving the problem of an old man who wanted to hold his grandson, Zuifeng and Jaina exchanged opinions on how to clean up N'Zoth.

Facing Jaina, Drunk Wind didn't hide it, and directly stated his request for Kul Tiras.

"I hope you can directly attack Naga directly."

"...!!!" Jaina was shocked.

Although she was mentally prepared before that, Kul Tiras would definitely take on a relatively important task, but she really did not expect that Drunk Wind would let herself attack Naga frontally?

That's Naga! The most terrifying opponent in the sea!

For Kul Tiras, Naga, an old opponent, couldn’t be more familiar with—about 30% of the accidental losses suffered by Kul Tiras at sea every year are due to Naga— If we count the things that Naga's murlocs did, then this number would rise to 50%.

This is pretty scary!

For Kul Tiras who relies on trade, Naga has always been a huge trouble!

The naga that may appear at any time often makes a big taxpayer go bankrupt—what, do you mean pirates?

Please, for Kul Tiras, pirates can never cause trouble alone!

For the sailors of Kul Tiras, pirates have never been a concern for them. When facing the skull and crossbones that appeared on the sea, the sailors would often untie the rum (and sometimes Erguotou, Thanks to Zuifeng), take a sip, and then a wave of positive.

As a country with only navy and marines, almost all men in Kul Tiras have served at sea. In other words, even the merchant ships of Kul Tiras are full of retired soldiers.

In this case, in the face of pirate attacks, the merchant ships of Kul Tiras are rarely caught with their own hands. Anyway, for the sake of looting, the pirates cannot directly sink the merchant ships. In this case, as long as the pirates choose In the battle, the guys of Kul Tiran will make them look good!

Over time, the pirates gradually became disinterested in the merchant ships of Kul Tiras. Even dogs know that meat is better than bones. This also causes ships of other countries to even hang Kul Tiras. The flag of Sri Lanka to avoid pirate attacks!

However, even the sturdy Kul Tirans can't help but frown when they mention Naga.

In the sea, Naga's advantage is too great.

The huge size and the terrifying power brought by the deep sea make the male naga's power horribly powerful-except for the tauren, it seems that no race has the physical quality of the male naga, nor can the orcs!

The female naga is even more terrifying-most of them are spellcasters.

Except for the high elves and dragons, no race has such a terrible proportion of casters!

Even if most of the Naga spellcasters are half-hearted Naga wizards, this number is enough to crush many forces.

Had it not been for the heavy dependence on the sea, Kul Tiras would have even perished under the attack of the Naga.

In this case, you told me that Kul Tiras should attack the Naga frontally?

Or at sea?

Are you sure this is not trying to cheat me?

Although full of doubts, Jaina resisted the urge to question directly, and looked at Drunk Wind with a puzzled face.

Jaina knew that Drunk Wind could not send Kul Tiras to death—after all, Kul Tiras might be the strongest navy among the Alliance, Horde, and Oath.

With the exception of Kul Tiras, the navies of other countries in the Alliance are at best fighting pirates - sometimes, the regular army is not an opponent of pirates.

On the tribe’s side, it’s not that Jaina looks down on the orcs. Their navy is a joke. From the time of the orc wars, the orcs’ navy has a tradition of “all ships are thin and stuffed”, and their fleet has superb load capacity, but The protective ability is touching. Just transportation, but whether it can be delivered depends on God's will.

As for the troll-if the canoe is also considered a navy, then the troll's navy is not bad!

It is precisely because of the importance of the Kul Tiran Navy in Azeroth that Jaina believes that Drunk Wind cannot deliberately pit herself, which is meaningless!

Sure enough, after uttering his request, Zuifeng began to explain his plan in detail.


For N'Zoth, Zuifeng's layout has been prepared for a long time.

As the only ancient **** that has not been eliminated in the game, everything about N'Zoth is unknown to Zuifeng. After all, the identity of the "prophet" of Zuifeng is not because he can pinch it, but Because he knows the plot...

This kind of unknown gave Drunk Wind a sufficient degree of caution, and he must be careful and consider all possible issues.

First of all, the location of N'Zoth is unclear.

Drunk Wind did not know the specific location of N'Zoth being sealed. He had asked the guardians such as Leiden and Thorim about this question, but the guardians also said that they did not know.

This is very embarrassing.

The guardians said that when N'Zoth was first sealed, everyone knew where he was-but then, after the War of the Ancients, the Well of Eternity exploded, all the land moved after the sky broke.

And N'Zoth's seal was completely buried by the sea!

In this case, how do we know where N'Zoth is?

But fortunately, we have Illidan—well, I mean we have Vashj.

As Azshara’s former personal maid and absolute confidant, although Vashj didn’t know the location of N’Zoth’s seal (the cunning N’Zoth didn’t even tell Azshara where he was. This ancient **** really will The interpretation reached the extreme. It was clear that Azshara helped him to have a chance to escape from prison, but N'Zoth didn't, he thought the prison was safer), but she still had some clues.

And, do you still remember C'Thun in Silithus by the Daming Lake?

Do you still remember the submarine tunnel left by the Ahn'Qiraj worms before Kethunbe's exile?

To this day, no one knows the existence of this tunnel except for some high-level personnel who pledged.

And an important function of this tunnel is to deal with N'Zoth!

Speaking of this, we have to mention some non-staff personnel of the oath.


For various reasons, the Azjol-Nerubians did not join the pledge after all. During the natural disaster war, they were hit extremely deadly, and most importantly, it was difficult for them to accept assistance from others.

In this case, their joining the pledge itself is a non-profitable thing.

Therefore, although Atud was very good at Drunk Wind in many cases, Azjol-Nerub did not favor any forces.

And when the adventurers were on trial and the drunk wind emptied the city of Azjol-Nerub, where did these people go?

The answer is the endless sea.

These Azjol-Nerubians were transported by Drunk Wind and sneaked into the underwater tunnel left by Ahn'Qiraj.

Therefore, while the adventurers were trying in Northrend, the Azjol-Nerubians were on the bottom of the sea to help Drunk Wind find signs of N'Zoth!

As mentioned earlier, the Azjol-Nerubians were once Yugsalon's men, but they finally got rid of the control of Yugsalon!

The thick carapace is not only an excellent defense, but also can completely isolate emotions to a large extent. It is for this reason that when looking for the ancient gods, they are the best scouts!

The Drunken Mist Trial is, on the one hand, because the oath can’t separate enough manpower, on the other hand, it’s also to conceal people.

At that time, thinking of N'Zoth's infiltration of all forces in Azeroth, Drunk Wind simply concealed it from everyone.

Even during the Battle of the Ice Palace, a large part of the Azjol-Nerubians were still in the undersea tunnel, and the main person who dug through the underground palace was the Azjol-Nerub Avengers.

Under the guidance of Vashj who sneaked back, they conducted a lot of excavations and roughly confirmed the location of N'Zoth.

And this trick of Drunk Wind has indeed concealed everyone-whether it is an enemy or a teammate.

When Drunk Wind revealed everything and everything, Jaina was so surprised that she had nothing to say!

This is... incredible!

When did a tunnel appear at the bottom of the endless sea?

Surprised, Jaina probably understood the meaning of drunk wind.

Kul Tiras' mission is to attack the Naga frontally, but this attack is a feint.

Unsurprisingly, the real attack-must have started from the magical undersea tunnel and headed straight to the deity of N'Zoth!

This is really a genius idea.

In this case, Jaina readily accepted Drunk Wind's request.

And the words of Drunk Wind haven't finished.

"Considering the particularity of N'Zoth, this news must be in the hands of a few people-in fact, today I chose to tell Majesty Dai Lin first, in order to hide those who might be watching."

Jaina knew it.

In other words, if you choose to meet Zuifeng on a relatively formal occasion, Zuifeng will use his boyfriend as a reason to drive away other people.

"Then what's next?" Thinking of this, Jaina suddenly became interested, "My personal problem can be a way to avoid your ears. What about Stormwind? How about Durotar? I believe in your personality. , It's impossible not to use everyone's power?"

When Jaina said that, Drunken Wind smiled.

"You are right, N'Zoth is the only ancient **** I can't see through, so I can't be too cautious when facing N'Zoth-I'm ready to see Vari alone Ann and Thrall did it."

"Can you tell me in advance?"

"Say?" Drunk Wind looked at the curious Jaina and couldn't help but smile. "Why do you want to say it? I hope you and I will go to Stormwind City. We and Varian will work out a superficial the plan of."

"Your plot exceeded my expectations."

Jaina squinted her eyes, staring at the smiling Drunk Wind in front of her. She instinctively felt that Drunk didn’t tell her all the news--even when facing herself, he still had something. hide!

But Jaina didn't mind.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it now, anyway, before making this plan for N'Zoth, Drunk Wind always has to tell him everything-he is not in a hurry!

"Well, I haven't seen brother Varian for a long time. I'll be with you this time."

"my pleasure."


When Varian learned that Jaina had come to Stormwind with Drunken Wind, he instinctively felt something wrong.

How could the two of them come together?

But no matter what, in the face of these two, Stormwind City still put on the highest standard of welcome treatment.

With Varian's permission, Jaina's flagship "Song of Ice and Austria" was parked in the military port of Stormwind, and the royal guard of honor in Stormwind greeted Zuifeng and Jaina.

Jaina walked ahead with a noble temperament.

Drunk Wind is carrying a wine gourd and walking behind in an airless manner.

Well, when the strength reaches the level of Drunk Wind, etiquette is meaningless. No one will get angry because of Drunk Wind’s unraveling-even if Drunk Wind calls him "Little Varian" after seeing Varian. ".

On the contrary, even when Varian heard the name "Little Varian", he was even a little moved.

Because the last person who called him that was Lothar.

Varian couldn't help thinking of some past times.

At that time, together with Zuifeng, Lothar, and Turalyon, in the hut of the Westfall Farm, facing the abandoned Stormwind City, counted the nobles once.

That is also the first step to become a true king.

Of course, Varian is no longer the stunner he used to be. He is now the king of Stormwind, and his surprise is only a moment.

As for the name Zuifeng, the accompanying nobles had a lot of interpretation.

"This Pandaren has no manners and should be driven away."-This is a certain mentally disabled view. For each family, if anyone has this view, the future is basically gone. How much is this? Stupid will care about drunk etiquette?

"Could it be that this is the omen of the vow to be close to the alliance?"-This is the view of some sensitive people. For them, every word and deed, clues have their meanings, and Drunk Wind cannot call Wari inexplicably Ann is "Little Varian", which is definitely sending out some kind of signal.

"Drunk Wind probably drank too much."-This is the opinion of the ambassador of Ironforge to Stormwind...

Well, Zuifeng didn't drink too much, and didn't mean too complicated. This term is just a kind of emotion.

Don't forget, the drunken wind also contributed to the construction of this Stormwind City.

In a flash of effort, twenty years have passed!

Although the current life span of Drunk Wind is terribly long, he still has a lot of emotion in the face of the passage of time. Little Varian just felt it.

Of course, if you know that this will mislead other people's thinking, drunk wind will not mind it. 8)

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