Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 908: Embarrassing 3-party meeting

   The meeting between Enzos and Azshara happened in an awkward place. Update fast.

   meet here, which proves that both parties seem to have chosen to speak out.

   N'Zoth did not stand by for help as he said, but took the lead in driving away Azshara and did not try his best to rescue as he said, but did not rush.

   When everyone is not keeping their promises, two guys who are pregnant with ghosts meet like this.

   N'Zoth wanted Azshara as if nothing had happened, but Azshara couldn't let N'Zoth slip away.

  If N'Zoth does run away, then the naga will be really restless. Naga without the ancient **** will not be the enemy of the oath, but the naga with the ancient **** will never be trusted.

   You said you have nothing to do with N'Zoth, I believe it?

   Do you think I am Garrosh?

   This kind of deceptive trick, Garrosh doesn't believe it!

   As long as N'Zoth is still alive, the vow will never believe Naga.

   So, for the sake of Naga’s tomorrow, please die!

   And N'Zoth obviously understands this. If you want to escape quickly, you can't do it. Then just kill Azshara. Who made you accept my transformation?

  Under the control of N'Zoth, Azshara's flesh and blood began to fester.

   is the product of N'Zoth after all, as long as N'Zoth is willing, Azshara's body cannot maintain stability at all.

   But on the other side, under the command of Azshara, the Naga Queen's Guard also swarmed up, trying to catch N'Zoth's most experienced Naga Sea Witch, who had arranged the enchantment, and N'Zoth would never run out!

   Enzos had no choice but to temporarily stop controlling Azshara, and then escaped with all his strength.

   Although this is a small part of N'Zoth, although N'Zoth is a weak chicken.

   But he is an ancient **** after all.

   It is still too difficult to catch N'Zoth with these naga alone.

   The poor guard of the Queen Naga, under the vision of N'Zoth, was tortured to death. Do you think I am here? Sorry, I am there!

   In desperation, Azshara endured the pain caused by her body breakdown and gave orders.

   "Send the signal, the person who swore the oath will come out!"

   At this moment, the pitch-black octopus seems even darker.

   "Azshara, you are looking for death!"

   "It's always going to die anyway, it's better to take you together!"

   "If you keep quiet, I guarantee your body will not collapse!"

   "But the vow will not leave me and I know that you modified my body to steal control if you have the opportunity?"

   When the two people were arguing, the Naga Sea Witch of the Queen’s Guard had already blessed himself with the effect of the Siren’s Song, and then shouted out.

   "En'Zoth is here!"


   On the other side, in the deepest part of the temple, Drunken Wind and Assault Team also found something wrong.

   After Thrall was recruited, N'Zoth seemed to stop doing it.

   This is unusual.

   In the eyes of Drunk Wind, N'Zoth is likely to be making a big news.

   So everyone became more cautious. If it weren't for being unable to move when seeing Su Hupu, Drunk Wind would even drive on purifying the road, I was really afraid that he would be caught in N'Zoth's trap again.

   But these precautions became useless in the end...

   When I arrived at the main hall of the temple, Drunk Wind knew at a glance that this was a fake N'Zoth.

   The frequency of the tentacles swinging is more accurate than the clockwork clock, who are you lying...

   No wonder N'Zoth doesn't even have the iconic broken thoughts, this is a long time ago!

   At this moment, Drunk Feng really felt a little irritable. He had spent so much effort. It was blooming on the tree, and it was going through the warehouse secretly. Unexpectedly, N'Zoth finally came to escape the golden cicada.

   It's fun now, N'Zoth ran away.

   How annoying is a hidden ancient god?

   The last guy who did this was called Saratas, and she hid for tens of thousands of years.

   Did you fall short in the end?

   Just as everyone was a little desperate, Naga's hoarse voice suddenly spread throughout New Azshara.

   "En'Zoth is here!"

   Drunk Feng looked dumbfounded, and after reacting, a small group of druids were left looking at this shell, and the rest drove out at full speed.

   Regardless of whether this Naga said true or false, there is always a direction.

   As for misleading or something, Zuifeng doesn't care anymore.

If N'Zoth has really left the temple, then go to him now, how can you not find it. Since you have faced the worst situation, even if you look at the result, it won’t be worse, right? ?

   The drunk wind who hurriedly left the temple followed the sound to find the location of the incident, and then saw the octopus jumping up and down at a glance.


   Next to N'Zoth, the crowned Naga was dying.

   "Quickly, suppress N'Zoth, save our Majesty the Queen!"

   Faced with these naga's requests for help, Zuifeng remained cautious enough.

   is not drunk and cold-blooded, but he really doesn't know what the story is. It's really Naga and N'Zoth acting together in a play, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

   But when he observed carefully, he found that there really seemed to be some kind of internal conflict on the other side...

  Enzos, this is going to kill


   Azshara must have undergone some transformation, and the tentacles in his body grew crazily, but at the same time, these tentacles were madly exploding!

   Drunk Wind made a decisive decision, jumped out, and hit N'Zoth.

  The black octopus finally panicked.

   For the ancient gods Drunk Wind is the most difficult thing to confuse and ineffective, can only destroy.

   But now N'Zoth is a bit difficult to destroy a murloc, and there is almost no chance to face the drunk wind.

   In desperation, N'Zoth finally decided to give it a go!

   Just when Drunk Wind was about to catch N'Zoth, the black octopus suddenly rushed to Azshara's side, and in the next second it became one with the queen of Naga!

   The flesh and blood collapse stopped.

   The drunk wind was stunned, and the Naga Guards were also stunned.

What's happening here?

  En'Zoth and Azshara merged?

   Just when Drunk Wind was about to start, Azshara waved his hand, and a flash of lightning stopped Drunk Wind.

   "The war is over. Now Azeroth has no N'Zoth."

   "What do you mean." Zuifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and carefully looked at Azshara in front of him, "Who are you now?"

"I'm Azshara!" Naga's face was slightly raised, the snake's hair was stretched, and the soft waist was stiff and enchanting. The wind seemed to see the light in the light ten thousand years ago. Unprepared, but I don’t know I’ve been on guard!"

   "Really?" Drunk Feng showed a playful smile, "Then I'll see, who are you!"

   A finger pointed directly at the Touch of Azshara's Reincarnation!

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