This trip to the ancient wilderness not only gained Taiyuan spiritual treasures and spiritual roots, but more importantly, it gave Taiyuan a clear understanding of the way of Hunyuan.

Since he transformed into the Tao, Taiyuan's cultivation has reached the perfection of Daluo Jinxian. No matter how he practiced, Taiyuan could only increase his magical power, but he was at a loss about the way forward.

However, this trip made the three rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi immersed in the depths of Taiyuan Yuanshen move.

This realization didn't matter, but it made Taiyuan Ming realize the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal above Daluo.

Taiyuan is the authentic Pangu sect, not to mention the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, even the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal can also attain it.

But it’s hard to say how many years it will take.

Among all the ancient worlds, there are a few others who are suffering from the same distress as Taiyuan. Taiyuan is already at the forefront, and taking the lead this step means taking the lead step by step.

Qingdu Mountain, Shouyang Peak, and Wuji Cave.

Taiyuan is sitting on the stone platform, and the avenue is flowing above Qingyun. The laws of power, time, space, destiny, immortality, magic, life, five elements, yin and yang, and cause and effect echo each other.

This is far more than the number of three thousand. The so-called three thousand avenues represent infinite avenues, not just three thousand avenues.

At the time of Daluo Jinxian, Taiyuan's understanding of the law had reached an extremely deep level.

Now that we are only half a step away from Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the laws of the Great Dao are faintly overflowing.

Among the countless avenues, the most eye-catching one is the epoch-making Dao Fruit. It is Pangu's mark of creation. Obtaining this mark can obtain the essence of Pangu's founding of the world, and it is only a matter of time before he can prove the beginning of the Tao.

The chaos bell jingled, refining countless earth, water, wind and fire. Hongmeng and all realms were suppressed by the chaos bell, and the supreme holy power that created the world eclipsed the sky and the earth.

Hongmeng's Heavenly Ruler measured the heavens and cut through the chaotic spaces.

The strange phenomena on Shouyang Peak are not only seen by the creatures in Qingdu Mountain, but the terrifying atmosphere contained in them can even be felt far away from Qingdu Mountain.

And near Shouyang Peak, countless spiritual beasts were frantically swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. These auras contain the power of laws. If you can understand the mysteries, you will achieve great fortune.

Three rays of purple energy flew wildly in Taiyuan Yuanshen. The rhythm of the avenue made Taiyuan completely intoxicated. Many avenues that had not been comprehended were also completely understood at this moment.

Three phantoms gradually appeared on the three flowers of heaven, earth and man. At this moment, Taiyuan finally realized the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Dao Fruit.

Purple air rises between heaven and earth, and there are thousands of golden lotuses. Countless creatures on Qingdu Mountain can open their spiritual wisdom, and those who have already opened their spiritual wisdom can directly transform.

This is the world's celebration of the first monk in the world who has attained the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Dao Fruit.

The immeasurable merit formed a golden wheel of merit at the back of Taiyuan's head, which prevented all evils from retreating and all laws were protected from invasion.

Although he is not the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, he is the first Hunyuan Golden Immortal after all, and he has received a lot of merit from heaven and earth.

"After hundreds of millions of years of hard work, I finally achieved enlightenment today, and the road ahead is clear!"Taiyuan opened his eyes, and the images of earth, water, wind, and fire in his eyes gradually subsided.

After all, Pangu Zhengzong is innately superior to other creatures.

Taiyuan has also understood the path of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian..At this moment, Taiyuan also knew what the Hongmeng Purple Qi was.

The three Hongmeng Purple Qi in the Yuan Shen were the origin of the Great Dao. Originally, Taiyuan was the master of Pangu Yuanqi, and the creation of heaven and earth he had obtained. On top of many innate saints.

It is also integrated into it by three Hongmeng Purple Qi, which makes Taiyuan's heritage to a higher level.

The most important thing is that the origin of the avenues contained in it is more precious. These avenues cannot be acquired. Obtained.

Many things have been determined from the beginning.

Among the saints of later generations, those who do not join Pangu are all outsiders. This statement is true.

And it is passed down from later generations that one can attain the Daluo Jinxian of Hunyuan and Taiyuan by obtaining the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Now it is certain that this is indeed a rumor.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi can make the magic weapon an innate treasure and can supplement the foundation and foundation of the living being, but it is absolutely impossible for people to achieve enlightenment and become a saint. Especially after Taiyuan attained the Enlightenment of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, for I have a deeper understanding of the number of days in the dark world.

It is indescribable, unspeakable, and unthinkable.

Once you attain the Hunyuan Dao, you will travel freely in all realms.

Opportunities like the Hongmeng Purple Qi will never happen again in the future. This is Taiyuan's opportunity, and it is also the opportunity of Pangu's lineage.

Taking Qingyun back, three divine lights flew out from the center of Taiyuan's eyebrows and turned into three figures.

Each of them is similar to Taiyuan, but they have their own differences. There are differences.

This is exactly the third generation Tao body that Taiyuan manifested when he realized the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Dao Fruit with the help of three rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi. The so-called three lives are exactly the past, present and future!

The Hongmeng Purple Qi has already been with himself Completely integrated into one, and these three Tao bodies are the same as their own bodies.

How high the cultivation level of this deity is, how high the cultivation level of these three Tao bodies will be, and there is no upper limit.

If it can be achieved At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, when the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit was achieved, the cultivation, magical power, and magic power of the three generations of Taoism will be the same as those of the Hunyuan Saint.

You must know that although the magic power and magical powers between these saints are aware, they are all saints after all. There is a difference. Not big.

Taishang has a magical power called: One Qi Transforms Three Purities, which can manifest the three pure incarnations, but this incarnation is far from the same as the original deity. And there is also a time limit. Once the time is up will disappear.

However, Taiyuan's three-generation Taoist body does not have these restrictions, and its strength is the same as the original one.

"Three Taoists, I will ask you to help me on my way to enlightenment from now on!"Taiyuan said politely to his third-generation Taoist body.

"Fellow Taoist, you're welcome, you and I are one."The one who spoke was his past Tao body. The current Tao body also nodded and said:"My fellow Taoist, the path to enlightenment has been made clear, and Hunyuan can be expected. We are looking forward to this day."

The future Taoist body smiled slightly and said nothing.

Taiyuan already understood its meaning.

Taking back the third generation Taoist body, Taiyuan sat down to consolidate the gains of this enlightenment.

The so-called Hunyuan Golden Immortal of the enlightenment, the increase of magical power It's just secondary. The most fundamental thing is the understanding of Tao and the exploration of one's own path forward.

Especially after having his own Tao of the third generation, Taiyuan's path forward is already very clear.

In Qingdu Mountain, in the different worlds After the elephant disappeared, these spirit-rooted spirit beasts all went back to comprehend the great road. The transformed creatures also bowed in the direction of Shouyang Peak and retreated. In the wilderness, Qingdu Mountain has become a force Transcendental power.

Outside of Qingdu Mountain, Taiyuan Zhendao Hunyuan Golden Immortal brings the greatest shock.

PS: Thank you [13453..】【Lord of Western Yuan]’s monthly pass! Thanks to [三花五气] for the reward! You can't watch the flower rewards backstage, and I would like to thank the boss who gave the flowers!!!

Let’s talk about the setting. The highest state of the living beings in this book is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian (Hunyuan Saint). There is no higher state. Hongjun is the manifestation of the great road and not a living being. The highest level of the magic weapon is the innate treasure. To a certain extent It draws lessons from the setting of"Buddha is the Tao".

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