"The five colors make you blind and the five tones deaf; the five flavors are refreshing and the five fragrances are fragrant.

If it is raised but not damaged, it is called Jing; if it cannot be fought, it is called Wei.

The sage values ​​truth in order to benefit all people; the people value vanity in order to make use of all things.

When you are galloping like crazy, you will hinder the movement of valuable goods; you will remove the eyes for your belly, take this thing and get rid of that.

If you don't see it, it's called Yi; if you hear it but you don't hear it, it's called Xi.

Don't cross-examine and mix them into one; don't criticize them above, and don't be ignorant below them.

If you don't meet the leader, you won't follow the follower; hold on to the ancient way to control the present.

The rope cannot be named, and it returns to nothing; the shape of the shapeless, the image of the shapeless.

Mystical and real changes are called trance; spiritual and illusory beauty are called trance.

Being able to know the beginning of the past is called the outline of the Tao; being able to understand the present and the end well is called the discipline of the Tao."

The purple-green energy in the sky has evolved into incredible runes of the great avenue, telling the mystery of the method of enlightenment, the magical power of opening up the heaven and the earth, the birth and death of the universe, and the changes of all phenomena. The further back, what Taiyuan said The great road becomes more and more mysterious and infinite.

This is the source of enlightenment and the foundation of perfection. If you obtain it, you can have supreme creation. It includes everything, even the way that Pangu created the world.

However, there are many ignorant people in time, and their roots are deep. There are only a few of them.

Most of the Taoists only cultivate magical powers but not morality. There are many who don’t know how to do it, and they are far away from the Tao of Taiyuan.

"I couldn't understand what all this was about. I thought he would talk about some magical powers, but I never expected that everything he talked about was incomprehensible."

A demon cultivator who gained enlightenment from a raccoon cat scratched his ears and cheeks. He couldn't understand the Tao taught by Taiyuan at all, and kept complaining.

A nine-tailed fox next to him heard the words and persuaded him:"The Tao taught by the Immortal is the Tao. The foundation of practicing perfection must not be neglected"

"snort!"The raccoon cat demon snorted coldly.

It turned out that he was unhappy when he saw other demon cultivators being able to understand the wonderful method of the Tao.

It was obvious that his magical power was the most powerful, but he couldn't understand anything, and for a moment he became evil. Health.

Since I can't understand, others can't have an easy time either.

Just when the civet cat spirit was making a loud noise, a stream of light flew out from the Hongmeng Taoist platform and knocked the civet cat spirit away. In the blink of an eye, After falling outside Qingdu Mountain, his entire body cultivation also turned into nothing.

From the time he transformed into a human form and attained the Tao to the time he cultivated to the Golden Immortal Taoist Fruit, this civet cat demon had done countless evil things. The karma in his body was extremely terrifying, if not for If the killing calamity is not over, this civet cat demon should have died long ago.

Taiyuan originally wanted to do justice for heaven with his own hands, but it would not be good if he was the one to eliminate the demon. What's more, his karma is entangled, his energy has been exhausted, and his cultivation has been abolished. , it won’t take long to meet the disaster.

The civet cat spirit is just a trivial matter. Those who listen to the sermon become more and more respectful and do not dare to make the slightest move.

And some people who cannot bear the loneliness will leave silently. In this regard, Taiyuan didn't care either.

Not everyone can have the opportunity to hear the Dao. If you can't understand it, you can't understand it, and you can't force it. But those who can stay here are those who have great perseverance, understanding, and good character.

Although the magical power may not be superior, , but the road to enlightenment is much broader.

In the process of telling the great road, Taiyuan also gradually taught some magical powers.

Especially the Thirty-Six Tiangang Techniques and the Seventy-two Earthly Sha Techniques. The great magical power of Tiangang Disha is Taiyuan comes out through his own enlightenment. Anyone who cultivates these magical powers will connect his own destiny with Taiyuan.

Cultivation is the basis, and magical powers are the art of protecting the Tao and subduing demons, and they are also indispensable.

Being able to escape from the boring road Those who persevere will have the opportunity to learn the thirty-six Heavenly Gang Techniques and the seventy-two Earthly Evil Techniques.

As for how much they can comprehend, it all depends on luck.

In a mountain range far away from Qingdu Mountain, a dog with a The six-eared monkey climbs on the tree and dances, and the five qi gradually gather from the five internal organs.

This is a vision to prove the golden immortal fruit position of Taiyi.

The so-called Taiyi, the five qi toward the Yuan. The Daluo, the three flowers gather. Top.

Once the five qi are condensed, you can achieve the Taiyi Golden Immortal Fruition. All your magic power and magical powers can reach the unimaginable realm of the Dao. Your understanding of the Dao of Heaven will become more energetic and you will truly begin to move toward the Dao.

And this monkey is none other than The six-eared macaque, one of the four monkeys in the world.

Since the opening of Hongmeng, according to the destiny, there are four monkeys in the world.

The first is the smart stone monkey, which can understand changes, know the time of the sky, know the favorable terrain, and move the stars to change the fight.

The second is the six-eared macaque. The macaque is good at listening to sounds, can sense things, know the front and back, and everything is clear.

The third is the cyprinid monkey, which can take the sun and the moon, shrink thousands of mountains, distinguish good and bad, and play with the universe.

The fourth is the red-breasted monkey, who knows the yin and yang. , knows people, is good at getting in and out, avoids death and prolongs life.

These four monkeys do not fall into the ten categories, and do not reach the name of two rooms.

This six-eared macaque is the best at listening, and with its six ears, it can monitor the heavens.

Although his cultivation level is no more than a Golden Immortal, once he uses his six-eared magical power, even a Daluo Golden Immortal can hear. There are not many people in the world who can know the four monkeys in the world, and Taiyuan is one of them.

Here, the six-eared macaque uses his magical power to listen. At the time of Taoism, Taiyuan used to deduce the secrets of heaven and know the causes and consequences.

"Hehehe, I finally talked about magical powers. If I were still talking about the boring Taoist scriptures, I might not be able to hold on anymore!"

This six-eared macaque originally listened to the sermon on Shouyang Peak. However, as Taiyuan's sermons deepened and there were many listeners, the six-eared macaque left Qingdu Mountain and came to an empty place outside. place.

In the past, this six-eared macaque used the six-eared magical power to secretly learn magical skills from many people with great magical powers, and was able to cultivate the golden immortal Taoist fruit. Now he wants to use the same old skills again, which is unknown.

If he is in Qingdu well. Shan listened to the Tao, so Taiyuan followed him. But this six-eared macaque actually used his magical power to listen to the Tao outside Qingdu Mountain. He clearly didn't take himself seriously.

Just when the six-eared macaque was about to attain Taiyi Jinxian Dao At this moment, Taiyuan suddenly stopped preaching. The intoxicated listeners opened their eyes one after another, showing puzzled expressions.

"The law is not spread to the six ears!"

Taiyuan uttered five big words in his mouth, and the people who were sitting down did not notice anything.

But the six-eared macaque who used his magical powers to eavesdrop on Taiyuan's sermon felt as if he was struck by lightning, and the five qi that were about to gather dissipated in an instant..The six-eared macaque, who was originally a golden immortal, had all his magic power and magical powers disappeared, as well as his Tao and Dao fruits. He was no different from the little demon who had just transformed.

"Heavenly Lord, spare your life, Heavenly Lord, spare your life, Liu Er realizes his mistake, Liu Er never dares to eavesdrop again."

The six-eared macaque kowtowed several times in the direction of Qingdu Mountain, with a look of horror on his face.

After Taiyuan abolished his cultivation, he stopped talking and continued to preach.

From then on, there was no one in the wilderness. Dare to accept the six-eared macaque as a disciple, even if it is the Hunyuan Saint, he will not offend the Taiyuan Taoist for this.

The six-eared macaque has been in a state of confusion since then, and was later used by Buddhists to turn it into the second heart of Sun Wukong during the journey to the west, so as to train it Sun Wukong, the Buddhist protector.

In the end, he was beaten to death by Sun Wukong with a stick in Daleiyin Temple to meet the number of days.

This is a later story and will not be mentioned for now.

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