Two important ministers were killed in one day, shocking both the government and the public.

For a time, no one dared to go up to dissuade him, because King Zhou's behavior was so unexpected.

Daji was also very proud after seeing the reaction of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

She found that the shock effect of directly killing the courtiers far exceeded that of simply confusing King Zhou.

After all, King Zhou was not the only one in the court. Even though King Zhou indulged in drinking and sex and ignored the government affairs, with the loyal and good people in the court, it would be difficult for the Yin and Shang Dynasties to completely ruin their luck.

But these loyal ministers were killed, and treacherous villains such as Fei Zhong and You Hun were put in place to replace the loyal ministers. If things continue like this, the Yin Shang Dynasty will not be completely ruined by these people.

Thinking of this, Daji felt very proud.

"In this way, it will be much easier to complete the mission of Nuwa Empress. In a few years at most, the Yin Shang Dynasty will be destroyed!"

Daji was secretly proud, and had already begun to imagine that she would achieve immortality in the future.

Little did she know that it was from this moment that Daji was destined to be unable to achieve immortality.

Of those who were killed because of her, which one was not a great sage of the human race, and which one was not The pillar of the country. With such a huge cause and effect, unless a saint forcibly reverses her fate, it is impossible for her to survive.

A chess piece like an ant, how can a saint reverse her fate?

It’s just that Daji doesn’t know the cause and effect, and is still worrying about her own. The plan was triumphant.

With Du Yuanxian and Mei Bo being killed, Fei Zhong and You Hun became more and more powerful in the court.

In the past, they were just lucky ministers. Although they were favored by King Zhou, their power was not great..

There are many loyal and good ministers in the court, and they naturally disdain Fei Zhong, You Hun and others. It is impossible for King Zhou to become hostile to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty just because he favors Fei Zhong and You Hun.

But it is different now, with Daji blowing pillows by his side. Bian Feng, how could King Zhou care about this? With Daji's help, the two of them improved even more, and soon became important ministers of the dynasty. With the power in hand, Fei Zhong and You Hun naturally wanted to show off their prestige.

They The power was given by King Zhou, and it was given by Daji, so he wanted to share the worries of King Zhou and Daji.

Anyone in the court who advised King Zhou to impeach Daji were attacked by the two of them.

But the more so, the people in the court The opposition becomes stronger

"Bastards, do they take Gu Gu seriously? Who is the emperor?..."

The roar of King Zhou was heard in the Shouxian Palace, and all the palace ladies were so frightened that they trembled and fell to their knees.

However, he saw the ministers of the DPRK and the Central Government impeaching each other and demanding that Daji be dealt with. How could King Zhou not be angry?

Pointing at Fei Zhong and You Hun, King Zhou shouted:"Tell me, are there any ways to solve these problems?"

The two men were suddenly excited. Fei Zhong's eyes rolled as if he had thought of something, and he stepped forward and bowed to King Zhou. Yili said flatteringly:"Your Majesty, actually there is no way to silence these ministers!"

"Um! King Zhou glanced sideways, moved his fingers with some interest, and said,"Tell me, what can I do?"

Fei Zhongyan said:"The reason why these ministers dare to impeach the empress and insult the king is because the king is so kind that the ministers in the court think that the king can be bullied.""

"It is precisely this that makes those ministers increasingly rampant. Only then will she continue to impeach the empress for criticizing the king."

"But as long as torture is used in the court, I believe those ministers will not dare to hinder His Majesty anymore. After all, they may not be afraid of death, but they are certainly afraid of pain!"

After Fei Zhong finished speaking, You Hun also said:"Yes, yes, Master Fei's words are reasonable. Your Majesty, I think this matter is feasible. If you use torture to suppress him, those ministers will definitely not dare to oppose His Majesty again."

"Torture!"King Zhou gently pinched his chin with his fingers and thought.

Although King Zhou is gradually becoming more and more violent, he still pays attention to etiquette when punishing ministers.

The words of Fei Zhong and You Hun opened up a new way of thinking for King Zhou..

Even Daji on the side sighed secretly in her heart:"These two guys are really born to be sycophants, and it is not in vain for me to support them.

Seeing that King Zhou listened carefully to the two men's words, he asked them:"In your opinion, what kind of torture should be used?""


The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

Although they thought of using torture to treat these ministers, they really didn't think about what kind of torture they would use.

King Zhou suddenly asked this question, which made them unable to reply for a while. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the two of them are thoughtful people after all, and their brains are very flexible. They quickly thought of several and told King Zhou one by one.

After hearing this, King Zhou just nodded and suddenly said:"These tortures are indeed cruel, but these ministers may not be afraid."

King Zhou actually thought that the torture he wanted was not cruel enough, and Fei Zhong and You Hun were shocked.. He even dared not look at King Zhou's face for fear that King Zhou would call him another name.

It was Daji who stood up and said to King Zhou:"Your Majesty, I have thought of some tortures, which may relieve your Majesty's worries."

"Oh, my concubine also knows about torture! King Zhou said with great interest.

Daji smiled and said slowly:"I heard that there are two kinds of torture, one is: roasting with cannon, and the other is: 迿 basin." It would be most suitable to use it to deal with these disobedient ministers!"

"What is a cannon and what is a pot?"

Not only King Zhou was interested, but Fei Zhong and You Hun also pricked up their ears and listened carefully to avoid missing anything.

Daji smiled and said:"When I was in Jizhou in the past, I accidentally heard that the barbarians were trying to deal with prisoners. Bronze pillars were burned red and prisoners were placed on them. No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot withstand the fierce fire. This is the punishment of being burned with cannon."

After talking about the torture of cannon, King Zhou was very interested. On the contrary, Fei Zhong, Youhun and the others couldn't help but shuddered in their hearts.

They all said in their hearts:"Such torture is really cruel.

Daji said again:"There is another punishment, called: Haoban." This punishment is also called the Ten Thousand Snakes Pit. As the name suggests, snakes are placed in the pit, the prisoner is skinned clean, thrown into the pit, and fed to the venomous snakes."

"All those who were tortured cried out and begged for mercy. Even a determined person would never be able to bear such pain"[]

"I believe that with these two tortures in place, it won't be long before the ministers dare not say anything more. The king can do whatever he wants, isn't it wonderful? King

Zhou was overjoyed when he heard this. He put his palms in his hands and said with a smile,"My concubine is so smart that she can think of such torture!""

Fei Zhongyouhun also flattered Daji and praised Daji's wisdom.

King Zhou gave Fei Zhongyouhun this torture, and soon everyone in the government and the public were frightened.

Seeing that the faces of the ministers turned pale, King Zhou laughed loudly. Daji left, leaving only a group of civil and military ministers.

Seeing more and more loyal ministers die tragically, some ministers were also discouraged.

Some resigned and went into seclusion, while others never spoke a word and stopped admonishing. In this way Come, the government is becoming more and more neglected, and the world is in danger.

PS: Thank you [17607..】Monthly pass!!

Thank you to the person who donated the flowers!! people!.

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