It is said that Mo Qilin, the great master, travels all over the world and can reach thousands of miles in an instant. One day, he went to Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea. He heard that Zhong entered the island.

Jin'ao Island is a sage's dojo, and Jiejiao is known as the place where thousands of immortals come to visit. Many people meditate and practice Qi here every day.

Wen Zhong came here to invite some familiar Taoist friends.

But when I heard that Grand Master arrived at Jin'ao Island and got off Mo Qilin, he looked around and found that all the cave doors were closed and there was no one there.

Jin'ao Island, which is usually bustling with people, has become a little deserted. Those immortals didn't know where they were going, so quietly.

Looking at a couplet on both sides of Biyou Palace, it reads: Recite three or two volumes of Huang Ting quietly, and there will be celebrities in the West.

Wen Zhongzai was only a disciple of the third generation of Jiejiao, and had no celestial destiny. He is not taken seriously among the Jiejiao sect, so he does not know about this matter of becoming a god.

As a third-generation disciple deeply bound to the human dynasty, Wen Zhong would not receive a decree prohibiting him from going down the mountain to participate in the disputes between the human dynasties.

Seeing the tranquility of the green hills, the roaring of cranes and beasts, Wen Zhongyin sighed:"Because of the complicated state affairs, IWang Tuogu is so heavy, when will he be able to get rid of his troubles? Sitting quietly on the futon, meditating on the mysteries and enlightenment 17, letting the black rabbit fly like a shuttle, how could it be with me."

The affairs of the Yin and Shang Dynasties were difficult, and Wen Zhong felt even more pressure.

If it hadn't been for the Xiqi Rebellion, Wen Zhong would have wanted to leave the court.

"Forget it, let’s go look elsewhere first.

Seeing that there was no one around, Wen Zhong decided to leave Jin'ao Island and go somewhere else.

After boarding Mo Qilin, when he was about to leave Jin'ao Island, he heard someone calling from behind:"Brother Wen Dao!" Where to go?"

Wen Zhong turned around and saw that it was the ten immortals of Jin'ao Island.

The Taoists may wear one-word scarves, nine-yang scarves, or fish-tail gold crowns, or jasper crowns. Seeing this, Zhong couldn't help shouting:"Fellow Taoists, you feel so at ease!"

"I heard, fellow Taoist, you are an official in the human world, how come you have time to come to Jin'ao Island today?"

The speaker was Qin Tianjun, one of the ten immortals of Jin'ao Island.

Wen Zhong sighed and told the ten immortals about the dilemma he encountered.

After saying that, Qin Tianjun was immediately furious:"What a great interpreter, kill me. Fellow Taoist, do you really think that there is no one in Biyou Palace?"

"I heard, fellow Taoist, that we will go to Xiqi with you for this battle, and we will definitely have a showdown with Jiang Ziya."

The other Nine Immortals also echoed.

It is precisely under the calamity that those who have names on the list of gods will not escape the calamity.

Without any effort by Wen Zhong, the Ten Immortals of Jin'ao Island took the initiative to follow Wen Zhong to leave Jin'ao Island and head towards the military camp. Go.

After entering the army, Wen Zhong asked people to entertain the ten immortals.

After drinking for three rounds, Wen Zhong finally said:"There are many disciples of the teachings in Xiqi's army. Jiang Ziya also has a magic weapon in his hand, and he is very powerful. Incomparable."

Wen Zhong told the Ten Immortals in detail the information about Jiang Ziya and others.

After speaking, Yao Tianjun just smiled disdainfully:"Master Wen, our brothers don't need to worry too much here. Since you have come down the mountain to help, you must have a wonderful method!"

"Oh, what wonderful method do these fellow Taoists want to use against Jiang Ziya?"Wen Zhong asked.

Yuan Tianjun said:"The ten of us have each refined a set of formations, which is the source of our destiny and the foundation of Taoism. This is the right way to defeat the enemy"

"Jiang Ziya is a disciple of Kunlun Yuxu. If you want to convert the two religions, it is always the same. It is like killing people in the world of mortals. We don't have to think about it."

"Let's first use the Ten Jue Formation to battle his wits, and only then can we reveal the mysteries of the two religions. If you want to rely on bravery and fighting power, it is not something we and other Taoist sects can do."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Yuan Tianjun's words.

Wen Zhong had never heard of the name of the Ten Jue Formations, so he asked:"What is the mystery of the Ten Jue Formations that fellow Taoists said can defeat Jiang Ziya?"

The ten immortals of Jin'ao Island explained the mysteries of the Ten Jue Formations one by one, and Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao were amazed. After hearing this,

Shen Gongbao touched his palms and said with a smile:"With ten fellow Taoists helping me, Jiang Ziya is nothing to worry about!"

"Fellow Taoist Wen, Fellow Daoist Shen, wait and see, let Jiang Ziya see the power of our Ten Jue Formation tomorrow."Yao Tianjun said with a cold voice from the corner of his eyes.

When he heard that Zhong was hosting a banquet for the Ten Immortals, Ziya was victorious in the Prime Minister's Mansion and discussed world affairs with the generals day by day.

Suddenly he heard the sound of drums and thunder among the Yin and Shang armies, and Jiang Ziya said:"Wen Zhong must have received reinforcements."

Huang Feihu on the side said:"Hearing about the new defeat of the Grand Master, it took only a few days for the left and right men to recover their morale. Wen Zhongnai intercepted the disciples and must have invited immortals to come to help, so be careful."

After hearing this, Jiang Ziya nodded solemnly.

Then he led Nezha, Yang Jian, Huang Feihu, Li Jing, Lei Zhenzi and others to the city to watch.

The Yin and Shang army camp was indeed very different this time, with miserable clouds and cold fog. Floating. There were more than a dozen black energy rushing into the sky, covering the central military tent.

After Jiang Ziya looked at it, he said:"There really is an immortal method to control the merchant army!"

The disciples remained silent and had no choice but to go down to the city and enter the mansion to discuss how to defeat the enemy, but there was really no way.

The next day, the two armies were in position.

Hearing that the Grand Master was riding a Mo Qilin in front, he asked Jiang Ziya to come forward and answer.

Jiang Ziya was sitting on the four sides. , and saw the formation in the Yin Shang camp. I saw Grand Master Wen sitting on a unicorn, holding a golden whip in front, and ten Taoists behind him. At a glance, I knew that he was not someone to be trifled with.

Qin Tianjun came forward on a deer, and when he saw Jiang Ziya, he bowed his head Said:"Fellow Taoist, please come!"

Jiang Ziya bowed his head and replied:"Brother Taoist, I have invited you. I wonder which famous mountain, where is the immortal mansion of all Taoist brothers?"

Qin Tianjun said:"I am Qin Wanshiye, a qigong master from Jin'ao Island, you are a disciple of Kunlun, and I am a disciple of Jiejiao. Why do you rely on Taoism to bully my sect? It is beyond the Taoist dignity of you and me."

Is there a Qi Master on Jin'ao Island?

Although Jiang Ziya has been a master for only a few decades, he is incomparable with those immortals who have lived for thousands of years. But his knowledge is not much at all.

Jin'ao Island is This is the dojo of the leader of the Jie Sect, Tongtian Sect, and this Qin Tianjun also said that he is a Qi Refiner. You must know that the Qi Refining lineage comes from the Human Sect, but they practiced on Jin'ao Island and are still disciples of the Jie Sect. No matter how Jiang Ziya sees it, He felt a little nondescript and weird.

Jiang Ziya didn't think much about it and just said:"What the fellow Taoist said is really ridiculous. I am a scholar of Yuxu. How can I ever bully Jiejiao?""

"You killed the Four Saints of Kowloon Island and deeply insulted my religion."

"I'll go down the mountain now and meet you. It’s not about relying on bravery. We all use secret teachings to gain a glimpse of our skills."

"We are all ordinary people, relying on strength to fight bravely is not the behavior of immortals. How about you and I having a fight to determine the outcome?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Qin Tianjun finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Ziya. Jiang

Ziya said:"King Zhou has no way, he has destroyed Ji Gang, and the king's spirit is dejected. The benevolent Lord of the West has appeared. When you follow the heavens, don't lose sight of your own nature."

"There has always been a way that overcomes the unjust, a blessing that destroys a non-blessed person, righteousness that can overcome evil, and evil that cannot offend righteousness. Taoist brother visited famous teachers when he was young and deeply understood the Tao. How could it be that he didn't understand the truth?"

Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Qin Tianjun snorted coldly and said:"Jiang Ziya, I once had ten formations on the island. You and I don't need to rely on strength. In order to avoid hurting innocent people and burdening these innocent people, how about you and I fighting in battle?"

"How dare Ziya disobey the words of fellow Taoists? Just take the words of fellow Taoists!"Jiang Ziya said...

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