Pangu opened the sky, and Duji turned into a sea of ​​blood, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, where no fish or shrimps flourished, and no birds or insects came. All the evil energy of heaven and earth gathered here, and people in the prehistoric times called this place the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood.

Precisely because of its filth and darkness, few great powers have ever set foot in the sea of ​​blood.

Everyone is afraid that their soul body will be polluted by this sea of ​​blood, which will not be good at that time.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that the Ancestor of Styx has escaped one catastrophe after another. He has practiced peacefully in the sea of ​​blood for hundreds of millions of years, and no war has ever broken out.

But this battle completely disrupted the calmness of the sea of ​​blood. Shakyamuni Buddha fought with an unyielding attitude.

The sea of ​​​​blood was stirred and surging, and the Asura clan members who were originally silent in the sea of ​​​​blood were also disturbed by this shock.

The moment they appeared, the Buddha's light saved them and entered the"five, five, seven" six paths of reincarnation.

Seeing the Asura tribe he created being converted under his own eyes, the ancestor of Styx, his beard flying, cursed:"Shakyamuni, don't stop!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!!

Four hundred and eighty million Blood God Sons escaped from the sea of ​​blood and turned into streaks of blood light suspended in the air.

Each ray of blood turned into a red skeleton, and the karma fire attached to the skeleton.

With a roar, these skeletons bit into the golden body of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Whenever these blood god sons touch the golden body, they will be annihilated by the Buddha's light of the golden body. The sounds of chatter kept coming and going, and the sons of the Blood God were being eliminated one after another.

But it was at this time that a crack appeared in the golden body of Sakyamuni Buddha.

The sea of ​​blood is inherently filthy, and Buddhist monks cannot replenish their magic power here.

The Blood God Sons of the Styx Ancestor killed as many as they could, and soon all the Blood God Sons lost before were made up for.

Seeing that the golden body of Sakyamuni Buddha was destroyed, Patriarch Minghe was overjoyed:"Ancestor wants to kill the Buddha today, and the gods will kill the gods and Buddhas to kill the Buddha!" ​​As soon as

Yuantu Abi's double swords came out, Shakyamuni Buddha suddenly felt two cold rays piercing his back.

The two rays of blood turned into two extremely thin threads that you couldn't even see if you didn't look carefully. But these two extremely thin threads contain unrivaled power.

Even Sakyamuni Buddha himself did not dare to resist him head-on. This was the power of the killing will of Patriarch Styx under the urging of the killing magic weapon.

The figure flashed, and Shakyamuni Buddha escaped from his lotus platform.

In an instant, the lotus platform and Xiangyun were destroyed by a distance, and an explosion blew them into powder.

At first glance, Styx seemed to have the upper hand.

On the other hand, Sakyamuni Buddha even lost his own lotus platform and was destroyed by Patriarch Styx.

Although this lotus platform is of no importance to Sakyamuni Buddha, he can transform it into a new lotus platform at any time.

But this war attracted the attention of countless powerful people. The destruction of the lotus platform meant that the face of Sakyamuni Buddha was beaten.

How could Sakyamuni Buddha, the leader of a religion, swallow such a breath?

"Kill kill kill!!!"

Three killing sounds came from the Ming River, and Yuantu Abi was already very close.

Seeing this scene, all the Buddhist masters also felt nervous. They wanted to step forward to help, but then they remembered that their own cultivation was far away. Not qualified to participate in the war.

Every move of the two leader's war carries the power of heaven and earth, and there is no way that they, the Great Luo Jinxian, can interfere.

Fear of death is no exception for Buddha and Bodhisattva.

Watching Patriarch Styx kill Sexuality has been completely aroused. Sakyamuni Buddha frowned and immediately relaxed.

"Amitabha, my fellow Taoist is stubborn and is so harmful to the harmony of heaven and earth. This poor monk has no choice but to do justice for heaven!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sakyamuni Buddha stretched out his arms, and a mysterious ancient picture appeared above him. An infinite world turned into a Buddha Kingdom, with hundreds of millions of Buddhas in it. This is the

Buddha Kingdom.

The quaint treasure map is none other than that of the Zhuxian Formation.

After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Four Swords of Zhuxian fell into the hands of Chanjiao. Taishang borrowed this treasure from Yuanshi when he left Hanguguan in the west to transform Hu into a Buddha..

When Duobao Taoist established Hinayana Buddhism, he used it to cut out the incarnations of the five great kings of Ming Dynasty, and his cultivation reached an incredible level.

This was the first time he used it after cutting out the incarnations.

As soon as the diagram of the Zhuxian Formation came out, east, south, west, Five incarnations of the Buddha also appeared immediately in the five directions in the north and middle.

They are: King Fudo, King Jian III, King Juntali, King Mighty Virtue, and King Vajra Yaksha.

These five great kings were transformed by the nine consciousnesses. 0........

Each incarnation controls a Buddhist world and has the merit to educate hundreds of millions of Buddhists. Therefore, when the five great Ming Kings appeared together, the golden light of their merits directly suppressed the Ancestor Styx in the sea of ​​blood.

Even the Ancestor of Styx had to avoid its edge.

The originally violent Asura clan members were illuminated by this golden light of merit, and their evil spirits were immediately eliminated. What's more, some people directly broke away from the Asura path and escaped into reincarnation again.

Seeing each Asura tribesman being saved by himself, Buddha Sakyamuni recited:"Amitabha!"

In just a few breaths of time, nearly 10% of the Asura tribesmen were saved. If this continues, the Asura clan will be expelled from the ancient world.

Styx shouted loudly, waking up those Asuras who had not yet been converted.

"well! Seeing this, Sakyamuni Buddha sighed,"What a pity, what a pity! When will we be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering, Amitabha!""

Sakyamuni also feels pity for these Asuras.

They seem to be immortal in the sea of ​​blood, but in fact they are just puppets. A body, nothing more than a walking corpse.

Sakyamuni Buddha saved them all. Shura people, letting them get rid of the puppet body is a meritorious deed. However

, as a result, the luck of the Asura sect immediately weakened a lot. As the leader of the sect, the ancestor of Styx immediately sensed this.

Asura 0.2 Being saved by the Asura people is of course of great benefit to Buddhism, but for the Asura Sect, it is digging its own foundation. With a roll of the Shura flag, those Asura people who have not yet been saved are swept away. Even the four great demon kings under him, Brahma, Lust, and Shiva, as well as the four demon generals Indra, Vishnu, Rutra, the ghost mother, and the seventy-two asura princesses all Let's go.

Buddha Sakyamuni's cultivation far surpassed that of other Buddhas, and he had to think about his retreat.

Since the opening of Hongmeng, this seemed to be the second time that he wanted to retreat. The last time was in the ancient times, which was already very far away.

Sakyamuni Buddha was also happy with Styx's move. Although the Asuras are evil, they are still living beings after all. It is not beautiful to be destroyed in the war. It is also a meritorious deed to surrender to Styx and then be saved. A game...

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