Just when Taiyuan was about to rush to Penglai, Taiyuan saw streams of light heading towards Yingzhou in the clouds.

Seeing this, Taiyuan was also curious and stopped a monk who was rushing towards Yingzhou.

"Fellow Taoist, poor Taoist is polite! Taiyuan asked politely:"I see that countless immortals are rushing to Yingzhou. I don't know why?""

The person who was stopped by Taiyuan for questioning was a casual cultivator. He was about to scold him. When he saw the faint golden light of merit behind his head, he knew that the person who stopped him was a powerful person, so he became polite.

"Fellow Taoist disciples didn't know this, but I also heard that Taiyi, the demon tribe's leader, led the demon tribe's army to conquer Yingzhou, hoping to unify the whole world. Now Prince Dong is also summoning the Immortal Family from the Three Mountains and Five Mountains to go to Yingzhou to jointly fight against the demon clan."

The Taoist told Taiyuan that it turned out that the Yao clan was fighting against the forces of Yingzhou.

Speaking of Yingzhou, it can be said to be the largest force overseas. It was an alliance formed by casual cultivators headed by Duke Dong. , originally to fight against the demon clan.

After all, overseas monks are not like other places. If the demon clan invades on a large scale, it will be difficult for these casual cultivators to fight against the demon clan.

As the strongest person here, Dongwanggong will naturally slowly He was elected as the leader by others.

Of course, Duke Dong himself must be very happy to be the leader. The demon clan has brought trouble to the world and has caused great dissatisfaction in the ancient times, especially Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Birds and Beasts, and the Fur Belt. A. The wet-born and egg-transforming people are all called the monster clan, and they have offended a large number of great gods.

With the leadership of Dongwanggong, the monks who have been bullied by the monster clan for so many years have gradually gathered into a large force..

Emperor Jun and Taiyi naturally saw the hidden dangers in it, so they had this battle. Regarding the conflict between the demon clan and the East Prince, Taiyuan had no intention of watching the excitement. Just as Taiyuan was about to continue towards Penglai Island As they were leaving, they were blocked by a group of monster soldiers.

"Stop whoever comes!"

The one who stopped Taiyuan was a golden immortal Taoist tiger monster with the head of a tiger and the body of a tiger. The faint black energy on his body showed that he had caused a lot of murderous karma at a glance. The

Great Dao is the most important, regardless of cause and effect. , no distinction between right and wrong. But Taiyuan, as a living being, must distinguish cause and effect, right and wrong. For these evildoers, Taiyuan is not happy from the bottom of his heart. He said bluntly:"Where did you come from, and you dare to block the path of a poor man. , if you are wise, get away quickly, otherwise..."

Hearing Taiyuan's words, the tiger demon was furious.

Although he is not ranked among the demon clan, he has been going smoothly over the years. With the blessing of the demon clan, I don’t know how many evil things I have done, but because of the protection of the demon clan, I have not suffered any disaster.

How could I have imagined that today I would see this Taoist being so disrespectful to me and not paying attention to the demon clan at all?

"Humph, I think you must be a subordinate of that guy from the East Prince. If you dare to go against our demon clan, you will be dead!"

"You guys, kill me!"

"kill! kill! kill!"

All the demons shouted and rushed towards Taiyuan.

These little demons are not strong, but their karma is not low. Taiyuan sighed slightly:"It is also God's will. It is fitting that these evil obstacles will fall in the poor world. Hands are so good!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taiyuan's eyes flashed and he shouted:"Dutian Shen Lei!"


There was a loud noise, and a purple thunderbolt landed from the sky, covering all the demons directly.

Before the demons could react, Dutian Divine Thunder fell on the group of demons, turning them all into powder. The physical body, The Yuanshen perished in an instant, and even the true spirit was completely wiped out, and there was no chance of reincarnation. As early as when Taiyuan was blocked, there were many people around it who came from three mountains, five mountains, four seas and eight wastelands. There are many immortals, but no one dares to step forward.

They all think that the strength of Taiyuan is definitely unable to deal with these monsters, not to mention that they don’t know Taiyuan, so there is no need to help Taiyuan. But when Taiyuan wiped out all the demons in a flash, and everyone finally realized that Taiyuan was so powerful. He had a grudge against the demon clan, and he was such a powerful magical power user. That was not exactly what they needed. Human.

Just as Taiyuan was about to leave, a group of casual cultivators came forward. One of them had a strange face and a sword on his back. He cupped his hands to Taiyuan and said,"I am a poor Taoist, Abbot Chunyang Taoist of the Island. I have met my fellow Taoist."!"

Abbott Island, isn't this the place I left before?

Looking at this Chunyang Taoist, I found that his strength is already at the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian. Judging from his solid foundation, he must have reached this level a long time ago.

If it happens again. If there is a chance, we can take another step forward.

Moreover, this person's whole body is pure in Taoism and has no karma. Taiyuan's senses are quite good.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite!"Tai Yuan Dao

"Don’t know where Youxian Township is? This time fellow Taoist has killed a group of demons, the news will soon be known to the demon tribe. Although fellow Taoist has advanced cultivation, there are countless demon tribes with great power. Fellow Taoist might as well join us to fight against the demon tribe.."

Seeing Taiyuan's powerful cultivation, Chunyang Taoist immediately started to think of wooing him.

Taiyuan didn't know what the other party was thinking, but the demon tribe was powerful, but so what.

If Di Jun and Taiyi didn't know If you dare to live life and death with yourself, then Taiyuan will have no choice but to do justice for heaven. As for those demon soldiers, they are not taken into consideration by Taiyuan at all.

Taiyuan smiled softly and said:"Poverty Qingdushan Taiyuan Taoist, as for the demon clan that fellow Taoist said is powerful, Pindao doesn’t think so."

"oh?"Taoist Chunyang was a little surprised when he saw Taiyuan say this.

You must know that the demon clan is so powerful. Even if Pangu and the Three Pure Ones are still polite, what can Taoist Taiyuan do?

"I don’t know what you have to say? You must know that only the Lich clan is the most powerful in the world and can be called the protagonists of the world. Taoist friends don't seem to be optimistic about the Monster clan. Chunyang Taoist asked.

Taiyuan said:"You need to know that the peak and decline are the number of days." Although the demon tribe flourished, it was only for a short time after all. How could a small demon tribe be able to take on the role of the protagonist in the world?"


Taiyuan's words really surprised everyone. His words seemed not to take the demon clan seriously at all.

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