Seeing the monks carrying firewood and grass, they surrounded the meditation hall and set fire to it.

Sun Wukong secretly laughed and said:"It is true to my master's words! He wants to harm our lives and my cassock, so he has such poisonous intentions."".

"If they wanted to beat him with a stick, they couldn't help but pity him. I was beaten to death with a stick, and the master blamed me for the murder."

Sun Wukong, who was about to take action, stopped when he thought of Tang Sanzang.~

"Forget it, it depends on what I, Lao Sun, can do to teach him how to live!"

Thinking about this, Sun Wukong suddenly had an idea.

Looking at Tang Sanzang who was sleeping soundly in the house, Sun Wukong jumped up to the Nantian Gate with a somersault.

"No good, no good, Bi Mawen is here again!"

In the near future, Sun Wukong arrived, and the generals on duty at Nantian Gate summoned each other.

Sun Wukong arrived at Nantian Gate without saying a word, waving his hands and saying:"You see, I am here to see King Guangmu."

Hearing that they were looking for King Guangmu, all the heavenly generals breathed a sigh of relief.

They immediately sent heavenly soldiers to call King Guangmu, and soon the king arrived.

Seeing Sun Wukong, King Guangmu cupped his hands and laughed and said,"The Great Sage is not going. ��You go to the West to learn scriptures, why do you come to this heaven to find me?

Sun Wukong waved his hand and said,"Don't talk too much. We, master and disciple, met a gangster on the way, and they set fire to us."

The matter is extremely urgent, and I came here to ask you to lend me a fire shield to save my master. Bring it quickly and use it, and return it immediately.

King Guangmu asked curiously:"Since a gangster set the fire, we can only use water to save him. How can we put up a fire cover?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said:"I borrowed water to save him, but he couldn't burn it, so he responded." I just use this shield to protect my grandson's master, don't worry about him else!"

"This monkey still has such bad intentions and only cares about his own family and doesn't care about others."

"Forget it, I’ll just lend you this fire shelter!"

After that, King Guangmu took out a cover, and the treasure overflowed.

This treasure is a fire shelter, which has the effect of avoiding fire and disasters.

Sun Wukong took the fire shelter, looked at it and then said:"My old grandson Thank you to the King!"

Taking the fire shelter, Sun Wukong pressed the cloud head back to Guanyin Temple.

At this time, the outside of Tang Sanzang's room was covered with firewood, and even kerosene was poured on it.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong unfolded the fire shelter and protected it directly. Tang Sanzang and his luggage stayed there.

As the host gave the order, the fire suddenly burst into flames.

Seeing those people setting the fire, Sun Wukong smiled proudly and chanted the mantra, looking at Xun on the ground and taking a breath. Then, a gust of wind blew up, causing the fire to sway.

It had only lit up Tang Sanzang's room, but now it quickly spread to the surroundings, with black smoke and red flames rising across the desert. There was no star in the sky. The red flames were rising, and the ground was filled with red light.

The wind followed the fire, and the flames flew up to the sky.

It is a spark that can burn a vast field.

In a moment, the wind blows fiercely and the fire turns red.

Seeing the flames, the monks immediately shouted:"The water is coming, the water is coming, put out the fire quickly."!"

For a time, the monks in the entire temple were in chaos. A few monks originally thought that the fire was not big enough, but now they were busy putting out the fire.

Elder Jinchi was shocked and looked at the flames spreading around, crying and howling. Let everyone put out the fire quickly.

To say that Elder Jinchi has lived for more than two hundred years, he still has some skills. If he usually wanders into the water, Jinchi can save it. Unfortunately, Sun Wukong is fueling the fire this time, so he has some skills. Can be saved

"How could this happen? How could this happen?..."

Jinchi watched the fire spread and didn't care about it. He quickly returned to his house and picked up the brocade cassock.

Looking at the brocade cassock, Jin Chi really couldn't bear to part with it.

He had a vague hunch that the current fire might be related to his greed.

Twenty miles due south of Guanyin Temple, there is Black Wind Mountain. There is a black wind cave in the mountain, and there is a goblin in the cave, who is waking up and turning over.

I saw that the window was bright and it was dawn. When he got up and looked, there was a bright fire coming from the north. The goblin was shocked and said:"This is a fire in Guanyin Temple. I have to save it!" The black bear spirit likes to talk about scriptures and has friendship with Elder Jinchi of Guanyin Temple..

If it weren't for the Black Bear Spirit passing on the Dharma, how could Elder Jinchi, a mortal, have lived for so long.

In the blink of an eye, the black bear spirit will appear under the fireworks

· ······Asking for flowers··· ·········

When I arrived at the Guanyin Temple, I saw the flames soaring into the sky. The halls in front were all empty, and the two corridors were blazing with fireworks.

He took a big step and rushed in. Just as he was calling for water, he saw that there was no fire in the back room and there was a man standing on the ridge.

But he knew this and rushed inside to take a look. I saw some rays of light in the middle of the abbot's body, and there was a green felt baggage on the desk.

He untied it and saw that it was a brocade cassock, which is a rare treasure of Buddhism.

Originally, the black bear spirit wanted to put out the fire, but when he saw the brocade cassock, greed completely took over his mind.

It is wealth that attracts people's hearts, but it does not put out fires, nor does it call for water. Taking the cassock, he took advantage of the crowd to rob him, dragged him back to Yunbu, and turned to the east cave.


The fire burned until dawn before it was extinguished.

When the monks saw that the temple was burned to ashes, they all cried and cried.

They all went to look for copper and iron in the ashes, pull out rotten charcoal, and pounce on gold and silver.

Some are in baskets on the wall and building shacks. Some people use their roots in Chibi to make rice. Calling for grievances and grievances, making noises and making troubles are irrelevant.

Sun Wukong took the shield of fire and sent it to the Nantian Gate with a somersault, and handed it over to King Guangmu.

Returning to the meditation hall, he transformed into a bee and flew in. When he looked at his original image, he saw that Tang Sanzang was still sleeping soundly.

Sun Wukong stepped forward, patted Tang Sanzang, and shouted:"Master, get up at dawn.

Tang Sanzang woke up, turned over and said,"That's right."

After putting on clothes, I opened the door and came out. Suddenly I looked up and saw some fallen red walls, but no towers or palaces.

I couldn't help but be shocked and asked:"Why did this temple become completely white overnight?

Sun Wukong laughed and said,"You are still dreaming!" Something went wrong tonight.

Tang Sanzang suddenly understood and asked,"How could I not know?" Sun

Wukong said:"Old Sun protected the meditation hall and was not disturbed when he saw the master sleeping deeply."

Hearing this, Tang Sanzang scolded:"You have the ability to protect the meditation hall, why don't you save the fire in other rooms?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said:"As expected, according to what Master said yesterday, they like our cassocks and plan to burn us to death." If it weren't for Lao Sun's consciousness, they would all be reduced to ashes by now!"

At this time, Tang Sanzang knew the cause and effect, and immediately asked Sun Wukong to go and see what happened to the brocade cassock.

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