The old man agreed and immediately walked in and took out a small agate stone jar.

Unplug the plug and dip a little of it into the hosta.

He smiled at Sun Wukong and said,"Little old man, this medicine has other uses. It is really good for treating eyes!"

Applying the medicine to his eyes, Sun Wukong suddenly felt a cool feeling in his eyes.

The yellow wind monster's divine wind entered Sun Wukong's eyes, causing pain in Sun Wukong's eyes as if they were burning with fire. Along the way, Sun Wukong endured it.

Although he rested for a while, the pain in his eyes did not ease.

Until now, the pain was relieved after applying this medicine.

Sun Wukong couldn't help but said happily:"Good medicine, it really cures the eyes!"

After that, Sun Wukong continued to urge and apply more.

After applying it, the old man said:"After one night, the elder's eyes will definitely return to normal!"

Sun Wukong nodded and thanked the old man.

There was no words all night, and just as it was getting dark, Sun Wukong got up first.

At first glance, wherever there are villages, everything is desolate

"Bajie, Bajie, get up! Sun Wukong urged.

When Zhu Bajie woke up after hearing this, he couldn't help complaining:"Brother Monkey, what are you shouting about? You can't even let anyone sleep well!"

Sun Wukong patted his ears and said,"Open your eyes and take a look!""

Zhu Bajie rubbed his hazy sleepy eyes, looked up and found that yesterday's manor was gone. There was no smell of fireworks, and he got up in panic.

When he saw that the horse and luggage were still there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Bajie He stared around vigilantly, and then cautiously said to Sun Wukong:"Brother Monkey, do you think we have encountered a monster or a god?

Sun Wukong smiled and said:"Idiot, don't yell." Look what kind of paper is on the tree."

At first glance, there was indeed a post on the tree.

Zhu Bajie stepped forward and opened it with his hands. It turned out that there were four lines of hymn on it:

"Zhuangju is not a place for ordinary people to live. It is a Dharma protector, Jialandian Hualu."

"The wonderful medicine is with you to cure eye pain. Do your best to reduce the monsters and don’t hesitate."

Sun Wukong said:"These guys are playing tricks again! Zhu

Bajie said in confusion:"Brother Monkey, who are these guys you are talking about?"

Not long after Zhu Bajie joined the group, he saw a few Dharma Protector Jialan.

Sun Wukong said to him:"These people are my Buddhist Jialan, who secretly protect my master according to the Bodhisattva's decree." Since then, I have registered my name, just because I have had you in this life, and I have never used them again, so I have not read them.

Zhu Bajie suddenly understood and said:"Brother Monkey, since you are protecting Master secretly according to the decree of the law, you can't show up clearly, so you enlighten Immortal Village." It seems that this is to help me and others to subdue the monster!

Sun Wukong praised:"That's exactly what I said. Let's wait and see if we try that monster again.""

After that, the two brothers jumped up and walked to the door of Huangfeng Cave.

Sun Wukong said to Zhu Bajie:"You wait outside, I, Old Sun, go in first and take a look!"

As he said that, Sun Wukong turned into a mosquito.

It had a tiny shape and a sharp beak, and its whistling sound was as thin as thunder.

The orchid room gauze curtain is easy to communicate with, and it loves the heat in the summer.

The little demon looking at the door is snoring and sleeping, Sun Wukong bit him on the face, and the little demon turned over and woke up.

Sun Wukong flew in, and saw that the yellow wind monster had also woken up, telling everyone at the door to be cautious and collect their weapons.

"I'm afraid that the gust of wind didn't kill Sun Xingzhe yesterday, but he will definitely come back today, and when he comes, he will definitely die."

After yesterday's battle, the yellow wind monster's confidence doubled.

When Sun Wukong heard about it, he flew through the hall again and came to the back.

However, he saw that the door on the first floor was closed tightly, and he managed to get in through the cracks in the door. It turned out to be a In the Dakong Garden, Tang Sanzang was tied up with ropes on the wind-fixing pile in the wall.

After talking to Tang Sanzang for a few words, Sun Wukong saw that he could not avoid the yellow wind monster and took Tang Sanzang out decisively. Think of other ways.

At this time, there was a little demon in the Yellow Wind Cave. He polished the flag and ran into the hall to report:"Your Majesty, I just went out to patrol the mountain and saw a monk with a long mouth and big ears. Sitting in the woods.

Huang Feng said strangely:"That should be Zhu Bajie, but if Sun Wukong is not here, could it be that he went to ask for reinforcements?""

· ··Asking for flowers···· ········

The monsters said:"Your Majesty, if the blow kills him, it is our creation. I'm afraid the blow can't kill him. If he goes to invite some magic soldiers, what will happen to him?"

The yellow wind monster said proudly:"I am a god. The wind is unusual, except for the coming of Lingji Bodhisattva, there is nothing else to be afraid of!"

Sun Wukong was on the roof beam. Hearing his words, he was so happy that he flew out and appeared in his true form in the forest!

"Bajie, Bajie! Sun Wukong shouted.

Zhu Bajie walked out of the forest and said,"Brother Monkey, there was a little demon just now that I beat away. Did you see the master in the cave?" Sun

Wukong smiled and said:"I, Sun, already know how to subdue that demon?""

........... 0

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he hurriedly asked:"Which god can control this yellow wind monster?"

Sun Wukong said:"He said it was Lingji Bodhisattva, but he didn't know where the Lingji Bodhisattva's dojo was?"

Lingji Bodhisattva?

Zhu Bajie was also confused.

He had heard of this Bodhisattva, but Zhu Bajie really didn't know where the dojo of Lingji Bodhisattva was.

After all, Buddhism has expanded rapidly in recent years, and Bodhisattva has a tendency to depreciate.

At first glance, this Lingji Bodhisattva does not look like a veteran and strong figure from the Western religion. Instead, he looks like a new Bodhisattva.

Zhu Bajie had no choice but to shake his head and said:"I am ignorant and have never heard of this Lingji Bodhisattva."

"You idiot, I have never heard of it, where have you heard of it?"Sun Wukong laughed.

As everyone knows, after Sun Wukong said this, Zhu Bajie was already sneering in his heart.

"You Bi Ma Wen are just a demon monkey. If you weren't valued by the saint, how could you be allowed to be so presumptuous!"

But Zhu Bajie still had a naive look on his face, smiling and saying nothing.

When the two were worrying about this, they saw an old man walking out of the road.

Zhu Bajie saw it and said with great joy:"Brother Monkey, as the saying goes, to To know the way down the mountain, you must ask the people who come and go. You go up and ask him, how about it?"

Sun Wukong nodded, walked forward and raised his hands and asked:"Old man, I have asked."久.

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