Di Jun was still able to hold back the witch clan's slap in the face, which made Taiyuan look at him even more highly.

Seeing that there was no good show to watch, the gods who had been staring at Mount Buzhou and Heaven finally dispersed one by one.

Taiyuan rode the white bull towards Qingdu Mountain leisurely.

While he was flying, a burst of energy suddenly rose into the sky and blocked Taiyuan's path.

This auspicious energy is full of vitality, and a ray of detailed light shines in it, showing a black and yellow color. It turned out to be the aura of merit, Taiyuan was surprised, there were not many people in the ancient times who could have the golden light of merit.

In particular, there were very few monks who were not contaminated with karma. The white light dissipated, and a smiling old man wearing white clothes, holding a cane and riding a fairy deer stopped Taiyuan. before

"Immortal, stay here!"

Taiyuan pulled the white cow, and the white cow suddenly stopped and mooed a few times as if to vent his dissatisfaction.

After seeing Taiyuan stop, the old man bowed to him and saluted:" I have met the Immortal and blocked the way to the Immortal. I apologize for any disrespect."

This Taoist spoke with great respect. It was hard for Taiyuan to be angry with him for a while, not to mention the fact that his merits and luck have been added to his body, and there is no karma to manifest. Although he will not join the stream of Golden Immortal, he will definitely become a Daluo Golden Immortal in due course.

After bowing to him, he asked,"Why are you blocking my way, fellow Taoist? It's important?"

Taiyuan did not look down upon him because of his low strength, but was polite to him.

After hearing Taiyuan's words, the Taoist hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head and said:"I don't dare to call him a Taoist friend. He was the Pangu Zongzong, and he really looked up to his disciples too much.

A disciple was practicing on Penglai Immortal Island overseas, observing the sky at night, and suddenly saw a bright light flying across the sky. He knew that a virtuous person was passing by, and he knew that there was a great opportunity.

After waiting so hard, I finally saw the Immortal today, and I took the liberty to stop him. The disciple was willing to clean the hall for the Immortal, and he also asked the Immortal to accept him as a disciple. He only wanted to worship one enlightened master. Please ask the Immortal to accept you as a disciple."

After saying that, the Taoist suddenly dropped the cloud light, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times.

Taiyuan was a little dumbfounded. He looked at the Taoist who was prostrating on the ground and was speechless for a moment.

This Taoist's magic power He is not profound, but he is like a mysterious immortal, but his merits are not small. He is a true cultivator of the Tao.

Looking at his heels, he is a wisp of Yimu Qi who has attained the Tao, which is considered worthy in this ancient world. His superior nature has become profound, and now he just kneels down and wants to become a disciple. Taiyuan is not mentally prepared at all.

"How do you call him, and why do you think that Pindao is the Master?"Taiyuan had just seen the true nature of this Tao, and after calculating the secret, he found that he and he were really related as masters and disciples.

Hearing Taiyuan's question, he was overjoyed, knowing that there was still hope for success, and immediately told Taiyuan his details. Yuan Yi came together.

The reputation of this path was not obvious in ancient times, but it was very famous in later generations. It was the famous Antarctic Immortal who transformed into Penglai Immortal Island.

Penglai Immortal Island has nothing to say. After the opening of the sky, three pieces The fragments of chaos fell into the boundless sea and turned into three fairy islands, becoming the holy land of cultivation for countless immortal families.

Among the Penglai fairy islands, the Antarctic Immortal was only a little-known one.

In fact, after seeing the Antarctic Immortal, When he was making the image, Taiyuan was already aware of the identity of the person in front of him, so he deduced it. He had a big head, a protruding forehead, a long white beard, and the image of an old man with a childlike smile, riding a fairy deer, and holding hands. The crutch he is holding is the Antarctic Immortal.

But how could this Antarctic Immortal, who was originally a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, have a master-disciple relationship with him?

But when he thinks of this prehistoric world, there are many things that he remembers. Differently, it is not an outrageous thing for Nanji Xianweng to become his disciple.

Both are Pangu Zhengsong, and his identity is more important than that of Sanqing. It is reasonable for Nanji Xianweng to be his teacher.

Nanji Xianwen saw Taiyuan neither agreed nor disagreed. He just stood thinking and said nothing. He was a little uneasy, fearing that Taiyuan would say no.

Although Hongjun preached to the heavens, those who could go to Zixiao to listen to the sermon would eventually There are only a few, but for most living beings, if they want to practice more advanced methods, they really need to join the disciples of famous teachers.

Especially the Pangu orthodox sects like Taiyuan and Sanqing are the best candidates.

Who doesn’t want to be a good disciple? Recruit a few more, and it will be useful for the Hunyuan saint to play chess in the future. The

Taiyuan disciples are more strict than the Yuanshi Taoists who only look at their origins. At the same time, they also value chance and understanding, and those with deep karma are absolutely It is impossible for him to enter his sect.

This Nanji Immortal is very suitable for his requirements. As a wisp of Yimu Qi, the Antarctic Immortal has a deep heel. He is also contaminated with merits and luck, and he starts practicing. It must be smooth sailing.

Thinking of this, Taiyuan asked:"Do you know where the name Pindao comes from? Nanji

Immortal replied:"The Supreme Immortal is Taoist Taoist Taiyuan of Qingdu Mountain. Nanji had heard about it when he was in Penglai and learned the Qi training method of the Supreme Immortal.""

Nanji Xianweng said eloquently. He heard Nanji Xianwen said that he had learned his own Qi training technique, and it turned out to be true.

With the help of Qi training, Taiyuan accumulated immeasurable merit and luck, among which Nanji Xianweng contributed A lot. This also shows that the relationship between Taiyuan and the Antarctic Immortal is really unpredictable.

In the ancient world, there are countless ways to practice Taoism. The innate great gods realize Taoism and use their own magical powers to understand Taoism. However, the living beings in the world Most of them are not innate gods, and they have an extremely urgent need for practicing methods.

The Qi training technique created by Taiyuan can be said to have given the creatures who did not have perfect innate inheritance in the ancient times their own way to achieve enlightenment.

Looking at the Antarctic Immortal, he is not sure Kneeling on the ground in silence, Taiyuan suddenly laughed:"Forget it, get up now. The poor Taoist saw that you were an extraordinary person, but he had a relationship with you as a master and disciple, so he took you under his disciples and became a poor man. The great disciple of Tao!"

After hearing Taiyuan's words, the Antarctic Immortal couldn't help but be overjoyed:"This disciple has met the Master!"

Taiyuan nodded and allowed him to bow to him.

Taiyuan waved his hand, and a burst of immortal energy lifted the Antarctic Immortal up:"As the eldest disciple of our master, you will have to bear the responsibility of my Taoism in the future. Inheritance, as a teacher, I observe that your Taoism is mixed and mixed, and you have not entered the true stream. You go back to Qingdu Mountain with your teacher, and I will teach you the great way."

Hearing that Taiyuan was going to teach his own way, the Antarctic Immortal was overjoyed.

In this way, Taiyuan's lineage has truly begun to be passed down in ancient times.

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