Sun Wukong left here through the clouds and reached the East China Sea in an instant.

Looking at the familiar place, Sun Wukong no longer wanted to see the sea view. Instead, use the water forcing method to separate the waves.

Submerged into the sea.

The separated waves close again.

As soon as Sun Wukong entered the sea, he saw a patrolling Yaksha colliding with him. Seeing that it was Sun Wukong, he hurried back to the Crystal Palace to report to the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Ao Guang was not surprised when he heard that Sun Wukong was coming. They just asked someone to prepare some tea, and then they went down separately.

After a while, Sun Wukong entered the Dragon Palace, and Ao Guang also invited him to taste tea.

It’s just that Sun Wukong didn’t have the time to drink tea, so he directly said:

"No time for tea, I have something to worry about. Because my master, Tang Monk, went to the West to worship Buddha and learn scriptures, when I passed by the Fire Cloud Cave in the Dry Pine Stream of Haoshan Mountain, there was a red-child goblin named Holy Infant King who took my master away.

Lao Sun went to the cave and fought with him, but he released fire. We can't help him, thinking that water can overcome fire, so I came here to ask you for some water, and let me pour a heavy rain"eight, eight, eight, eight, eight," to extinguish the demon fire and save Tang Monk from trouble.

The old dragon king leads the water tribe, so he can restrain the monster's divine fire. I hope the old Dragon King will not refuse. I, the old grandson, cannot thank you enough!"

Sun Wukong was very polite and asked the Dragon King to take action.

Seeing that he was no longer as unruly as before, Ao Guang secretly nodded and said:"This monkey has learned a lot of etiquette, not bad!"

However, Ao Guang still pretended to think for a while and then said:"The Great Sage is here. If you want to get rainwater, you shouldn't ask me.

Sun Wukong said softly and asked:"You are the leader of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, Lord Si Yuze. If I don't come to ask you, who will I ask?""

Ao Guang shook his head and said:"Although I am in charge of rain, I dare not be good at it. I have to get the Jade Emperor's decree to tell how many feet and inches that place should be, what time to get up and live, and the three officials must raise their pens. Taiyi moved. Wen, as the saying goes, will command the thunder and lightning, and the wind and clouds will make the dragon move without clouds.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and said:"I don't need wind, cloud, thunder and lightning, I just need some rain to extinguish the fire.""

In the final analysis, Sun Wukong just wants to extinguish Red Boy's fire. As for the thunder and lightning, he doesn't need it at all.

Hearing this, Ao Guang said again:"The Great Sage doesn't need the thunder and lightning, but I can't help. How about helping the great sage achieve the same goal?"

After all, traveling to the West is a matter of great merit, and people like Ao Guang can only participate in some superficial aspects.

But even so, the merit is enough to make their hearts flutter. Naturally, Ao Guang has not forgotten his brothers, and also wants to win them over. Go up.

Sun Wukong said:"Where is your brother?

Ao Guang said:"Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South Sea, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the North Sea, Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the West Sea.""

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said:"If I swim across the Three Seas again, I might as well go to the world to seek the Jade Emperor's will."

Hearing that these people are coming, who knows when.

Sun Wukong also started to become a little impatient.

Ao Guang said with a smile:"There is no need for the great sage to go, I will just hit the iron drum and golden bell here, and he will come out in an instant. to."

Sun Wukong heard what he said and quickly urged:"Old Dragon King, hit the bells and drums quickly."

In a moment, the Dragon Kings of the Three Seas rushed over and said,"Brother, what do you want me to do?

Ao Guang said:"Sun Dasheng is here to use the rain to help defeat the demons.""

After a brief explanation of the cause and effect, everyone knew what to do.

At that moment, the Dragon Palace launched a battle, with Shark Yongyong at the front and Kuai Chikou at the vanguard. Marshal Li jumped over the waves, and Admiral Ji breathed mist and wind. Mrs.

Mackerel Wei Dongfang whistles, the red-eyed horseman dances to the south, and the black-armored general rushes north. Seeing this formation

, Sun Wukong murmured in his heart:"It's just to put out a fire, so such a big formation is needed!"

I just thought about it in my heart, and Sun Wukong didn't say much.

After all, I was asking for help, and it was hard to criticize others.

Under Sun Wukong's guidance, the Dragon King led the dragon soldiers and arrived at the withered pine stream of Haoshan Mountain not long after.

In the clouds Above, Sun Wukong said to several dragon kings:"This is a place of demons and monsters. You just stay in the air and don't show your face.

Let Lao Sun compete with him in a bet. If he wins, there is no need to capture him. If you lose to him, there is no need for everyone to help out.

But when he sets fire, he can listen to my call and spray rain together."

The arrangements made by Sun Wukong were meaningless to the Dragon Kings.

After saying that, Sun Wukong pressed the cloud head and went downwards.

After he left, the Dragon King of Beihai said worriedly:"Brother, why do I feel that something is not right about this trip? How wonderful!"

"Fourth brother, don’t talk nonsense!"Ao Guang shouted immediately

"This is a matter of complying with the destiny and accumulating merit. It is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought!"

Hearing what Ao Guang said, several dragon kings were completely relieved.

However, Sun Wukong came down and met Bajie and Sha Seng in the pine forest. He shouted:"Bajie, Junior Brother Sha!"

"Brother Monkey comes quickly! Have you ever invited the Dragon King?"Zhu Bajie didn't see the Dragon King, so he had to ask.

Sun Wukong nodded and said:"The four Dragon Kings are here, and they are all hiding in the clouds. You two must be careful, lest it rains heavily and don't get your luggage wet until Lao Sun fights with him."

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng said in unison:"Senior brother, go ahead with peace of mind, we will all take care of it."

Instructing the two of them, Sun Wukong jumped over the stream, reached the door of the Demon Cave, and shouted,"Open the door! When those little demons saw it was Sun Wukong, they immediately went into the cave and reported:"Sun Wukong is here again."........."

The red boy looked up and smiled and said,"That monkey thought it was because the fire didn't burn him, so he came again."......... Don't spare him any mercy this time, just burn his skin until his skin is charred and his flesh is rotten!"

Red Boy stood up quickly, pointed his spear and said:"Young boys, push out of the train!

Before he went out, he said to Sun Wukong:"Why are you here again?""

"You monkey head is so inflexible. That Tang Monk is your master, and I am your master, and you are still thinking about having him, don’t even think about it!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he was very angry. He hit him with a golden cudgel.

Red Boy used a fire-tipped spear and hurriedly greeted him. This gambling fight was different from the previous ones. He was easy to kill: he threw demons when he was angry, and the monkey king was angry..

After raising their hands for twenty rounds, both of them had similar abilities.

Red Boy and Sun Wukong fought for twenty rounds.���Unable to win, Xu Guo took a shot, but he pulled away, clenched his fist, and punched his nose twice, but fire spewed out.

Fireworks burst out from the car in front of the door; red flames flew from the mouth and eyes.

Sun Wukong had been guarding against him for a long time, and seeing this move again, Sun Wukong was not panicked.

He turned back and shouted upwards:"Where is the Dragon King?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw rain spraying from the sky into the light of the fire.

Xiaoxiao unrestrained, dense and heavy. Like the stars falling from the sky, dense and heavy, like the waves rolling upside down at the mouth of the sea.

At first it was as big as a fist, but later it poured down. The ground is filled with green water, causing the Tianhe River to tilt downward.

Seeing the appearance of the Dragon King, Red Boy smiled and said:"You slutty monkey, you want to use the Dragon King's water to extinguish my divine fire, you are simply delusional!"


Red Boy taunted for a while, and saw that after the flood flooded in, it seemed to add fuel to the fire. The more he poured 4.6, the more scorching it became.

Seeing the 4.6, Sun Wukong hurriedly said:"Wait while I twist the secret. Get into the fire!"

When Red Boy saw Sun Wukong, he knew what he was thinking.

He saw Red Boy blowing a puff of smoke into his face.

Sun Wukong turned back quickly, dazzled by the embarrassment, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Sun Wukong was not that scared of this fire. , but Sun Wukong couldn't stand the smoke.

Red Boy took a few puffs, but Sun Wukong couldn't bear it.

Red Boy put away the fire tool again and looked at the direction Sun Wukong left with a proud smile. At the same place, Red Boy spewed out another ball of fire, scaring the Dragon King away. Only then did Red Boy leave with satisfaction. Sun Wukong was hit by the fireworks at the same time and felt uncontrollable. He threw himself into the stream to put out the fire.

Between the cold and the heat, the anger attacked the heart, and the three souls left the house. The pitiful breath filled the chest, the mouth was cold, and the soul was gone. When several dragon kings saw this, they hurriedly told Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng.

: Lão tử

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