
Chapter 109

Not the kind of pure dissatisfaction caused by being provoked, but an indescribable discomfort...

It's like walking down the stairs and suddenly missing something, or losing something.

Just because Xie Wen disappeared.

This feeling is actually very strange. Because Wen Shi had been in the cage so many times, it was not uncommon for people to disappear, and he and Xie Wen had not known each other for a long time.

Maybe it was because of the long, deep corridor before. He suddenly turned around, and Xie Wen was standing at the right place.

Maybe they were in the cage three times together. The cage rotates endlessly day and night, and often involves the separation of life and death, giving people the illusion that they have known each other for a long time and have seen reincarnations several times.

Or... there are other reasons.

When he heard this, he turned his eyes and saw Lao Mao's face that was hesitant to speak.

"You were so anxious just now -" Dadong glanced over when he was heard, and his shell stuck: "No, I mean you opened so many doors at once, are you looking for someone?"

When hearing it: "Yeah."

Dadong: "Then have you found it?"

When hearing it: "..."

This is fucking bullshit.

"No." The unyielding energy on his face returned when he heard it, "Not openly."

The puppet can track living people by following their known aura. What I don't mean is that there are no places in the cage where you can rummage directly. Xie Wen and Mouse currently don't exist.

Xia Qiao looked worried, "What should we do?"

Dadong and the others were also a little disappointed, but compared to others, Dadong still had more experience. He glanced at Wen Shi and comforted him: "There's no need to be so early in telling bad news. In fact, as long as the cage can be released in the end, they can all come out."

This is clear when you smell it.

When encountering this kind of situation before, he was always the calmest one, but he didn't expect that one day he would be reminded by a fussy person like Dadong...

When I heard it, I shouldn't, and I couldn't. I could only stare at him silently.

Dadong, on the other hand, was annoyed by him and took a step back without saying anything more.

Only Sun Siqi didn't understand the situation the most: "Then, what if it can't be solved?"

He didn't dare to say anything, he only dared to mutter in a low voice.

For the sake of being a good brother, Zhou Xu faintly replied to him: "Then we'll stay here together until we die."

Sun Siqi was frightened and never vented his anger again.

At this moment, the one who is least disturbed among all the people is Lao Mao. After all, the puppet's emotions are not as rich as others. He is the size of a snowman and has been a thousand years old. It is normal to be calmer.

He coughed at the right time and interjected: "Actually, I just said something, I wonder if you heard it."

"What words?"

"It is said that as soon as everyone falls asleep, Mr. Li will come back. Since the boss corresponds to Mr. Li, then... these words may also be useful to him."

"No," Dadong said, "The mouse corresponds to Shen Manyi, and I haven't seen him being stuffed--"

"He did do what Shen Manyi did." Wen Shi interrupted, "He played the game of real and fake brides."

And he was the first one to play, in sync with Shen Manyi.

"Oh!" Zhou Xu said in a tone, suddenly realizing, "So after a long time of doing it, his identity at that time was not the one being played, but the one accompanying him? Hiss——"

He didn't know what he thought of, and he became silent mid-sentence.

Others didn't notice, they were still in the stage of sudden realization and fear of thinking about it.

He only frowned when he heard it.

He also thought of a problem - now it seems that Mouse was the second "Miss Shen" at that time, so Shen Manyi wanted to play with the real and fake bride, and he also wanted to play with her. It just happened that the person selected in the first round was himself.

It is equivalent to him imitating himself as "Shen Manyi".

This is why, even though the rat on the walkie-talkie should be me, there is a strange feeling everywhere.

If this logic holds true, then the second round is weird.

In the second round, Shen Manyi picked Xie Wen. Logically speaking, the rat should keep pace with her and also pick Xie Wen. Whether the imitation is similar or not is another matter. Anyway, under the circumstances, Xie Wen should have three of them.

But in reality there were only two, and the mouse was gone.


Is it because Mouzi, as Shen Manyi's counterpart, can only synchronize with her briefly? Or...the person chosen by Shen Manyi can't be moved by a mouse?

When I heard it, I suddenly thought of the person hanging on the clothes rack on the second floor.

When he saw the skin, he was actually a little confused. Because he thought the mouse was fake, Dadong later confirmed that the birthmark was in reverse position. But why does the fake mouse have a walkie-talkie in the hand of the real mouse?

Besides, Shen Manyi was well-behaved and clever at that time, so why bother to make a skin bag to scare people before leaving? Isn't it unnecessary?

Now that I think about it, it might be a different situation.

What if the mouse wanted to borrow the mirror in the cage to imitate someone, but something went wrong and failed?

Wenshi had seen something similar in a cage before, but it was so long ago that he couldn't remember it. I vaguely remember that someone tried to pretend to be someone, but because the other party was too coercive and the person himself was unstable, in the end it was self-defeating and he lost his appearance.

If the same thing happened to the mouse, then...why couldn't he imitate Xie Wen?

"So we have to try to sleep and see if we can get Mr. Li and Boss Xie out of bed?" Xia Qiao asked, "Is that what you mean, brother?"

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