
Chapter 118

He analyzed it for a long time but felt a little confused. He blushed and scratched his head, and said to Xie Wen and Wen Shi, "That's what I thought. I just don't know if it's right or not."

He didn't comment when he heard it, but just took out something from his jeans pocket.

That was a photo. If I'm not mistaken, it was the one Xia Qiao and the others found on the second floor.

When he heard it, he held it between his fingers, turned it over, and said to Xia Qiao, "Look at this."

"What's wrong?" Xia Qiao came closer, not understanding what his brother meant.

"Look at these two people." Xie Wen also walked over, crossed Xia Qiao's fingers, and flicked the far right side of the photo.

Xia Qiao finally reacted——

On the far right side of the photo, there are two people standing next to Shen Manyi. Although a large part of the photo is missing, and the people on the side have no heads or faces, you can still recognize them by looking at their clothes and height. They are two boys.

One was wearing a suit and vest and looked very decent, the other was wearing a short coat and trousers, with his hands behind his back.

In the entire Shen family, only the young master and Brother Jun can match their identities.

But the two men were about the same fat and thin, and their shoulders were about the same height. It was obvious that they were not much different in age. If the young master of the Shen family is too young, he cannot handle Mr. Li. Brother Jun also has the same problem.

Xia Qiao was stunned: "How could this happen..."

He analyzed a lot of things, and originally thought they were all clear and logical, but one photo ruined everything.

Just when he was at a loss, Wen Shi collected the photos and walked to the door crisply and asked Mr. Li: "Why don't you come in? Who are you afraid of?"

Why on earth can you ask that? ? ?

Xia Qiao thought his brother was making a bug.

He said in surprise: "How could Mr. Li be so obedient?" Even Shen Manyi struggled to resist at first.

When he heard about it, he picked the puppet string on his index finger and said, "He is my puppet now. If he doesn't listen to me, he will listen to who else."

Facts have proved that Mr. Li, who became a puppet, is really obedient.

When asked, he opened his mouth.

Then there was a crash and a long tongue fell out.

When hearing it: "..."

What the fuck-

Perhaps because he was afraid of being beaten by this cold-faced puppet master, Mr. Li turned around and walked away in a hurry. The three of them quickly chased after him, followed the little man around two corners, and entered a room.

That's the study downstairs.

"Yes, he can't speak, but he can write." Xia Qiao said happily.

Chapter 45 Handwriting

There is also a clock hanging in the study, which is far more pleasant than the one in the living room. It just walks quietly and does not make any noise. When you hear it, you tolerate its presence.

He stared at the pointer a few more times, then suddenly turned around and asked, "What time was that clock just now?"

Xia Qiao was like a student who was suddenly called on, and said in panic: "I, I didn't pay attention."

Wen Shi: "...I didn't ask you."

Xia Qiao said "Oh" nonchalantly and turned to look at Xie Wen.

In fact, when I asked this question, I was stunned for a moment even when I heard it. Because before this, he always played the role of "answering questions" or "don't even bother to answer, just do it" in the cage, taking over everything.

He rarely asks. Firstly, he talks less, and secondly, what he notices may not be noticed by others, and what he doesn’t notice may be even less noticed by others. It's his nature to cause trouble. No matter how many years have passed, he still doesn't like to trouble others.

"Discussion" and "inquiry" are almost useless to him. So the moment he breaks the inertia, he will always be a little stunned, and even want to say "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

Fortunately, Xie Wen spoke before him and said, "1 o'clock."

When I heard it, I said "hmm" and my heart dropped, as if I was walking alone, but suddenly there was someone to talk to.

He was about to say that the time displayed by the desk clock and the wall clock were inconsistent, and maybe there was a special meaning.

Before he could say anything, someone from Xie spoke again. He added in a joking manner: "It should be 1 o'clock, but I can't be too sure. After all, you are really fast at cutting the clock. But if you are slow, I can see everything clearly."

Fart you.

Wen Shi withdrew his gaze from the clock, swallowed his words, and decided that it would be better to just let someone be his puppet, or to shut up and stop talking.

Mr. Li has already got behind the desk. The desk is complete with pens and papers. There are brushes of different sizes on the shelf. There are several old-fashioned pens leaning on the stone table. But he was still rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

"Is he doing something?" Xia Qiao was a little afraid of him, but couldn't help but want to help him.

Xie Wen entered the door last, scanned around and said, "Looking for Mo."

When he finished speaking, he heard that he had already pulled open a rusty iron cabinet and pulled out several ink bottles from inside. An unpleasant odor suddenly filled the entire study.

Xia Qiao vomited, pinched his nose and said, "What does this smell like?"

Ever since he read Young Master Shen's diary, he has been very sensitive to the strange smell of the Shen family, and he is afraid that someone will come and be hidden on the sofa or in the cupboard.

"The ink is broken." Wen Shi said.

His expression was also ugly. He endured the smell and unscrewed the ink cap, took a look at it, and threw it into the trash can.

Mr. Li rushed over and snatched the bottle back like a treasure.

"Then Mo has already done it." He frowned and said.

Mr. Li scraped a few times with his brush without giving up, but he couldn't write anything. All the ink that could be found was dry, and none of it was usable, as if

It seemed like he didn't want him to write on purpose.

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