
Chapter 122

"The bathroom, the eaves, the beams near the windows, or -" he suddenly stopped and silenced in the middle of his sentence.

"What's wrong?" Xia Qiao asked.

But he realized the reason why his brother stopped in the next second, because when Mr. Li was approaching the backyard door, he suddenly shrank and wanted to retreat like crazy.

It was because of his quick eyesight that he quickly wrapped a thread with his hands when he heard about it, and was able to stabilize him in time.


He frowned when he heard it.

He opened the door decisively and turned on the porch light in the backyard.

As soon as I stepped in, I smelled a strong smell of burning. The whole yard is full of flowers. As Shen Manyi said, there is a large area of ​​goose yellow surrounding the swing frame. The flowers are like vertical rabbit ears and elongated bows.

When I heard it, I suddenly remembered for no reason that there used to be a large area of ​​these flowers at the foot of Songyun Mountain. They were white, as pure as the snow on the top of the mountain, and more lively and lively than the snow.

He remembered that the flower was called cyclamen.

"Rabbit ears!" Shen Manyi shouted and wanted to pounce. It had been a long time since she had seen this back garden, but as soon as she stepped in, one foot suddenly retracted, as if she had been burned.

Then she squatted by the door and became silent.

This garden is bright and colorful, but it has an inexplicable air of death.

There was clearly a wind blowing in the courtyard, and the swing was swaying gently, but the goose-colored flowers and long vines remained motionless, not even trembling.

When Wen Shi glanced around, there was no place in the entire yard that was higher than a person except for the swings and grape trellises. Even if it is a swing, if you want to lift Mr. Li up, you can't find any point of strength.

But Mr. Li was scared to death.

He was at a loss, not knowing whether to cover his neck or eyes first, and scurried away in a corner of the backyard with his head in his arms.

He became even more panicked when he took a step forward.

In the midst of restlessness, the creaking sound sounded again, echoing in the dead night, like a hemp rope wrapped around a weak wooden pole, with heavy objects hanging on it, swinging left and right.

Mr. Li huddled against the wall and looked up at the top of his head, as if looking at a non-existent hanging rope.

Xie Wen stood nearby, looked down at Mr. Li for a while, and then raised his head. Wen Shi thought he knew something and glanced at him, only to find that he was looking at the moon.

There is a full moon in the sky, the edge is not clear, the moonlight is covered with a layer of fog, as lifeless as the motionless flowers in the backyard, like a craftsman with poor painting skills added it, and like a sudden dòng.

Wenshi stared at the "dòng" for a few seconds, then his expression suddenly changed.

He thought of a place.

There are wooden poles that can be tied with hemp ropes. You don’t need to be very tall or have too much strength. You can easily hang someone——

"It's a well."

He said, striding across the backyard. A well was found not far from the swing set.

This well had been deserted for a long time. The crossbar that was originally placed on the well broke and fell to the ground. There was still a stone slab at the mouth of the well. It was covered by overgrown weeds and could not be seen without paying attention.

When he heard it, he knelt down and reached out to lift the stone slab. A strong rotten smell hit his face.

Xia Qiao was half a step behind Xie Wen and hurried over. He was so intoxicated by the smell on the spot that he sat down by the well. He held his breath and looked around, but there was no blood at all——

The well was not dry, there was still a pool of water, and the thin teacher was in the pool.

He was sitting at the bottom of the well, with a rotten hemp rope around his neck. His face, swollen and white from soaking, had lost its original shape and was looking up. The hair floats in the water like floating water plants, connected with the moss on the well wall.

Looking at the top of his head like this, he must not be able to rest. I don’t know how long I sat there, but I finally waited for someone to arrive.

When I heard this, I held my hand on the edge of the well and didn't speak for a long time.

His brows were slightly furrowed, and his lowered eyes were deep and concentrated, falling straight to the bottom of the well.

After a long time, someone gently touched the back of his head with a finger. When he heard this, he turned his head and saw the person standing behind him. Xie Wen lowered his head and said, "I'm blocking him, so he can't see. Please pick him up."

He used "pick up", a very simple word, which distinguished him from too many people.

Wen Shi looked at Xie Wen and his eyes moved. At that moment, he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he just said "hmm" in his throat and stopped looking at the bottom of the well again.

He released the puppet string and caught the cotton-wool person at the bottom of the well.

"Block tighter." He said without looking back.

"Okay." Xie Wen responded.

The body was placed gently on the ground, covered by thick weeds and large flowers and leaves. If you stand farther away, you can't see anything. But there was a puppet line connected, and when I heard it, I could still feel the trembling of Mr. Li who was huddled by the backyard door.

Anyone with a short temper can overturn the entire backyard with their resentment. But the black smoke just continuously overflowed from Mr. Li's body, like the water in his eye sockets, turbulent but silent.

"Brother, there seems to be something in the well." Xia Qiao suddenly whispered.

When I heard it, I saw something in the mud at the bottom of the well that glowed red and green in the moonlight, like rust.

It was a small copper box with a thin skin but a good seal. Maybe it's rust, maybe it's the mud. When I heard it, I fished it out and opened it violently, and found that the contents inside were not too damaged.

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