
Chapter 137

The adult didn't wake up for any reason, but he dragged her so hard that he fell to the ground, only grabbing his hands full of sticky and fishy blood. The adult's hand fell to the ground with a snap, lifeless. He stubbornly got up and grabbed it again, but it was still in vain.

So he stood there alone, with his bloody fingers open, at a loss...

Until I heard someone approaching.

It was so dusty that day that I didn’t wear a coat or a mask. There was only one snow-white single coat, as spotless as a cyclist who had just landed. When he lowered his eyes and looked at the people on the ground, he had a gentle and compassionate temperament.

That glance became the beginning of all Wen Shi's memories in this world.

Chenbuo squatted down with the hem of his robe and picked him up from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. And he was like a fake doll, lying on the opponent's shoulder with wide-open black eyes, looking at the ground without blinking, and saw that his eyes were unbearably sore, hot and painful.

The person holding him patted his back and said in a deep voice: "Close your eyes."

He moved at every command, closed his eyes and rested his head on the other person's shoulder. After a while, the piece of fabric under his eyes was completely wet.

He was too young to remember that day. But for a long time afterwards, he remembered the smell of blood in the wind that day, and the feeling of the dead man's hand slipping from his palm, which was shockingly cold.

On the day when his memory began, he understood life and death, joy and sorrow without any teacher.

He has no name, only a longevity lock that has been hung since he was born. There is a word "wen" on the lock, which should be the family name. Chen Bu Bui added the word "Shi" to him.

Time is the time, so we remember the year. Chun, summer, autumn, winter and the rotation of the sun and the moon are all contained in this word.

Wen Shi had always been in poor health when he was a child. He cried for too long that day and was frightened. After being brought back by Chenbue, he fell seriously ill.

The top of the mountain is very cold and not suitable for children. On the other hand, villages are gathered at the foot of the mountain, with neatly-shaped houses and bustling fireworks. Wenshi was originally raised at the foot of Songyun Mountain.

But he didn't have a deep impression of the place, because during the period of recovery, he kept waking up and waking up, and by the time he was completely recovered, the seasons had turned around.

According to the rules, he moved to the mountainside of Songyun Mountain and lived with Buning, Zhuang Ye and several other relatives and disciples. Children are naturally fond of playing, and people of similar age can quickly become familiar with each other if they live together.

Wenshi is an exception.

He didn't know when he was born, how old he was, or where he came from. Like an uninvited guest with no place to live, he seemed out of place among those children.

During that time, Chen was often away from Songyun Mountain. Once he went out, he would not come back for a long time, so he didn't know this. But even if he were here, I'm afraid he wouldn't know it right away, because it's impossible to tell when he hears it.

He has been bored and stubborn since he was a child, and is not good at expressing and venting.

Maybe it's because of this that things that don't belong to him have been hidden in his body for so long...

The first time I heard the evil spirit flowing out of my body was late at night before Chen Bu came back.

He was pulled off the quilt by Zhuang Ye who was not sleeping well, and slept against the corner for a long time. He caught a cold, and maybe his physical weakness allowed those things to take advantage of him. He had a lot of dreams that night.

He dreamed that he was standing in that bloody city again, bending down to shake the dead man beside him, stubbornly trying to wake him up, but no matter how hard he pulled, it was to no avail.

The city was full of ghost cries, coiling around him, saying words he couldn't understand, some crying and some wailing. There were screams and sighs.

After listening for a while, he felt that the sounds were not from the outside world, but came from his body.

Then he shuddered and woke up suddenly.

He opened his eyes and found that he was not in the elegant house on the mountainside, but standing on the stone path leading to the foot of the mountain, with a dead flower at his feet.

Someone next to me gasped.

He turned his head and saw several eight or nine-year-old boys looking at him with wide eyes and frightened faces, as if they had seen a ghost. They screamed and rolled down the mountain.

It was a training platform near the foot of the mountain, and the few who were frightened by him were outsiders at the foot of the mountain who had gotten up early.

It was a little bright at that time, it was very cold in the mountains, and the ground was stinging and cold.

Wenshi stood alone among the dead flowers for a long time, only to realize that he was barefoot and had been torn in many places along the way. It was very painful.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands again, and found that his fingers were covered with black things, dirty and foggy. He grabbed the corners of his clothes and wiped them hard until his palms were almost broken, but it didn't work.

After that day, a theory spread around the mountain that he was the reincarnation of an evil ghost and took on the skin of a child. He said that he would go down the mountain in the middle of the night to catch people, and the flowers would die wherever he went.

For a time, everyone became afraid of him and did not dare to approach him, as if he would shed his human skin at any time and show his ghostly appearance.

He was always alone, and it was even more obvious in those two days. Whether eating, sleeping or practicing basic skills, the other children were always eight feet away from him.

He was very stubborn and never defended himself.

He just stayed in the corner, wrestling with his fingers wrapped in black mist.

Zhuang Ye and the others couldn't see the black mist on his hands, otherwise they might be even more frightened and wouldn't be able to stand being in the same room with him.

In fact, he himself is the one who is most afraid.

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