
Chapter 148

Xia Qiao suspected that he was deaf and misheard.

But in fact, no, Wen Shi really planned to find Zhou Xu.

Xie Wen was rumored to be a member of the "Zhang family" who had been expelled. How did he get to the Zhang family, what had he experienced, and why did everyone recognize him as a "Zhang family member." Apart from Xie asking himself, probably only the Zhang family can say something.

Zhou Xu is from the Zhang family and has lived in this family. He also has a character that likes to get involved in everything and wants to know everything. His mother Zhang Biling is one of the few people who has contact with Xie Wen.

So if you ask him, you will definitely be able to find out something.

Although Xia Qiao was confused, he did not dare to resist the order. He sniffed, opened his phone under Wen Shi's gaze, and found Zhou Xu.

"I'll make a voice call and you can talk to him?" Xia Qiao asked.

Wen Shi glanced in the direction of the kitchen and said categorically no.

Xia Qiao was even more puzzled. Could it be that he had to type it out?

Also... okay.

Xia Qiao switched to typing mode, with his thumbs hanging on the keyboard in a prepared posture: "Brother, tell me, I will type."

While speaking, he had already taken the lead in sending an expression to say hello to Zhou Xu.

Unexpectedly, this proposal was met with a "no" from Wen Shi again.

Xia Qiao was confused, thinking: What the you want to fight it yourself? ? ?

Did any old man from the Republic of China learn the pinyin of Wubi and Jiugongge? ? ?

While they were arguing about this matter, the Zhang family, centered on Zhou Xu and Dadong... to be precise, all the other families except Wen Shi Xia Qiao, were going mad online at the famous genealogy map.

Chapter 54 Crazy

In fact, when the cage was first broken, there was no change in the chart. Even the first day after the destruction was relatively quiet. Maybe there was some movement at a certain moment, but it was only for a moment and no one noticed it.

So the group of people who entered the cage all came out "normally" at first——

Sun Siqi was sent home by Zhou Xu in a car.

His mother still had the mask on her face when she opened the door for them. At first glance, even Zhou Xu was so frightened that she almost cursed. Sun Siqi responded with a condition, fell down at the door and started crying, holding Zhou Xu and screaming. "Great Immortal" made Zhou Xu almost detained by his parents on the spot.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything, and he forgot most of the scene in the cage. He just felt as if he had slept in the car and had a real nightmare. Zhou Xu was released and hurried back to his home.

Zhou Xu had a special constitution and could clearly remember what happened in the cage, but he couldn't stand it anymore. He developed a high fever soon after entering the house and was sleeping and waking up.

Dadong also suffered a little in the cage, but after all, he was born as a judge and his reaction was not as big as Zhou Xu's. He was forced to drink a pack of cold granules as a preventive measure. He only had a headache for half the night and was fine after a good sleep.

In comparison, his partner Mouse is much more troublesome.

Although entering the cage is an illusion, as long as something happens in the cage, the result will not be much better.

If no one unlocks the cage, there may be one more sleeping person or one more madman in the world. If you are lucky and the cage is released soon, you will be plagued by serious illness and bad luck for a long time.

The worst thing is to be trapped in the "death place" in a cage, which means that you will not be able to be reincarnated.

The only good thing is that the mouse was not in this last situation, and Wen Shi happened to be there and released the cage for him. But he was taken straight to the hospital.

Dadong went back to his residence and stayed overnight, then went to the hospital to take care of him. Several other people in the Zhang family who had a good relationship with Mo Zi also made a trip. But at that time, the family had not been alarmed.

The Zhang family realized something was wrong on the second night.

At that time, Zhang Lan had just returned from overseas, and the journey was dusty. While this aunt was busy arguing with others about a certain cage, the Shen family apprentice was forgotten by her and did not think of contacting Dadong for a while.

And Zhang Yalin had just solved a very difficult problem. The two siblings met each other when they came back. They simply grabbed a few people who were traveling with them and called a few peers and juniors who lived in the same area. The two of them held a feast to welcome the wind and wash away the dust in the huge hall.

Connect each other and wash together.

This group of people were relatively restrained at first because they were afraid of disturbing the owner of the back room. After drinking some wine, the atmosphere gradually relaxed. After all, they are all a group of young people with lively natures, especially Zhang Lan.

Auntie Zhang took the lead, using her brother Zhang Yalin as a benchmark, and the riot lasted until nearly 12 o'clock.

It was originally a very enjoyable night, but the bad thing was that two friends got too drunk and had to argue about which cage they had recently released was more difficult, so they did the thing they regretted most that night - hooking up. He turned to the map of the judge's name and tried to find a theoretical basis for himself.

One person said: "After I untied my cage, one person jumped up on the same day."

Another person said: "Although I didn't move, but -"

Before he finished the second half of the sentence, he hissed. Because he found a new name appeared next to him: "Hey, wait a minute, Zhang Xiaodong...who is this? It sounds familiar."

Someone at the dining table heard this and leaned on the back of the chair to taunt him: "You must have fainted from drinking. It sounds familiar. Isn't that Dadong!"

Grandma Zhang, who is so forgetful of noble people, slapped her thigh and said, "Oh, Dadong! You didn't even mention it to me. I forgot about it. I even asked him and Mouse to help me follow people."

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