
Chapter 155

It probably wasn't Xie Wen himself, but I still felt very uncomfortable when I heard it.

So much so that he stood up from where he was leaning on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed.

The desk lamp was dimly lit, and he sat hunched under the light, holding the requisitioned mobile phone. He opened the keyboard with his thumb and wrote: Where is the letter?

After the message was sent, the interface jumped to the bottom. Hanging above his two words was the time when the message was sent, 3:12 in the morning.

Wen Shi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it was already very late. Zhou Xu might have gone to bed long ago and would not give him any reply. Even if he gave it, he wouldn't be able to figure out what he wanted to see through these two words.

He lowered his wrist, held the phone loosely and was silent for a while, then turned the screen over and moved his thumb upward to read what Zhou Xu said later.

Zhou Xu said: Bingyangzi’s father should be an ordinary person, not on the family tree, and not a powerful character. Anyway, no one knows what that person’s name is or what he does. Anyway, what he is most well-known for is that he was killed by sick Yangzi. However, my aunt said that the earliest rumors were not like this.

The earliest rumors said that the unlucky man was killed by Zhang Wan and her son. At that time, Xie Wen was not the protagonist in this sentence.

Xie Wen must have been 10 years old that year, and Zhang Wan entered a cage with him. The man was there at the time, but he wasn't involved.

In fact, it would be better to just go in together. At least in the cage, he would be within the sight of Zhang Wan and Xie Wen, but it was a pity that he was not.

There was an accident when Zhang Wan was released from the cage, causing some of the scattered black mist to overflow at that moment.

That place was originally a cage vortex, like a bubbling swamp, which made people nearby tired of their connections and easily gave birth to new cages. So the moment Zhang Wan released the cage, her husband was wrapped in another cage and stepped into the closed place of death.

This experience is, to some extent, the same as that of Zhang Yishan, who was supposed to be the head of the Zhang family but died young. So some people connected the two things together, saying that Zhang Wan had a bad fate, cut off family ties, and found it difficult to have long-lasting love.

Because the Zhang family's advocate Zhengchu had said that Zhang Wan should be treated as if he didn't exist. So the rumors were intermittent, and no one mentioned it publicly, so it was out of context.

It wasn't until a few years later, when Xie Wen came of age, that Zhang Wan followed in the footsteps of her uncle and husband when she entered a cage, and also died.

Since then, Xie Wen has become a loner in this world, and the words circulated privately by various families have officially changed from "Zhang Wan has a bad destiny" to "Xie Wen is cut off from relatives, it is the fate of the gods."

At first some people believed it, but naturally some people didn't believe it. After all, life is too imaginary, and only some people who practice hexagrams like to talk about it.

But then something happened that made them have to believe it.

One is that one day there was a red mark on the genealogical map, and a blood mark generally ran across the name Xie Wen, marking that this person should not exist here.

In other words, he was removed from the list.

Later, someone who specializes in talismans used the talismans to see Xie Wen's spiritual sign and found that he was full of karma, which was indeed the destiny of a god, and it was far more severe than anyone else's. For those who didn’t know, they thought they were seeing evil spirits from the hells of the ten directions.

Such people are truly unworthy and deserve to be removed from the list.

So from then on, Xie Wen became a person that everyone should avoid, and was excluded from all living judges.

Zhou Xu said: Xie Wen was actually not in Ningzhou before. Many people, like me, grew up hearing rumors about him, but never saw him. This is quite understandable. After all, his mother was kicked out and he was not welcomed. There was no point in coming to Ningzhou. Unexpectedly, he moved here last year and opened the Xipingyuan restaurant.

Zhou Xu: It’s a bit funny to say that. When he came to Ningzhou, I didn’t hear anyone talking about it openly, but within a few days, everyone knew that Xie Wen opened a store called Xipingyuan.

Zhou Xu: But his store is so successful that I doubt it makes any money at all. Moreover, he disappeared from time to time. My mother said she would look for him eight times out of ten.

When I heard it, I subconsciously scratched it with my thumb and found that it had reached the bottom. Zhou Xu used a hammer in the east and a stick in the west. His words were actually very jumpy, but he almost figured out the whole story.

Just as he was about to turn off the screen, his phone vibrated.

Another line of text popped up at the bottom of the interface: What letter?

Wen Shi was stunned for a moment, and silently glanced at the time, it was three quarters past three in the morning...

Don’t modern people sleep?

When he was surprised, Zhou Xu sent another message: Oh, are you talking about the letters between my mother and Zhang Wan?

When I heard it, I wrote one word: Yeah

Zhou Xu: Nothing major happened to his family at that time, and the contents of the letter were quite normal. Anyway, I didn't see anything special, so I just felt that Zhang Wan was a bit distracted.

When I heard it:?

Zhou Xu: He would say some very mysterious words, such as "This is my blessed place, I should come here", and "The fate of this world should be ended" and so on.

Zhou Xu: Those people who practice hexagrams are all bad at what they say. There are many people who practice hexagrams in the Zhang family. I don’t think many of them are reliable. They are not as accurate as my sixth sense.

He spoke with an expressive expression, raising his chin in disgust.

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