
Chapter 166

Xiao Hei took out a few copper coins from his pocket, arranged them briefly with his fingers, and then started to make predictions. Since Zhang Lan always wanted to make fortunes no matter what, he had done this action countless times and was so proficient that he would never make a mistake.

As a result, he let go of his hand, and one of the copper coins fell to the ground with a clang, and rolled along the wooden floor and into the bottom of the wardrobe...

Zhang Lan was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed a little.

Although she knows nothing about the hexagram technique, the heads of the Zhang family have practiced it for generations, and she is familiar with the most basic rules better than anyone else - it is a big taboo to lose copper coins when they drop the hexagram.

Once it lands, there is no saying that it can be repeated, which means that this hexagram cannot be calculated.

"The destination doesn't count?" Zhang Lan was surprised.

Zhang Yalin also frowned tightly.

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated?" Zhang Lan was still a little doubtful, "Could it be that Xiao Hei's hands are shaking?"

Xiao Hei silently stretched out his hands towards her: "I'm very stable. If you don't believe me, just grab it and try."

Zhang Yalin also said: "It's impossible. The puppet is made of the spirit creature Bu Ning. Divination is as good as eating and drinking. Does your mouth tremble after eating?"

Zhang Lan: "..."

Zhang Yalin was still a little hesitant at first. After all, the Zhang family had rules. If he and Zhang Lan wanted to leave Ningzhou at the same time, they had to report to the head of the family - that is, they had to report to their grandfather Zhang Zhengchu.

They rarely do things together in these years, just to avoid this. They are both afraid of seeing their grandfather.

In fact, when they were young, they were quite close to their grandfather, especially Zhang Lan. Later, they gradually became unfamiliar with each other. The reason is a bit simple: after Zhang Wan was kicked out of the house, the burden of becoming the next head of the family naturally fell on them. So grandpa Zhang Zhengchu wanted them to do miscellaneous repairs, but Zhang Lan refused.

In fact, Zhang Yalin didn't want to either. The older he gets, the more he becomes obsessed with puppetry and has little interest in other things. However, his personality is not as fierce as Zhang Lan's and he is more obedient. So he took a compromise and asked his puppets to learn hexagrams, formations and spells. Only then did he manage to pass the test.

In their opinion, this was not a matter of principle, but Grandpa took it very seriously, and whenever it was mentioned, they would inevitably end up unhappy. So since then, the two siblings have been a little afraid of their grandfather. Maybe they don't want to have a quarrel or become more unfamiliar. They usually try not to disturb the old man if they can.

But now that Xiao Hei's fortune telling revealed a big taboo, he wanted to see what was going on.

"I'm going to get my luggage, and by the way... go to the back." Zhang Yalin said on behalf.

Going to the back means talking to grandpa. Zhang Lan waved at him, signaling him to hurry up.

However, Zhang Yalin was obviously not an impatient person, so he "hurriedly" lasted nearly an hour. Zhang Lan had already packed his luggage and was bored waiting, so he could only play with Xiao Hei.

"I can't forget the destination, but I can think of other things, right?" Zhang Lan asked.

Xiao Hei has been tricked by this aunt countless times and is afraid of her: "I reserve my opinion, you can talk about it first."

"Hey, you've learned to be smart." Zhang Lan didn't want to torment him, "It's okay to have bad luck, right?"

Xiao Hei nodded and immediately began to shake his hexagram. This time, no coins fell, and Zhang Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

But before his anger was fully relaxed, he heard Xiao Hei say: "Six-three, that is, the deer is not in danger, but it only goes into the forest; a gentleman is not as good as giving up and being stingy."

Zhang Lan: "What the hell?"

The little black character said sternly: "Catch the deer but there is no guide, give up, you will be easily wronged rǔ."

Zhang Lan: "?"

"Who is being wronged???" Zhang Lan asked quietly.

Xiao Hei looked at her red mouth that seemed to want to eat someone, and he said politely: "You can."

The word "ba" represents euphemism.

If he only talked about the front, Zhang Lan might still hesitate. She just added a sentence of aggrieved rǔ, and my aunt decided instead: "The key point is that there are fewer people to lead the way, right?"

Xiaohei: "The key point is to give up."

Zhang Lan pushed him out of the door and sifted through his cell phone. In modern society, there is a map for direction. The meaning of "leading the way" in the hexagram is obviously not so straightforward. In her opinion, there should be one less person to pull the strings.

The Shen family's apprentice had no friendship with her. She and Zhang Yalin rushed over, and they might get poked again, just like the last time they went to the Shen family.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Hei's prediction really makes some sense.

Then find someone with "friendship".

Among the people she knew who could be connected with the Shen family's disciples, Xie Wen was definitely the first one. Unfortunately, Xie Wen himself was in the car heading north.

So she called Zhou Xu instead.

When Zhang Yalin finally finished reporting to his grandfather, everyone from Zhou Xu arrived at the front door of his house.

He was very excited, as if he was going for a spring outing. He grabbed his mobile phone and carried a backpack with bulging bags. Zhang Yalin suspected that he was filled with snacks.

Tracking this matter is somewhat false to say it. Zhang Lan, with the intention of not leading young people astray, told Zhou Xu to "go on a business trip to get out of the cage."

Not knowing their destination, they had to drive there. Zhang Lan put a tracking charm to chase Wen Shi's car and also led him the way.

After getting in the car, they were not in a hurry. After setting off, we first went to a spiritual shop labeled "Paper Wreaths" to buy paper, pen, and cinnabar for making dots.

Zhang Lan put these things in his bag for preparation, then while Zhou Xu didn't get out of the car, he patted Xiao Hei and said, "It's up to you. The clerk Xie Wen was driving over there. Although he left early, he You must take a break and change people in the middle. You are just a puppet, so it will be easy to catch up."

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