
Chapter 171

It should be a family drama. Several people were sitting around the dining table chatting, and another person came over with two plates, smiled and yelled: "Here comes the hot dumplings!"

"Dumplings?" The person at the table helped to take the plate, "This is too much trouble for you."

"Why are you being polite? I didn't arrange it. Uncle Wu delivered it." The man wiped his hands and sat down at the dining table. He pointed to the two plates and said, "Come on, have a taste, it's a lucky one."

"What prize?" Two of them moved their chopsticks, and each picked up a dumpling.

"It's possible that you will get paid for your meal."


Both of them took a bite of the dumpling.

"It's a pity, I'm from fennel, and I don't have any money. How about you?"

"Me too."

"It's okay, there are two plates, and I'm full." The person who brought the dumplings said with a smile. He turned his head to look at the other corner of the table. There seemed to be a long-haired girl sitting there, always sitting reserved and elegant, without moving her chopsticks.

"What's the matter? Is it not to your liking? Eat it." He enthusiastically pushed the bowl and chopsticks towards the girl.

But the girl waved her hand and declined with a smile: "I ate some snacks in the afternoon, and I'm not hungry yet."

"Snacks are snacks, what if you don't eat dinner?"

"I can't eat anymore," said the girl.

"Eat one is fine." The man continued to persuade.

But no matter what he said, the girl never moved her chopsticks.

"Hey, okay." The man finally sighed, and said regretfully, "This dumpling is delicious, Uncle Wu's craftsmanship is superb. It would be a pity not to eat it."

He smacked his lips, shook his head for a moment, and repeated: "It's really a pity not to eat."

I don't know what the theme of this TV series is. The table is full of people, but there is an indescribable weirdness.

Xia Qiao wanted to change the channel and ignore it, but he was always attracted by the voices of those people, so he couldn't help but take a few glances, and unknowingly watched a section seriously.

Those people fell asleep after eating the dumplings, and the screen quickly went black.

Xia Qiao was about to look away from the TV when suddenly the screen flickered a few times and the scene switched to the bedroom.

The long-haired girl was curled up in the quilt and was sleeping soundly, but a figure quietly came to her bed. The girl turned over unconsciously, and then the figure in front of the bed raised her hands high, and in her hand was an axe.

He swung down hard on the girl's neck.

"Damn it!" Xia Qiao was so startled that he almost jumped off the sofa.

Wen Shi also saw that scene and frowned. The TV screen was quickly splattered with blood, and I couldn't see people clearly anymore, I could only hear the blunt sound of the ax chopping things up and down.

"If you can't stand it, change it." Xie Wen reminded.

Xia Qiao hurriedly grabbed the remote control and pressed the next channel, but this time, there was nothing on the TV, only a large piece of noisy snowflakes rustling.

He changed several of them one after another, with the same result, as if there were only two channels on the entire TV, one for singing operas and one for horror movies.

Xia Qiao almost threw the remote control away.

"What a treasure." Xie Wen commented.

Wen Shi took the remote control from Xia Qiao's hand and directly turned off the unlucky TV.

As soon as the screen went black, the room was completely clean.

Then he turned to Xie Wen and said, "Let's find out what kind of cage this is first. Don't you know her parents?"

Xie asked: "You mean Lu Wenjuan?"

Wen Shi: "Hmm. Is this name really from the grave?"

"No, I heard that the old couple mentioned it." Xie Wen said.

"???" Xia Qiao looked at Lao Mao angrily and aggrieved, but Lao Mao said, "The difference is actually not that big. Anyway, they all mean the same thing."

Xie Wen followed Lao Mao's words: "Her parents mentioned that the eldest daughter Lu Wenjuan passed away very early."

Wen Shi: "What's the reason?"

Xie asked: "It is said that he drowned. I made an appointment with my friends to swim in the river during the holidays. I don't know which river it is. It should not be near here. It is said that it took a lot of effort to get it back."

"Drowned..." Wen Shi pondered for a long time.

This kind of death is not uncommon, and the cage will be left behind, either because they have something to let go, or the reason for drowning is too embarrassing.

For such a person, more or less water-related intentions will appear in the cage. But at present, apart from the constant rain, there is really nothing related to water in this cage.

"Let's have a look again." Xie Wen said.

If you don't know the situation in advance, it is actually difficult to judge the size of the cage when you first enter the cage.

Maybe the ins and outs are very simple, just like the cage on Shenqiao or Wangquan Road, if you find the key point, you can solve it by three times, five times and two divisions. Maybe it's even more confusing than the one at Sanmidian.

After a while, Lu Wenjuan came back from work. She unscrewed the door, glanced into the room, and said in surprise: "Is the TV off? Don't you watch it?"

Who dares to look! Xia Qiao thought with lingering fear.

Instead, Xie Wen said to her: "They are going to help you."

This is too blind, but Lu Wenjuan actually believed it. She waved her hands with a smile and said, "You're too polite, how could I let you into the kitchen? It doesn't make sense."

She said, pointing to the hall and said: "The dining table is outside, since you don't want to watch TV, you can come out. The dishes and chopsticks have been set, I'll just put a plate, soon."

Truth be told, no one expected her treats. But Wen Shi and Xie Wen both stood uprightly.

Standing up, one after the other, they walked towards the door.

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