
Chapter 18

The little boy said "oh".

When I smelled it, I didn't know where the old man heard this kind of words, but it was true. There is a mark on the heart of all puppets, most of which are the puppet master's own mark, similar to the painter typing a chapter.

If you want to break other people's puppets, a thread can pass through your chest.

It's the same thing with people.

However, when these words spread to the people, they became all kinds of strange taboos, such as what the old man said.

I listened to it for a while when I smelled it, but I didn't hear the taste, so I walked upstairs quietly.

He wanted to ask Xie, but he ran all over the second floor and found no trace, and he couldn't call him by his name, so he had to give up temporarily and hide in the corner of the utility room to wait in the middle of the night.


The time in the cage passed quickly, and it didn't take long before it was completely dark.

The house stood abruptly in the mountains, isolated from the world, and at night it was as quiet as an empty house that had been abandoned for many years.

The little boy's door was closed, and there was no sound inside, not even breathing.

He passed by quietly when he heard it, and went down the stairs to the first floor, where the old man's bedroom was located.

Throughout the day, in addition to looking for Xie Wen, he was observing the pair of grandfathers and grandchildren. This is the old man's cage. He probably knows that the old man's knot is related to his grandson, but he hasn't been able to figure out what it is.

He wanted to take advantage of the night to go to the old man's room to have a look.

When I passed the living room, I heard a trembling voice, as light as a ghost: "Brother...Brother..."

"Brother, it's me, look back at me..."

When smelling: "..."

He followed the sound and went around to the table of the Eight Immortals, and saw that Xia Qiao was still paralyzed on the chair.

"Brother, why are you going?" Xia Qiao asked softly.

"Go to the old man's house and have a look." Wen Shi replied, and asked him again, "Have you seen Xie asked?"

"No, isn't he in the pile of dolls?"

He said, "Not here."

Xia Qiao: "What about others?"

When smelling: "Ghost knows."

You won't send them in, you didn't get in successfully, did you?

When I heard it, I pondered in my heart, thank you for asking the level of the dish, maybe I can really figure it out.

In fact, the judge can see the level of the level when he enters the cage. Simple is like them, attached to dolls, photos, a little more troublesome is to attach to the mirror, and then hang pictures. As for other things... the less human-like things are, the more difficult it is, and the more things you can control, the more powerful you are.

When the smell was good, he could even control the entire cage.

But that is already the past.

When he heard the news, Xia Qiao finally dared to move.

He struggled to fall from the chair, stood up straight, and muttered, "Be careful... don't make any noise."

He was a little speechless when he heard it, "Don't be so exaggerated."

"Yes." Xia Qiao held his skirt and said solemnly: "Everything in this room is very sensitive. If you touch it and explode, the glass teapot will suddenly explode in the afternoon."

"Teapot?" Wen Shi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that when the little boy tried to catch him in the afternoon, the grandfather downstairs accidentally broke something.

"You said the teapot exploded suddenly?"


He was a little puzzled when he smelled it, and just as he was about to ask a few more questions, a ghastly white figure suddenly flashed in the corner of his eye.

He stopped for a moment, turned his head to look, and saw that it was a full-length mirror. The silent figure standing just now was in that mirror.

Xia Qiao didn't dare to move at all.

He walked over to the mirror when he smelled it. He approached the mirror and touched it, trying to see if there was anything strange in it.

Suddenly I heard Xie Wen's voice sounding in front of him, with a smile in his voice: "Don't get so close, you are so scary with big eyes."

When smelling: "..."

I fuck-

He took a step back and was about to scold when he saw himself in the mirror.

The eyes of Western-style dolls are no joke, the eyelashes are long and curled, it is really watery, plus a bib...

He himself was afraid.

But he was afraid for two seconds and then reacted——

Xie asked this bastard into the mirror himself, but stuffed them into the doll, is this a fucking thing? ? ?

Chapter 8 Drawers

In addition to the watery-eyed doll, there is also the shadow of Xie Wen in the mirror.

The figure was very vague, not to mention the facial features, and even the long and short hair could not be seen clearly. Like a tall, pale person standing somewhere near and far.

For a moment, when I smelled it, I felt that this scene seemed familiar.

He seems to have seen such a person before, standing barefoot under the faint light of the sky, looking down at the river of blood under his feet, and holding the loose snow-white robe...

But then he remembered the scene a long time ago in some handwritten book or possibly some old painting. It's been too long to remember.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

The mirror made three soft clicks.

He blinked his eyes when he smelled it, and instantly returned to his senses.

In the mirror, Xie Wen's blurred image bent down, looked at the doll that was too short for him, and asked, "Don't speak? Are you really mad?"

Wen Shi: "You stand up straight and talk."

Xie asked: "There is a little difference in height when you stand up straight. Your necks are affected, and my eyes are also tired."

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