
Chapter 181

The reason why I don't say hands and feet but limbs is because compared to hands and feet, they are more like wild cats and dogs or spiders missing a few legs, but with a human face.

They lie prone on the ground and move their limbs together, making a rustling sound. If he stood upright against the wall, he would look exactly like the "neighbor" Zhou Xu saw.

The moment Lu Wenjuan saw this thing, she jumped up in fright. She dragged Wen Shi and the others into the house regardless, then closed the door tightly and drew the curtains in each room.

Through a door panel, you can hear the rustling and crawling sounds outside getting more and more louder and louder...

As if in an instant, this kind of thing sprouted all over the village, crawling everywhere.

However, this kind of movement did not last long. In just a few minutes, the whole village returned to silence. At least it sounded like nothing but rain.

When Wen Shi opened the curtains and looked outside, he found that the scene outside the window had become exactly the same as inside the house. It was the result of him opening the door in the middle of the night - the outside became a dead place again.

Now let alone Lu Wenjuan, they can't even think of going out.

"What on earth was that thing just now?"

Lu Wenjuan said quietly: "That's an evil ghost."

This word was a bit special to Wen Shi. He moved his fingers on the curtains and turned his head to look at Lu Wenjuan.

Then I heard Xie Wen say quietly: "Wrong, that's Huigu."

"Huigu?" Xia Qiao felt a little familiar when he heard the word, but he couldn't remember it immediately.

Fortunately, I mentioned it when I heard it: "You've seen it before."

Xia Qiao then remembered that the night when Wen Shi first came to Shen's house, the thing the three Chuī drummers transformed into was called "Hui Gu". But since he never saw this kind of thing again, he forgot about it.

I just remember Wen Shi saying at the time that this was something crawling out of the ground.

"Some pickled things." Zhang Yalin explained with disgust: "According to the book, the more resentful places are, the easier it is for these things to grow, so big vortexes, or even more troublesome places, sometimes A few or even dozens of them crawl out. Even if they are killed, there are still some, but they can never be removed."

"It can't be said that, although they themselves are indeed filth. But sometimes, they can still be put to serious uses." Zhang Lan added, "You see, they are very good at finding people and things. Of course, the premise You can’t harm anyone.”

Zhang Yalin showed disapproval, but since the other party was his sister, he did not open his mouth to refute.

Besides, except for the more old-school people like himself, many judges in this world will not kill Huigu directly after catching them. They will indeed use their nature of stealing spirits and spiritual creatures to find cages or help them with other things. , and then get rid of them before causing danger, or sell them to a spiritual shop for processing.

As long as you grasp the degree, it's not a big problem.

But Zhang Yalin still couldn't accept it, maybe she was a bit mysophobic.

Xia Qiao had no idea about the differences between the siblings. He only felt that Huigu's stuff made him very uncomfortable. Three or two of them were fine, but more would make his scalp numb.

And the posture outside the door just now, not to mention hundreds of them... they are almost all over the village.

"If you put it that way, wouldn't this village be more serious than a cage vortex?" Xia Qiao murmured.

"Yes, so this cage is really a bit evil." Zhang Lan helped the dizzy Zhou Xu lie down on the sofa, and couldn't help but muttered, "How can an ordinary person's cage look like this..."

Although this aunt has experienced many battles, she always talks about what is going on, and will not deliberately downplay the trouble just to show off.

Zhang Yalin fetched a basin from the kitchen, stuffed it into Zhou Xu's arms, sat down on the sofa nearby, pointed to the basin politely and said: "Puke on it, not on me."

Zhou Xu's tongue was almost as long as vomiting, but he didn't spit out anything. He panted for a while like a puppy, hugged the basin and said weakly and shamelessly: "I had a cold before I came here, otherwise I wouldn't be like this."

No one present except him had such a big reaction. Even Xia Qiao, who is more timid than Jī, is standing still.

"You can pull him down. You are like this even if you don't have a cold." Aunt Zhang scolded him, then patted his head and said, "Hey, it's my fault. I should still go to Dadong for this matter of being caged. I shouldn't put you in the cage." Catch him—"

Zhang Yalin cleared her throat vigorously and glanced at Wen Shi's back again, reminding his sister to pay more attention to her words.

Zhang Lan swallowed back the word "lead the way" and changed her words: "It's still Xiao Hei's fault. Forget it, otherwise I wouldn't -"

Zhang Yalin cleared her throat again, and her aunt changed her words again, pointing at Zhou Xu and said: "Anyway, with your physique, you should not enter the cage without entering the cage. Your spiritual appearance is not as stable as ordinary people, and accidents happen too easily. Don't blame Sister Bi Ling." Stop you. When you get out from here, I have to lead you to make amends to her."

When Zhou Xu heard this, he immediately jumped up: "Mom, that's an exaggeration! I've been in the cage three times recently. Aren't I still alive and kicking? Auntie, you can't finish me off -"

Zhang Yalin rolled his eyes and cleared his throat for the third time.

"Don't clear it. It's a waste of your voice and it doesn't sound good." Xie Wen sat down on the sofa nearby, pushed the empty cup in front of him and said, "Why don't you pour a glass of water to drink."

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