
Chapter 185

do not know?

He frowned when he smelled it.

"They don't seem to know each other from the beginning. Some of them are from different places, as if they were dragged here. Their accents are not from the local area," Lu Wenjuan said.

Xie asked: "Then you said there have always been some customs here -"

Lu Wenjuan explained: "It is true, but I was also taught. I don't know the specific situation. Probably only the village chief knows the most."

"The dumplings last night were given by the village chief, right? What does that mean?" Xia Qiao was still frightened by what he had eaten last night and couldn't help but ask.

Lu Wenjuan hesitated for a moment and said, "To pick people."

Wen Shi: "Who should I choose?"

Lu Wenjuan: "Sacrifice to the mountain god."

Everyone was full of questions.

Wen Shi and Xie Wen were okay. After all, they had heard too many similar things, but Zhou Xu and Xia Qiao felt it was a bit inconsistent. After all, in modern society, who of their age would believe in mountain gods?

But then they thought, not many people in modern society know about the judge, right?

Lu Wenjuan's knowledge was limited, so she could only tell them briefly.

According to her, the village was not originally like this.

Although there are all dead people here, except for her, most of the villagers don't know that they are no longer alive. The word "death" is an unwritten taboo here and no one will mention it.

A long time ago, before she came here, life here was very peaceful, with sunrise and sunset, self-sufficient, accompanied by the barking of dogs, like a paradise hidden in a corner. The only important thing is to be clean.

People who live here need to clean up, and people who accidentally enter here need to clean up as well. Because impurity will cause great disaster.

Then on an unknown day, the village suddenly changed——

When the people in the village opened their eyes, they found that the land they lived on had become larger, and there were some new houses on the edge, and there were people they had never seen living in them.

As if overnight, some residents moved in quietly.

Later, when they open their eyes every day, they will almost find this kind of thing. After this continued for a while, a saying spread that the village nestled against the mountains was alive and would grow.

Lu Wenjuan came here at that time. On her third day here, she encountered a heavy rain.

The village chief said that it had never rained like this before. It occasionally did, and it was as fine as a cow's hair and did not get wet on your clothes. However, it often snowed in winter, and it was as heavy as the snow in the mountains. It could accumulate very thickly in one night. Children They like to play.

In such a rare heavy rain, things crawled out of the ground and crawled all over the village. She was the Huigu they called her when she heard about her.

Hui Gu was born in filth and grew up in filth. She feeds on spirits and spiritual objects. As soon as she crawls out, she goes around catching villagers. Once he catches one, he knocks open the Tianling lid and eats it like drinking soup.

That rain left many houses in the village empty.

"But those people have not disappeared. Sometimes, you can hear the voices of those people in the middle of the night." Lu Wenjuan pointed to her feet and said, "It's just underground, as if they have just been transformed."

Many people in the village had heard those sounds, so when Huigu climbed out later, they always felt that there were those missing villagers inside. Some people even say that some of the Huigu have the faces of villagers.

The village chief said that this land was unhappy.

Since the village is alive and will grow, it will naturally also become angry and hungry. And this village is close to the mountain, so these sayings were transplanted to the head of the mountain god.

Since the mountain god is hungry, you have to feed it something regularly to avoid letting those things out to catch people again.

Lu Wenjuan: "The village chief feels that originally everyone lived here peacefully, and the mountain god never caused trouble. Then it suddenly changed, and it must have been disturbed by outsiders. Therefore, if you want to feed the mountain god, you cannot choose from the villagers. You have to Find one from outsiders.”

It is clear at this point that the dumplings brought by Lao Wu are for the guests to eat, so the prize in the dumplings is obviously to choose the person who feeds the mountain god.

"Fortunately, none of us had anything to eat yesterday." Xia Qiao let out a long sigh.

But I heard Lu Wenjuan say: "I picked out the dumplings that I can't eat. If you eat them, it's my problem."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Xu, who was holding the basin, raised his head.

He had been vomiting for a long time, and now his face was pale, and he looked almost lifeless at first glance. He silently raised his hands and said, "I ate the dumplings you mentioned yesterday at the village chief's house. Is the lottery you mentioned wrapped in copper coins?"

Everyone looked at him.

Zhou Xu's hands were shaking: "I fucking... ate three."

Lu Wenjuan: "...just three in total each time."

Zhou Xu: "What happens after you finish eating?"

Lu Wenjuan was silent for a moment and said, "It means you are destined to the mountain god. Wash yourself and prepare to go up the mountain at night."


There is a fate of Nima.

Zhou Xu cursed in his heart. He didn't know who the mountain god was, but he was already cold.

Chapter 68 Missing

The nights in this deserted village are never peaceful.

Lu Wenjuan said that guests who entered here by mistake before would become more and more weird after staying for a few days. Impulsive, irritable, irritable, and sad. It seems that everything deep in my heart will be brought out by this land.

They were not surprised when they heard this. After all, it was much more troublesome for Hui Gu to climb out of the village than from the cage vortex.

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