
Chapter 195

They were noisy, and Zhuang Ye was inside "having a good time" making love, folding his arms while watching the show. As a result, that night, when Wen Shi swept the lamp and was about to go to sleep, he heard several knocks on the door.

He threw the thread and opened the door. Chen Bubu stood outside the door holding a lamp.

"Didn't you go down the mountain?" Wen Shi looked at him in surprise.

"Aren't you calling for help?" Chen Bubu raised an eyebrow and glanced at him.

Wen Shi stared at him for a moment, moved his lips and was about to speak out when he said, "Forget it, I know what you are going to call, just swallow it."

He shook his head half-seriously, walked into the room, and put a bag of things on the table.

When he comes back from the mountains, he often brings strange things to Wenshi. But he is extremely good at whetting people's appetites and doesn't give them all at once.

I would always put one or two things out to make people laugh when I was silent because of something or seeing something painful in the cage.

This has almost become a tacit understanding between master and disciple.

It's really rare to give everything in a bag like this, it seems like the other person is a little absent-minded.

Wenshi stared at Chenbui for a moment and asked, "Did something happen at the foot of the mountain?"

Chen Bubuo was about to go out when he heard the words and was stunned for a moment and said: "Nothing, just go to sleep."

Wen Shi refused to move, still looking at him.

Chen Bu Bu had already reached the door, glanced back, and said with a smile: "Why are you staring at me?"

He simply chatted with Wen Shi at the door for a few words, until he relaxed his apprentice and no longer looked like he was interrogating, and then he straightened up.

Before leaving, he suddenly remembered something and asked: "I heard that Buning left a very special seal on the formation stone?"

I was stunned for a moment when I heard it.

Chen Bubu reached out and pointed at the bird stand: "Come, stare at it, it's like it's complaining."

The golden-winged roc silently shrank its head into its fur, pretending to be dead.

When I heard it, I thought for a while and said, "It looks like the word "北", but he said it's not."

Chen Bubui: "Did you mention the reason?"

When I heard about it: "He said it was a coined word, and it will have something to do with him in the future."

Chenbuo nodded.

The side of his face was reflected in the light, and because his eyes were lowered, he looked as if he was in a trance.

Bu Ning was born psychic and had a special constitution. Sometimes when he did something, everyone would ask him a question or two. This is common, but rarely asked.

Wenshi looked at him and couldn't help but said: "What's wrong with that word?"

Chenbu Buo came to his senses, smiled and said, "Maybe I have some connection with you."

Zhang Yalin stood up after identifying it and said, "It should be right, it's Patriarch Bu Ning's formation."

Hearing this, he suddenly came back to his senses and saw Zhang Lan's face suddenly turned solemn: "If it is really Bu Ning's formation, it would be troublesome. As we all know, there are only a handful of formations left by Bu Ning, and the mark is still so deep today, which shows that It was an earth-shaking formation at the beginning. It wasn’t just..."

Zhang Lan was silent for a moment and turned to everyone: "The formation that seals the one who will never enter reincarnation?"

When she finished speaking, Wen Shi suddenly raised her eyes and looked at the person standing next to her.

At that moment, thunder suddenly broke out in the sky, and bright lightning reflected on Xie Wen. He still lowered his eyes and looked at the formation stones on the ground, his face looked sickly and pale, but there was no expression at all.

This was the first time I heard someone mention this matter after Wen Shi recovered part of his memory. It is no longer the kind of strange story separated by mountains, seas and time in the storybooks and rumors, but has a real feeling.

He suddenly realized that according to the words of these people later, Chen Bu Bu had already been completely extinct and could not even be found in reincarnation. And on the pages of the rumor, in the sentence that cannot be sealed, there are the names of all the relatives and disciples...

Including smelling himself.

At that moment, he suddenly desperately wanted to dig out that memory, and wanted to know what happened at that time, what happened in Chenbu, and what he had done.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember anything, as if everything was covered by an airtight cloth, and no light could penetrate.

He looked at that person and found that he only knew where he came from, but he couldn't remember where he was going.

But Xie Wen just turned his eyes after being silent for a long time, looked over at him, and then bent his eyes.

Just like countless moments a thousand years ago, he often smiled and said to Wen Shi, "It's just a small matter."

Chapter 72 Cage Master

But the little things that he used to downplay were actually big things.

"I've actually always been curious..." Xie Wen still lowered his eyes and looked at Wen Shi, so the moment he spoke, his voice was low and gentle, like a gentle comfort.

After a moment of delay, he raised his eyes and said to Zhang Lan and Zhang Yalin: "Where did you hear those rumors that are so shocking and miraculous?"

Zhang Lan was stunned for a moment and didn't respond: "What do you mean?"

Xie asked: "What did your ancestors say from generation to generation?"

Zhang Yalin was speechless: "You..."

Zhang Lan asked with questions on his face: "What are you talking about? Isn't it too unfilial? Isn't my ancestor your ancestor?"

Xie Wen smiled: "Ask your ancestors if they recognize it."

Zhang Lan frowned and glanced at the others subconsciously. She found that Old Mao was staring at her with a strange look, which made her a little strange and a little annoyed. After all, when Xie Wen was mentioned, his mother Zhang Wan was involved, and it felt like he was exposing the Zhang family's affairs to others.

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