
Chapter 201

It doesn't really make sense anymore, but she seems to be looking for the final blow.

Xia Qiao glanced at Chaowen, hesitated for a few seconds, and then slapped the blow on her celestial cover: "My surname is Wen."

Zhang Lan was silent for a moment, then turned around and grabbed his younger brother's hand again: "Did you hear that? My surname is Wen..."

When she spoke, she tugged and shook her brother. As a result, Zhang Yalin stared at Wen Shi's direction without turning around, and calmly replied "I heard".

Then his straight body swayed twice, his knees bent, and he came down with a "boom".

Xia Qiao: "..."

The master knelt down, and Xiao Hei next to him was of course obliged, so he gave a big knock down. Then came the three other puppets released by Zhang Yalin...

They knocked out an assembly line like dominoes, turned around, and flowed back to Xia Qiao.

Xiao Qiao looked left and right, and there was no one standing near him. He hesitated for a few seconds and decided to follow the crowd.

Lao Mao felt strange hearing the voice, turned his head and saw that everyone was kneeling behind their backs, including Xia Qiao's 250.

Originally, when he heard the word Songyun Mountain, he was filled with emotion, and even his eyes felt a little hot. But now he was completely wiped out by these melon-piped juniors.

He looked around shyly, couldn't hold back, pointed at Zhang Yalin's neck and said quietly: "The amulet is exposed."

Zhang Yalin was still sleepwalking, it took several seconds to realize, and then she looked down——

Around his neck was a long, clean black rope, with a clever knot on the end, and something hung from the buckle, another name for an amulet, its original name was...

Finger bones when smelling.

Not long ago, he had described in detail what he had done with the bone.

Aim at Wen Shi himself.

Zhang Yalin: "..."

For a few seconds, he thought he had died.

But before he died, he still maintained his uprightness, blushed and expressionlessly stuffed the "talisman" into his collar, blocking it tightly, and then instinctively countered Lao Mao: "You know that the surname Wen means Who is he? Are you and your boss sure you want to stand like this?"

Old Mao: "..."

He stood for a long while with an indescribable expression, and replied: "I think my boss had better not kneel, otherwise the situation will be a bit difficult to deal with."

Before Zhang Yalin and the others could understand what he meant, there was a "sudden" sound around him, mountains and rocks piled up, and the dust settled.

The place where everyone was located has turned into a stone cave, and the old village surrounded by wooden fences has long disappeared. There is only the sound of gurgling water, flowing from nowhere, passing by here, and where it will flow to.

The top of the stone cave is not airtight, there are large and small holes, and there are long and straight trenches connecting the holes. , it will be clearly revealed - the entire cave top is a complex star map.

On the ground of the stone cave, ravines criss-crossed, neat and orderly, like a square chessboard.

When I heard it, I was very familiar with this place, it was a stone cave in the back of Songyun Mountain, it was very secret.

Bu Ning discovered this place when he was less than ten years old, and regarded it as a nest. After practicing, he always likes to come here to meditate and sit quietly.

Sometimes he would pull Wenshi, Zhong Si, or Zhuang Ye over, trying to point to the cave roof or the ground and say something to them, but he couldn't always describe clearly.

Later, when he was older, he seldom did this kind of thing anymore.

Only once, he sat cross-legged in the cave for a long time listening to the sound of water flowing, and suddenly said to Wen Shi: "Master often said that he is not good at hexagrams and lacks the inborn spirit, so he never does divination. But I always I don’t think that’s the case, I often feel that if Master wants to see, he can see something, but he has closed that little spiritual aperture himself.”

Bu Ning and the others rarely talk behind their backs, even if it's just a little thing. Occasionally mention it, and don't talk about it in depth. After talking too much, they were a little panicked, as if they had done something wrong.

I knew this when I heard it, so I just listened to it, but didn't ask more. He only said to Bu Ning, "What about you?"

Bu Ning: "Me?"

Wen Shi: "How many have you seen?"

Bu Ning: "Some."

After he finished speaking, he was silent for a long time, and then said, "It's just a drop in the ocean."

The cave used to be empty, but later Bu Ning put a desk in it, and sometimes he would lean on it to write and draw, but no one could understand it.

Now, that table case is gone, and there are other things——

The yin and yang fish are drawn on the chessboard on the ground, and there is something on each side of the yin and yang. The outlines seem to be two life-size figures, covered with white linen cloth and wrapped with spider webs.

Around the two statues, nearly a hundred boulders were divided into several piles and placed at the corners. There are also five scattered in different positions, with densely packed runes engraved on them.

On the stone wall that the five round stones are pointing at, there are five portraits hanging respectively. Contrary to the white linen cloth covered with cobwebs, these five paintings are still as clean as new after thousands of years in the damp stone cave where the sky is hard to see.

On the right are Zhuang Ye and Zhong Si, and on the left are Bu Ning and Wen Shi.

There is another one in the middle, wearing a snow-white undershirt and a bright red hood, a robe reaching the ground, and a complicated and simple mask. demigod

The Buddha is half charming, half good and half evil, half alive and half dead, which symbolizes the complexity of the human world.

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