
Chapter 213

walk forever.

It turned out that in the end, there was no such opportunity.

Given the current situation of the other party, if the cleansing array continues to operate, it may die, and it will dissipate in this world, and there will be no more involvement, no relationship, no more news...

No matter how many times he walks through Wuxiang Gate, or how many reincarnations he waits, he will never find this person again.

The moment he realized this, Wen Shi had already turned around and stepped out of the stone platform.

Bu Ning shouted in panic from behind: "Junior brother, you are crazy!"

Already crazy.

I thought when I heard it.

Starting from a nightmare at the age of 19, and from stepping into the baptism circle again and again, he has been crazy for many years.

The Spirit Cleansing Formation was set up in Qingxin Lake, and the black mist like a river and sea was continuously drawn away from that unrecognizable place. When Wen Shi jumped down, the boulder that Bu Ning was trying to change his formation drew a few arcs and fell a little in front of him.

But in the next second, they were pulverized in the air and disappeared.

At that moment, the four giant puppets exploded at the same time, piercing through the black fog, trying to break through the fog and clear the way for their master. But the black mist here is completely different from the black mist in ordinary cages, even they can't bear it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, signs of erosion appeared on the body, like a ignited yellow watch paper, burned from the edge to the center under the spread of sparks.

A puppet can know no pain, no matter life or death.

But they are connected to the puppet master's spirit, and all that they endure will be fed back to Wen Shi.

When I heard it, I seemed to be ignorant.

His hand had penetrated into the mist, heading straight to wash away the stones of the spiritual formation. With every inch, the pain of burning and erosion intensified.

It's like someone holding a whetstone knife and trying his best to grind his flesh and bones.

but what?

The big deal is to be ashamed.

The flesh at the front of his left hand had been eaten away by the black mist, exposing the finger bones, but he still didn't intend to stop.

His eardrums were filled with the sound of the wind, and his eyes were filled with only the formation stones.

Suddenly, there was a clear howl from nowhere, piercing the sky and the mist, piercing into heavy grievances like lightning, like a sword with light and shadow.

When the golden light flashed past Wen Shi's eyes, his heart tightened.

That is the Garuda roc.

The huge mountain-like figure of the golden-winged roc was shining with light. Under the grinding of the black mist, sparks ignited on the edges of the wings, and quickly eroded towards the center.

It is full of fire, and its wings are slanted, blocking the smell from below.

At the same time, several puppet threads came straight through from behind, instantly entangled Wen Shi's body.

He felt an irresistible strong force enveloping him, like a mountain like a sea, and with the help of the vibration and strong wind from the golden-winged roc's wings, it pulled him away from Qingxin Lake.

He was safely put back on the stone platform, his body was covered with tangled and intertwined threads, not tightly entangled, as if he could be swept off the ground with a light brush, but he couldn't move.

The other end of the puppet thread was in the hands of Xie Wen in the fog surging like a black dragon.

Apart from correcting some mistakes back then, this was the first time Wen Shi saw him use a puppet thread.

For puppet masters, the thread is actually a kind of auxiliary, which deepens their control over puppets or other things. The stronger the spirit and the more determined the puppet master is, the less dependent he is on the line.

Therefore, the thread used when smelling is very casual and not so particular.

So... the guy on top of the mountain doesn't even use a wire.

Zeng Wenshi asked him very seriously: "In which situation do you need a puppet thread?"

The other party thought for a while and said with a smile: "It's hard to say, but... If one day you see me wrapped in a puppet thread, remember to run away or hide behind."

Wen Shi responded coldly, "I don't hide", and couldn't help asking: "Why do you want to hide?"

The other said: "That should be a big problem."


Unexpectedly, when this day really came, he really did not hide, nor could he escape.

Under the connection of the puppet thread, spirits and gods are connected, so many puppets can know the puppet master's emotions, see what the puppet master sees, and feel what the puppet master feels, but the puppets themselves don't quite understand.

It's not real when you smell it, he can understand.

But Xie Wen is not an ordinary puppet master, he can seal these things so that no one can spy on them.

So Wen Shi could only see the other party's figure under the black mist under the puppet string, which was in harmony with the spirit. He is wearing a white robe and a red robe, his face is pale and almost transparent, half of his face is flowing Sanskrit, extending to his heart, and there are beads and bird feathers hanging on his wrists.

Because of these, his strong sickness almost carried a bit of ghostly feeling, half ghost, half fairy.

Wen Shi was tied up with a puppet thread and couldn't move.

He tried all kinds of methods, but he couldn't loosen these puppet threads, as if all the spirits of the other party were poured into these puppet threads to restrain him.

He stood like a pine tree that was on the brink of desolation but straight to the sky, his left hand hanging by his side was covered in blood, the dark red entangled with the white finger bones and flowed down, forming a puddle on the ground.

But he seemed to have forgotten the existence of this hand.

He moved his dry and pale lips, and his Adam's apple slipped: "In the end, I'm that big trouble."

His throat was dry as if it had been burned, and his voice was choked at the bottom of his throat, and he could hardly finish the sentence. But because the puppet lines are connected, even if a word is not spoken, the other party can still hear it.

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