
Chapter 283

"Afterwards." Xie Wen replied, "Not long."

"Where is that person? When did he disappear?" Wen Shi asked again.

"I joked with you that when there were so many people behind, the fog was very thick." Xie Wen pointed his index finger towards the courtyard, "There are quite a lot of people there, densely packed and standing in the whole courtyard. At first, it seemed to be the same thing. , It’s not quite right after looking at it again, because they didn’t respond to what I told you.”

Just sticking upright in the fog, shadowy.

Then when the wind blew, the fog thinned, and even the silhouettes of people disappeared.

This kind of scene is not unfamiliar to Wen Shi, even very common——

They're caged.

Not surprisingly, it should be Zhang Dai's cage.

"It's a bit sudden." Wen Shi said.

"It's not sudden." Xie Wen's eyes fell on the rotten tree.

He didn't finish his sentence, but he understood when he heard it. There may be many things that Zhang Dai wanted in his life, but in the end, only "alive" was left. This is his deepest obsession, and he has tried his best to do everything possible for this matter. Even at the last moment, the words he left were still "I am not reconciled".

Such a person will give birth to a cage, which is nothing more than normal.


What will be in Zhang Dai's cage?

——The Zhang family is endless, and he lives in the position of the head of the family, and he will live for another thousand or ten thousand years?

When I heard it, I subconsciously thought of such a scene. But this is not the case right now, the Zhang family is still in ruins, full of wolves.

The door of the dilapidated courtyard was wide open, and a large wild forest could be seen in the distance, and further away... there were a few faint lights.

Xie Wen looked at that, and suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Wen Shi noticed his expression and asked, "Where did you know?"

Chapter 98 "Mountain Ghost"

Xie Wen didn't know what he thought of, his tone was very light, "It's considered to be acquaintance."

When I heard it, I looked into the distance again, a little puzzled.

Many people once said that the patriarch is a half-immortal body if he is not as dusty. And the half-immortals don't remember human affairs.

It's not that he has a bad memory, it's that he has lived too long, traveled to too many places, and seen too much, if he remembers everything, a few hearts are not enough to pretend.

That's why it is said that Dust is not very fond of remembering things.

But when I heard it, I knew that that was not entirely true. It's just that he remembers things differently from ordinary people. He doesn't have any grudges or obsessions, but is like a bystander welcoming and sending off, not deeply sad or happy.

At first glance, it looks like a dragonfly is touching the water, and the wind is blowing through the long forest. After passing by, there will be no traces left. In fact, as long as you have seen it, you will almost remember it...even if it is a line of ants walking along the stone.

But having an impression and understanding are two different things.

The wild forest and the sporadic lights in the distance are not out of harmony in any deep mountain. There are hundreds or eighty similar scenes if not tens of thousands. I have seen many of them when I just heard about them, let alone thank you for asking.

Looking at it from a distance like this, it is normal to say that it is familiar, but it is a bit strange to say that it is familiar.

"I don't see anything special." Wen Shi muttered in a deep voice.

"The scenery is really nothing special." Xie Wen replied.

"Then how did you recognize it?"

"Look at people." Xie Wen said, "This is in a cage after all."

When he heard it, he suddenly realized that this was Zhang Dai's cage, but he subconsciously only thought about it from Xie Wen's perspective.

This place was not only seen by Xie Wen, but also by Zhang Dai, and it was very special to him, especially when he was dying, he could not let it go.


When I heard it, I frowned and thought for a few seconds, and when I was about to speak, I felt a light pat on the back of my neck. He raised his eyes, and saw Xie Wen pointing to the lights: "There is a mountain depression there, and there is also a lake in the depression, which is quite similar to Jingxin Lake in Songyun Mountain. It is summer and autumn, there will be miasma, so it is not suitable. Long stay."

When I heard it, I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that I had heard similar words a long time ago...

It should be seventeen or eighteen years old.

In those years, the mountains were always chaotic, and the war and epidemics never stopped. Chen Bubu is always absent from Songyun Mountain, and sometimes he can't be seen for several months at a time. Once he came back wearing a mask and walked on the mountain path covered with fallen leaves, like a familiar and strange visitor.

It was that time, Wen Shi felt the gap that suddenly appeared between them, which was the source of all the delusion and affection later.

But at that time, Wen Shi was only sensitively aware of a trace of strangeness, and was bored by it for many days, no matter how dusty it was, it was useless.

He couldn't articulate those emotions, so he had no choice but to attribute it to the fact that he hadn't seen him for a long time, and he was a little missing. But it would be better to hang him for him to admit it. So he held back for a long time, and only asked one question: "Why did it take so long to go down the mountain this time?"

Then he held the celadon teacup and laughed.

Wen Shi couldn't keep his face from his smile, his expression became tense and colder, and he was about to pluck the golden-winged roc off the wooden branch, turned his head to leave, when he heard the other party say: "There are a lot of things, it took some time."

Wen Shi stopped his pace and turned his head, and said after a while: "...I heard that you have stayed in Cenzhou area for a long time."

Chen didn't drink tea for a while, and his smile deepened, "Whoever said it, it seems not very accurate."

When I heard it: "..."

"I don't think it sounds like I've heard it, but it looks like it was calculated with a wooden plank." Chen Dao raised his index finger from the hand holding the teacup, and heard it from the air.

It's time.

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