
Chapter 285

"Xia Qiao." Wen Shi went around in front of the figure, squatted down, and called him.

The kneeling man twitched his fingers, and his fingertips sank into the mud, but he still didn't look up.

"I'll do it." Xie Wen bent down and patted Xia Qiao's head with his palm.


The kneeling person suddenly woke up, gasped, and was about to jump up from the ground.

He moved urgently and heavily, hit Xie Wen's wrist, and tried to push Wen Shi away. The whole person was restless, like a kind of inertial struggle.

"Xia Qiao!" Wen Shi called him again, his voice was a bit deep, at the same time, the puppet thread on his fingers had been shot straight out, restraining the abnormal person in the blink of an eye.

The puppet threads are all spirited, and when ordinary people are bound, their first reaction is to resist. Xia Qiao was different, when he was entangled by Wen Shi's puppet thread, he became quiet instead, panting for breath while slumping his shoulders.

After a while, he raised his head blankly and said, "Brother? Thank you... Zu, Master Patriarch?"

He looked down at the puppet strings on his body again, and said aggrievedly, "Why tie me up?"

When I heard it: "..."

Two hundred and five still have the face to ask?

"You're awake." Zhang Biling followed, and seeing Xia Qiao's dark eyes opened, he breathed a sigh of relief, "You really scared me like that before."

"What's the matter with you?" Wen Shi asked.

Xia Qiao blinked, and suddenly remembered something: "I'm dreaming."

When I heard it: "?"

They made a mess in the Zhang family, but this idiot is stuck here dreaming? ? ?

Still, Xie Wen had a good temper and asked, "What dream did you have, let me tell you about it."

Xia Qiao lowered his eyes and thought about it for a moment, then shivered: "I don't remember, I just remember Zhou Xu... No, when Patriarch Bu Ning led the people from various families to break through the underground formations of Zhang's family, I smelled something. smell."

He tried to remember the smell and describe it, but failed: "I can't say it, it's very special anyway, I always feel like I smelled it somewhere. Then I felt my brain was hit by a hammer, and my whole body went numb." .”

"And then I kept dreaming." Xia Qiao tried hard to hold back for a long time, "I can't think of anything else, but I just remember that I seemed to be in pain, my whole body hurt, as if I was avoiding someone."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and stared at his brother.

After a while, he frowned when he heard it: "And then?"

Xia Qiao: "Then I woke up."

When I heard it: "..."

"Brother, it's a bit strange to say that. But do I remember what happened when I was a child?" Xia Qiao said seriously.

When I heard it, my face was paralyzed: "..."

This is like asking a ghost, where will the ghost know.

As far as they know, Xia Qiao lived with Shen Qiao when he was a child. If you want to avoid people, it is absolutely impossible to be Shen Qiao.

Unless... what he dreamed about happened earlier.

But at this moment, he couldn't think of it and couldn't force it. Xia Qiao tried hard to no avail, so he sat up from the ground, patted the mud on his body, and said, "Since we are in the cage, should we go to the cage first?" ?”

Even Xia Qiao is already familiar with it: generally speaking, the cage heart is a building, or the place where the cage owner's consciousness is most concentrated.

The place they came from was Zhang's house, which was already full of ruins, not considered a building, nor a place where Zhang Dai's consciousness was concentrated.

According to the current scene in the cage, if nothing unexpected happens, the cage heart should be at those few lights.

That place looked far away and unreachable, but in fact it was almost there within a short walk.

They got out of this wild forest, and in front of them was a remote official road where horse-drawn carriages could ride, and there were deep ruts on the road.

Across the official road, it is the back of a mountain. The lights they had seen before hung high above the dark mountain shadows.

Aside from the few lights, there is actually another one at the foot of the mountain, which is lit in a dilapidated earth temple.

The Temple of Earth is very small, but people's voices can be heard vaguely. I don't know who is staying there.

At first when I heard it, I thought it was someone from other families who had been caged, but later I found out that it was not.

Because the whole mountain forest still echoed the sobbing, crying and laughing female voice. If it weren't for the fear of Xie Wen, Xia Qiao, a coward, would have stuck to Wen Shi's body so tightly that he couldn't even tear it off.

But the people in the earth temple were talking and chatting against the wind, as if they couldn't hear any women crying.

From this point of view, it should not be someone outside the cage who strayed in, but the person in the cage—the person in Zhang Dai's memory and consciousness.

When I heard that they walked to the side of the temple, the people in the temple didn't notice anything. They saw the three or two people sitting around the fire made by chopping dry wood, rubbing their hands and saying, "The lamp on the mountain is on again, how do you say that?"

"It's haunting the mountain ghost again."

"It's all scare words. We have to pass here every now and then, so it can't be true."

"Why not? I've seen mountain ghosts before!"

"Really? When?" Someone asked after him.

The slightly older voice said, "Many years ago."

"What does the mountain ghost look like? How many hands, feet and heads? Is it scary?"

"Then how would I know, I've only seen a corner, and it's still a miasma. The shadow of the mountain ghost is very high, wearing a particularly wide robe, the robe is bright red, and it disappears in the blink of an eye."

Chapter 99 Blue Bird

mountain ghost...

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