
Chapter 290

After a while, he said, "Why do you ask me to save you?"

"You are the body of a half-immortal, a person who is looked up to on the top of the mountain, and you are gifted with aura. You know everything, and you can see everything clearly. In this world, only you can save me. Apart from you, I will never save you." Nowhere else to go..."

The man in red robe nodded lightly after a long time after he finished speaking. Said: "Okay, but you have to wait."

The young man didn't dare to look up at all, and still fell at his feet: "Why, why wait?"

"Because..." the man in red rolled up his sleeves unhurriedly, "I'm going to send another eavesdropper—"

The moment the voice fell, the man turned around abruptly, holding a thin yellow paper talisman between his sharp five fingers, and grabbed Wen Shi's face.

It can be heard that long before he turned around, he had already made a bold move——

The puppet line shot out like a sharp blade, and the snake screamed straight up at that moment, the flowing flames tore through the woodland and the sky, and the whole cage was trembling because of this, the scene was like a screen with poor signal, constantly flashing and cutting with.

Wen Shi snatched off the half-god mask, his eyes coldly swept across the face under the mask.

It really wasn't dusty anymore, but a somewhat unfamiliar face.

To Wen Shi, this face was not even as recognizable as Zhang Zhengchu's, let alone Zhang Yalin's. But he still knew at a glance that this was Zhang Dai.

The real Zhang Dai.

Chapter 101 Reason

Hundreds of puppet threads intertwined in an instant, each root was glowing with cold light, completely surrounded Zhang Dai, and each thread was touching the vital point. The coercion is like the sea, like a chilling blade that can cut through human flesh from a distance.

The wind swept his loose hair, and it fell to the ground before it touched the puppet thread. It was a real haircut.

So Zhang Dai stood frozen in the puppet line, unable to move.

When I heard it, I just took off the mask, but it seemed that a layer of shame had been peeled off. The condescending temperament just now faded instantly, he turned his head and face, and said harshly: "Give me back the mask—"

"Back to you?"

These words simply added fuel to the fire, and when he heard it, he immediately pulled his face down.

At that moment, the Teng Snake fell straight down from the nine heavens and swooped down like the ground. The strong wind brought by it was scorching hot, and the vegetation was scattered, and the dense fog suddenly dispersed.

Zhang Dai staggered a step under the impact, and there were seven or eight wounds on his head, face and arms in an instant, causing him to clenched his teeth in pain.

Wen Shi wiped off a few stars of dust on the mask under that blatant blow, looked at Zhang Dai with cold eyes, and said, "You deserve it too."

After he finished speaking, he moved his fingers, and more than ten puppet lines instantly came to life, and he pulled off the bright red burqa unceremoniously.

When she heard it, she grabbed the red in her hands and carried it behind her back, her disgust and coldness were not concealed at all: "Your face is so shameful, you will take other people's things until you die."

If the previous scenes are all Zhang Dai's memories, then the last one is Zhang Dai's imagination.

He still can't forget the scene where he asked for help but was rejected, and subconsciously rejected that scene, unwilling to admit that it was him. He always hopes that he can live for a long time, have the body of a half-celestial being, become a master, stand on the top of a mountain, and be worshiped by others...

So at the end of his memories, he turned into the figure in the red burqa and mask of gods and ghosts, repelling him while enjoying the feeling of being worshiped and begged by others.

The sparrow occupies the dove's nest, deceiving itself and others.

But when you smell it, you can tell it at a glance.

The real dust can't be seen, and it will never be possible to condescendingly look down and appreciate the appearance of others lying at their feet.

Even if the mask covers his face and the red robe wraps his body to completely block himself, he is still the same Zhang Dai.

A certain word in Wen Shi's words stabbed him, and he suddenly turned his face back, staring at Wen Shi with red eyes, his expression mixed with embarrassment and ferocity: "What did you say?"

"What did you just say?" He lowered his voice and repeated the sentence.

Wen Shi has released the cage countless times, most of them patiently and slowly grinding with the cage owner, leading the other party to realize that he is in a prison and cannot escape, almost never mentioning the word "death" before the cage owner wakes up Character.

But this time is different.

With a calm voice, he told Zhang Dai in the clearest and straightforward way: "I said, you'll occupy other people's things until you die."

"Dead..." Zhang Dai froze completely.

He blinked a few times, lowered his head slowly, looked at his limbs, and murmured, "Dead?"


"No." Zhang Dai shook his head to himself, "How could I die? No, that has nothing to do with me. How can I..."

His voice was rough, and he lost his voice halfway through the speech. He swallowed several times, and his breathing became rapid and heavy, as if he had run for countless miles, "How could he die? It's impossible, it doesn't make sense. I—"

He didn't even care about cutting his body with the puppet thread, and eagerly rolled up his sleeves, looking at every skin, "I am living well, I have a way, I have found a way, why should I die? He can ...He can become stronger by that method, why can't I? Shouldn't, shouldn't..."

Zhang Dai thought over and over again that he shouldn't, but in the end he didn't make a sound, only moving his lips. Then he turned around anxiously, as if he wanted to find someone around him to confirm that he was not dead: "Ah Qi? Zhang Qi?"

He looked around, but found that there was no one around him.

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