
Chapter 306

"I'm not tired." He always answered like this, but his feet walked towards the house unconsciously.

When he walked in front of him, Chen Dao would spread out his palms and say, "Where are your hands, let me see."

He hesitated for a moment, then reached out his hand.

Chen Bu pinched the xué with his thumb, and the soreness flooded through his bones belatedly.

"The joints are already stiff, but the beak is very stiff. The golden-winged roc's beak is no match for yours." Chen Bu raised his eyes and glanced at him.

He moved his lips silently when he heard it.

"What are you muttering bad things about me again?" Chen Dao laughed.

Wen Shi looked at the smile in a daze for a moment, then turned his eyes away and said, "Talking about the bird, not about you."

The golden-winged roc will flap its wings and peck towards the door.


Sometimes it rains in the mountains for no apparent reason.

Hearing that his luck was terrible, every time it rained, he was on the mountain road halfway up the mountain, and it happened to be the longest and wildest place, and there was not even a place to take shelter.

The rain on Songyun Mountain was rustling and loud. The dusty voice was mostly covered, and it was vague and unclear.

When I smell it, I always see the oil-paper umbrella above my head first, and then I look back and see that there is no dust.

"Whoever punished you is here to pretend to be a water ghost to scare people." Chen Bubu said.

He had just returned to the mountain, but he didn't look dusty, and even the sleeves of his robe were not wet at all. In comparison, it's a bit embarrassing when you hear it.

Chen Huo handed him the handkerchief, took it when he heard it, and followed him to the top of the mountain.

The mountain road is narrow, and they use the same umbrella, their shoulders and arms always touch each other.

Wen Shi wiped his face and took two steps, and asked without raising his head, "Isn't it coming back in two days?"

Chen Bu raised his eyebrows and glanced at him: "Where did you hear that?"

He didn't make a sound when he heard it.

Chen Bubu: "Another bastard, Xiao Bu, figured it out and told you."

"Half-diving" himself: "..."

"Stay with Bu Ning and learn this."


"Really? I'll ask him later." Chen Dao said half-truthfully, "You still have time to stop him now."

When I heard it, I couldn't lose my face, and said coldly: "Who is going to stop you."

After a long time, he said stiffly again: "How to stop?"

Chen Bu laughed for a while.

Wen Shi glanced towards the top of the mountain in his smile, and saw the crescent moon melting in the rain, hanging in the sky not far away.


When it is the coldest time on the mountain, the houses on the top of the mountain and on the mountainside are also warm and cozy.

Xiao Zhao often has a charcoal stove in the house, and especially likes to collect some fruits and turpentine in the house where there is no dust, and put them in the stove together, which can burn a special mountain fragrance.

When they don't need to practice martial arts or enter the cage, they also like to put Wen Shi in the room.

Almost all the things that I learned when I heard about it are almost impossible to learn-writing, painting, and playing chess.

He has learned the first two very well, and it is more than enough to bluff people down the mountain. Only in the last case, no matter how you learn it, it will be a stinky chess basket.

In comparison, Bu Ning, Zhong Si, and Zhuang Ye are all much more powerful. Especially Bu Ning and Zhong Si, they are not only good at chess, but also very good at this.

But Chen didn't have time to find someone to play chess with, and he didn't pick anyone who knew how, and always picked him, a stinky chess basket.

Wen Shi was both happy and unhappy, because he was prone to sleepiness when he played chess.

That day he played chess there again.

It was snowing heavily outside, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and there was a curl of pine-flavored smoke in the house. Wen Shi had a small handful of chess pieces in his hand, and while waiting for the move, he lowered his eyes and looked at Chen Bubu's fingers holding the chess pieces, and suddenly became confused for a moment.

In his loose drowsiness, he heard someone call him in a tone he had never heard before: "Wen Shi."

And just hearing this voice, he felt as sad as if someone had emptied his spiritual form, leaving only a lonely shell.

His heart skipped a beat when he heard it, and he opened his eyes.

That sad mood couldn't go down slowly, and after a long time, he suddenly came back to his senses, and heard Chen Bubu asking him: "What's wrong?"

He shook his head when he heard it.

"I'm not in the mountains, how many nights have you stayed up? You're crying." Chen Bu pointed at the couch: "Go and lie down for a while."

"I'm not sleepy." Wen Shi said.

He stared at Chenbu for a long time before repeating in a low voice: "I don't want to sleep."

I don't want to sleep with my eyes closed.


I heard that this state lasted for a long time, and the days in the mountains passed quickly, sometimes it seemed that it was just a time to turn around, and the seasons changed completely.

Until one day, Zhong Si, who had a rare moment of seriousness, asked him: "Hey little brother, what's the matter with you?"

In fact, he should not be much older than Wen Shi, maybe a few months, but he likes to call him that. Not only to Wen Shi, but also to Bu Ning who always call him "little senior brother", "nerd senior brother" and "magic fortune teller". Even Zhuang Ye, when he teased, he used the nickname "good senior brother".

It should be the night when the New Year's Eve is approaching, the younger one learned how to eat under the mountain, made thick soup, stewed various mountain foods, and served them in copper pots.

The brothers and sisters were sitting around, chatting endlessly while eating.

They often come and go in the world and are used to seeing all kinds of things. Therefore, a topic that cannot be avoided in every small talk is "life and death". Sometimes the conversation is serious, and sometimes it is just related knowledge.

The day I somehow mentioned reincarnation, big brother Zhuang Ye

Chatted about something he met somewhere in the southwest.

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