Panic For 10000 Years

Chapter 116: Tragic

Dian Wei heard a chill in his heart.

This Shangyang Martingale is ruthless!

Xie Ronger said slowly: "The story you heard is not complete. His brother is very vicious. After defeating Shangyang Martingale by martial arts, he insulted his beloved woman in front of him.

The woman was so irritated that she lost control.

However, she was only slightly out of control at that time, and she hadn't completely turned into a monster, and some were saved.

However, the people of Shangyang Martingale were unwilling to save, and believed that the two brothers fought and hated each other for the sake of a woman. They spread out to provoke jokes. They believed that the woman was a confession, and they were executed by burning on the grounds of losing control. That woman. "

That's it...

Dian Wei only felt sick, "Then how did you get together with Shangyang Martingale?"

Xie Ronger: "Many years ago, when I was preying on humans, I was exposed. I was chased by a group of warriors. I happened to encounter Shangyang Martingale. He saved my life.

At that time, the staying valley tragedy happened not long ago, and Shangyang Martingale actually didn't want to live anymore. He just wanted to find a place to die.

And he saved me only because he hates humans more than demons.

I am very grateful to him and prevented him from committing suicide. Since then, we have become partners and wandering together.

Later, when he was passing by Cangtong Town, he ran into a young girl. At the first sight of that girl, he decided to stay in Cangtong Town.

Years passed, the girl grew up, and then Shangyang Martingale found me and asked me to eat the girl.

Yes, she is Xie Ronger. "

Dian Wei was speechless: "Why?"

Xie Rong'er: "Because Xie Rong'er looks very much like his beloved woman, and he has long been unlovable. He just wants to let the beloved woman accompany him more, just want to look at her more, so I became Xie Rong'er, every day Go and accompany him, nothing more."

"That's it……"

Dian Wei is completely speechless, all this is so crazy! Too unreasonable!

Xie Ronger: "It was my idea to slaughter Cangtong Town. Shangyang Martingale just wanted to help me, no, he just wanted to help his beloved woman. Please, put me by his side and let us die together."

Dian Wei Liao was silent and kicked.

The head of the huge octopus flew up diagonally, fell to the ground and rolled, just to the position of Shangyang Martingale's shoulder.

Then, the head of the huge octopus slowly squirmed and changed into Xie Rong'er's face, nestling next to Shangyang Martingale.

The surrounding mist poured in like a tide, Xie Ronger slowly closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if a happy smile was on his face.

Dianwei helped Old Man Zheng and Lu Qingyu and sent them to the mansion. After that, he returned and took Wang Xiaolin, who was seriously injured and fainted, into the mansion, and ordered his servants to invite the doctor.

The frightened servants then got busy.

The six wives of Wang Xiaolin swarmed over, and when they saw Wang Xiaolin's miserable situation, one by one was either frightened, or screamed, or crying pears brought rain and jumped.

"It's hemp, I didn't expect it to be Xuan Ming Po!"

Lu Qingyu's face was depressed and aggrieved, and the road to spiritual practice was ruined, which was unacceptable to anyone.

Old man Zheng was also very upset: "Hey, isn't there a rumor that Xuan Minghua has disappeared long ago?"

Dian Wei: "Xuanming Poison is extracted from Xuanming Flower?"

Old man Zheng: "Almost, but I don't know exactly how to get it. I only heard that this Xuan Ming flower is very difficult to cultivate. It can't be raised if you want to raise it, so the quantity is extremely rare."

Lu Qingyu: "More than that, this Xuanming Poison seems to be a blood poison. If you want to poison others, you must first take the poison yourself. As a result, it will cause serious damage to your body. Only people who are desperate can use this poison. "

Dian Wei pondered: "Xuanming Poison, really incomprehensible?"

Old man Zheng sighed, "If there is a solution, it is not the number one evil poison in the world."

He raised his head and looked at Dian Wei, with great grief in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but moist.

I'm just an old rubbish, and the group that moved the mountain finally produced a genius, but I didn't expect it to be ruined like this!

Where does this go to make sense!

Old man Zheng burst into tears.

Lu Qingyu took a second breath and said: "Old Zheng, Xiao Wei, now is not the time to discuss Xuanming Poison, we have to think about how to report this matter. This Shangyang Martingale is just a big pit!"

Old man Zheng: "Shangyang Martingale has a very heinous crime, and there are more than guilty deaths. Can we just report it directly?"

Lu Qingyu said, "No matter how sinful he is, he is also a child of the Shangyang family. He is not someone we can kill casually."

The old man Zheng felt a little bit in his heart, thinking about it: "The rules of the arena, the family solves their own affairs, and the cleaning of the door really shouldn't be done by outsiders. We are dogs and mice, and we may not only be good at it, but also have to provoke us. Sao."

Lu Qingyu: "So, you have to be cautious about how to report this matter."

Dianwei pondered briefly: "Simple, we only need to report to kill a demon and a human accomplice of the demon, and never mention that this accomplice is Shangyang Martingale. Anyway, the true identity of Lao Fan is only known by the three of us."

Wang Xiaolin had passed out at the time, and indeed only these three people knew about it at the scene.

Old man Zheng and Lu Qingyu touched their eyes and nodded in a tacit understanding.

After the discussion, Dianwei told his servant to bring firewood, burn the body, and burn it clean.

Dianwei was not idle, sent Old Man Zheng and Lu Qingyu home separately, and then hurriedly returned to the Qin Mansion to search various ancient books and collect information about Nether Poison.

Before you know it, the sky is bright.

Dian Wei put down an old book in his hand, his eyes flickering.

Then, he stuffed the old book into his arms, left Qin Mansion, and went straight to Zheng Mansion.

When he arrived at Zheng's Mansion, Dianwei's expression changed when he saw Old Man Zheng.

The situation of Old Man Zheng at the moment is even worse.

The old man was shivering with cold and had to soak his body in hot water to relieve the cold toxin in the body.

"Xiao Wei, how do you feel?" Old man Zheng doesn't care about himself, but cares more about Dian Wei.

Dian Wei felt his body carefully.

Sure enough, the chill became stronger, and the speed of the blood circulation was much slower.

"If my speed of running the different blood was 10 before, then it has dropped to 8 at this moment, and I'm still going down." Dian Wei said solemnly.

Hearing this, the old man Zheng smiled sadly: "You are 8, I am 1, and I continue to fall. Sooner or later, the blood in my body will be completely frozen, and my martial arts will be completely abolished. Alas, this Xuanming Poison is really vicious!"

Dianwei frowned and said, "It stands to reason that you and I have been in close contact with Shangyang Martingale. Why is your condition so serious?"

Where did the old man Zheng know: "It may be that you are still young, and Xuanming Poison may do more harm to the elderly. You see, Lu Qingyu is not worse than you."

After a pause, he said: "The worst situation should be Wang Xiaolin. Not only was he seriously injured, he should also be poisoned by Xuan Ming. If the blood does not run smoothly, he can't heal quickly, which is equivalent to adding poison to the injury. After healed the injury, it is estimated to be disabled."

Yeah, everyone is too miserable!

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