Panic For 10000 Years

Chapter 169: Wronged

One sing and one harmony.

Su Wanqing sneered when she heard this.

This is a rumor!

It must be a rumor!

Moreover, this is a very despicable rumor.

She understands Mu Shangbai. After the wealthy, she knows the books and respects, and she is very decent in all aspects of doing things.

Moreover, Mu Shangbai was talented, dedicated to martial arts, and extremely diligent, almost of the ascetic monk type.

Never heard that Mu Shangbai had scandals with other women.

It can be said that no matter from which point of view, Mu Shangbai can be regarded as a dragon and phoenix among people, and an excellent candidate for marriage in a woman's mind.

Su Wanqing thinks that she marrying Mu Shangbai is not only a good match, but also a good match for both parties.

A good relationship!

"Hmph, these guys really treat me Su Wanqing as a fool."

"Am I the kind of woman who can be fooled casually?"

"No matter how many rumors you create, don't want to shake me Su Wanqing."

The play in front of her was awkward and disgusting. Su Wanqing's mouth pursed a little jokingly. She was no longer interested in looking at the fabric, turned around and walked out of Liusuzhai, and returned to the sedan chair.

"Go home."

Su Wanqing thought it over. After returning home, she retreats for a hundred days. After a hundred days, all the rumors will inevitably disappear, so there is no need to waste a bit of energy to pay attention to it.

"As long as I don't listen, rumors will always be rumors."

The sedan chair left Liu Su Zhai, and Su Wanqing did not hear what the people behind said gossip.

Turn back to Su Mansion.

As soon as Su Wanqing walked out of the sedan chair, a maid trot over.

"Miss, girl Yuhuan is here."

The maid reported.

"Sister Yuhuan is here." Su Wanqing showed a charming smile. She and Ning Yuhuan have been playing together since childhood, and their relationship is very good.

Unexpectedly, Su Wanqing returned to her boudoir, and when she saw Ning Yuhuan, she found that the corners of Ning Yuhuan's eyes were tearful, and her eyes were red from crying.

"Sister, my life is so bitter!" Ning Yuhuan rushed over, hugged Su Wanqing, and burst into tears.

Su Wanqing said in amazement: "Yuhuan, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Yuhuan was trembling from crying, and complained: "My grandfather, he, he forced me to marry!"

Su Wanqing's expression changed.

Ning Yuhuan is a good sister to her. They talk about everything and have no secrets. She naturally knows that Ning Yuhuan already has someone she loves.

"Your grandfather, who does he want you to marry?"

Su Wanqing was very serious. She knew a little bit about Ning's situation and asked directly: "Could it be that he wants to use you to marry a big family?"

Ning Yuhuan: "For the sake of the family marriage, I also accepted my fate, but the grandfather, he somehow thought, actually let me marry a man from outside. Moreover, that man has already had a child!"


Su Wanqing was stunned and stunned. "What does your grandfather think, are you confused?"

Thinking left and right, I felt that Ning Xingkong was not a fool and would not harm Ning Yuhuan in this way.

"Yuhuan, tell me, what kind of person is that man?"

Ning Yuhuan shook his head and said: "I haven't seen that man yet, but I heard that brother Xiu Si mentioned that the man is called Dian Wei, who has a high talent in martial arts. Grandpa appreciates him very much and treats him as his own."

Su Wanqing knew it.

Ning's day is getting worse, and he is supported by Ning Xingkong. In order to recruit talents, he is eclectic and even sacrifices Ning Yuhuan's personal happiness. He absolutely does it.

"This Dianwei should have some talent."

Su Wanqing smiled coldly, and said in deep thought: "Know yourself and the enemy, you will win all battles. Yuhuan, think of a way to get this person out. I will come to him for a while, and I have my own means to make him retreat.

Ning Yuhuan was overjoyed.


"So, after the five-fold Consummation of Blood Strength, you must eat raw meat if you want to break through the Yijin Realm?"

Ning Mansion, in the study room.

Hearing Dian Wei's question, Ning Xingkong felt a little complicated.

Only a few days ago, Dian Wei told him that he had broken through the triple blood strength and was sprinting into the fourth blood strength. It should be possible to break through within a few days.

Unexpectedly, the issues that Dian Wei came to discuss today were more profound than the other, and while chatting, unknowingly, the topic had already touched on how to break through the tense state.

After changing to other young people like this, hum, Ning Xingkong will definitely get angry and will not talk any more, and will severely teach the other party that they should be down-to-earth and don't be too far-sighted.

But the person Ning Xingkong faced was Dian Wei, and he couldn't put it on the air. He honestly replied: "Yes, we must eat raw meat, and what we eat is the muscles of the flame monster."

Dian Wei quickly understood.

Just last night, he tried to transform Wuxiangjin into Wuminghuojin, intending to break through the Yijin realm in one fell swoop, but found that it couldn't work.

"Without a step of eating raw meat, it can't go on."

From this point of view, the ignorance divine power is more similar to the mountain moving power.

Ancient martial arts can't avoid the link of eating raw meat, and face the danger of losing control.

On the contrary, it is Chi Mu Gong, which is convenient and easy, and there is no danger of losing control.

Dian Wei couldn't help asking: "Is the supply of the flesh and muscle of the flame monster sufficient?"

Ning Xingkong: "Don't worry about this, I have already prepared a copy for you."

"You have prepared a portion?" Dian Wei was surprised. Shouldn't it be fresh if he eats the meat of a raw animal?

Ning Xingkong nodded: "The muscles and muscles of the flame alien beasts I selected by Ning's are a little different, um, wait a moment."

He got up and went out, went to the storeroom, and when he returned, he opened an extra brocade box in his hand.

What greeted the eyes, at first glance, looked like a piece of rotten wood, the surface was black and rough, covered with pits, lumps and lumps, covered with ashes, as if burnt.

But what came out of the nose was a strong scent, wrapped in meat, charcoal roasted, indescribable.

Dian Wei was surprised: "Uncle, this is?"

Ning Xingkong was silent and sighed:

"The flame monster I Ning's choice is a bit peculiar.

That kind of flaming monster is not only unruly and untamable, it cannot be raised by humans, but also has an extremely irritable temperament. When hunted, it would rather die than surrender and fight until the end.

Every time we hunt, once we push the flame monsters into desperation, they always go to extremes, preferring to burn themselves and die with us, rather than being caught alive.

Alas, people who practice ignorance often burn themselves and die, which may be the source of this.

All in all, it is difficult for us to catch a live flame monster, but it doesn't matter, a self-immolating flame monster does not quickly burn its body to ashes. As long as the fire is extinguished in time, a part of the alien meat can be rescued. "

Ning Xingkong clicked on the rotten wood in the brocade box, "This is a well-preserved piece of exotic animal meat. Even though it looks so ugly on the surface, it is actually fresh muscle inside."

Dian Wei suddenly realized.

Ning Xingkong pondered for a moment, closed the brocade box, and delivered it to Dian Wei, "This article was originally prepared for you, so please accept it."

Dianwei was taken aback: "Give it to me now?"

Ning Xingkong: "Next month, I will be out for a trip. I am expected to leave Ice and Fire City, but the return date is uncertain. If I am delayed by things, it may take half a year to come back.

After I leave, I will arrange for another elder in my family to teach you on my behalf. As for this muscle, there is nothing wrong with giving it to you in advance. But you have to remember that it is very dangerous for warriors to eat raw meat. When you eat, someone must protect the law for you. "

Dian Wei quickly understood.

Coincidentally, at this time, he was in need of the muscles of the flame monster.

"Uncle, don't worry, I know how to measure it."

Dian Wei, who was full of joy, agreed on the spot, and then he asked about the precautions for eating raw fire monster muscles. Naturally, Ning Xingkong knew everything.

Two days later, Dianwei opened the Wushuang plug-in again.

"Come on, today I will be promoted to the Buddha!"

Dianwei was overjoyed, and immediately entered the secret room, opened the brocade box, and used a knife to cut through the muscles like rotten wood.

In a short time, a strong aroma diffused and filled the entire secret room, making people very intoxicated.

Dian Wei took a closer look.

Inside the rotten wood was some kind of milky white muscles, the meat quality was like milk, with bloodshots mixed in between the muscles, as if the milk was dotted with cherry sauce.

"It's so fragrant!"

Dian Wei seemed to smell the aroma of charcoal roast beef, and tears flowed down from the corner of his mouth.

Cut off a thin slice.

"You can't eat too much at once, but eat a small amount of it raw."

"Eat up to two or two a day for one month in a row."

Recalling Ning Xingkong's instructions, Dian Wei concentrated his attention, took a deep breath, and sent the thin piece of muscle into his mouth.

Chew, boo!

There is a crunchy feeling of eating jellyfish.

What followed was that the body quickly became hot!

Dian Wei felt that his body temperature continued to rise, breaking through 50 degrees Celsius in a blink of an eye!

"Stay steady!" Dian Wei had the experience of eating raw meat once, and refined his skills with ease.

Day by day...

In a blink of an eye, it was more than twenty days later that Dian Wei broke through.

As he walked out of the secret room, there was an invisible and colorless force on the surface of his body.

It is ignorance!

Although the specific form of ignorance is invisible to the naked eye, one can understand the horror of ignorance by observing the surrounding phenomena.

It's like we can't see the wind, but when we see the leaves swaying and the dust swaying, we know that the wind is blowing.

Dian Wei walked out of the secret room and stood in the corridor.

Behind him, scorched footprints were left on the wooden floor.

Several potted flowers not far away dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's kind of interesting without firepower."

At this moment, Dianwei, breaking through the Yijin realm without any surprises, is already a first-class Buddha!

Dian Wei walked into the courtyard and came under a plane tree.

Raise your hand and shoot out with one palm!

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The bark covered by the palm of the hand was instantly smoked, and suddenly, there was a bang, and it caught fire!

Dian Wei retracted his hand and saw a clear outline of his palm on the bark, surrounded by flames.

He waved his hand at random and extinguished the flame.

"The ignorance of the fire is really overbearing and fierce, and it didn't disappoint me." Dian Wei's eyebrows burst into joy.

"Then go ahead."

During this period of time, he had already fully understood the first three layers of the Yijin chapter of ignorance magic.

So, in a few minutes!

The second-level buddha, breakthrough!

Three-level Buddha, breakthrough!


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