Panic For 10000 Years

Chapter 205: Twist

Location 3: Dingxiang Lane, Biscuits Shop


Wang Mazi, who lives in Dingxiang Alley, sells sesame seeds for a living.

His family is very poor, so poor that he can't find a wife, and he is still a bachelor when he is almost forty years old.

But Wang Mazi is honest and hardworking. The main reason his family is poor is because his father likes to gamble, has ruined his family, and owes a debt.

Later, Wang Mazi's father died of illness, but his father paid his debts, and Wang Mazi died of suffering.

More than a year ago, Wang Mazi finally paid off his last debt, and finally got out of his head, and got the idea of ​​marrying a wife.

It is a pity that this matter is very unsuccessful.

Firstly, he is too old and his family is not rich. Secondly, he looks a little stubborn and his face is full of pockmarks.

So the matchmaker almost broke her leg to help him find a wife.

As a result, hehe, let alone those little girls who are waiting to be married in the boudoir, even those widows with bad reputations don't look down on Wang Mazi.

The matchmaker tried her best.

Wang Mazi still wants to continue to be a single dog, and his heart is full of feelings, and he is frowning all day long.

At this time, a neighbor heard about him and gave him an idea:

"Don't be afraid if you can't marry a daughter-in-law. If you buy one, it will be done. Then anyone's daughter-in-law is bought back."

When Wang Mazi heard this, he immediately became energetic and went to the trafficker for help.

The trafficker was very happy, and asked him what kind of girl he wanted, do you mind if he is a bit crippled?

How can Wang Mazi dare to ask too much? He knows his own family background.

"It's fine to be a woman."

The trafficker understood. After half a month, he really got a woman for Wang Mazi.

When Wang Mazi and his neighbors saw the young woman, they were all stunned.

The woman was less than twenty years old, her face was fair and tender, her appearance was extremely beautiful, and her waist-length hair was like a waterfall. She was actually a very good girl.

Wang Mazi was enamoured of seeing it, and his soul moved around his dream.

The trafficker rubbed his hands, smiled, and introduced: "She's Xiaolian, she's a nice person."

Wang Mazi has a dilemma, worried that the price is too expensive and can't afford such a good daughter-in-law.

It's hard to think that human traffickers ask for extremely low prices, which is almost equivalent to buying a set of clothes and giving away a good girl.

Is there such a good thing?

Wang Mazi was shocked. He had never had any good luck in his life. Could it be that the time is coming now?

Upon seeing this, the trafficker revealed a little bit of Xiao Lian's details: "Her man is dead, and the mother-in-law said she was the one who killed her. She was afraid that she would fight for the family property, so she wanted to sell her as soon as possible."

Wang Mazi suddenly said, "No wonder, alas, he is also a poor man."

Therefore, Wang Mazi bought Xiaolian, bought a simple wedding, and became a husband and wife.

However, after this good news spread, many good people rushed to see Xiao Lian and were attracted by her beauty.

Someone was delighted and was willing to pay ten times the selling price to buy Xiaolian from Wang Mazi.

Wang Mazi finally got a good wife, don't want those you like, so naturally she will not sell Xiaolian.

However, Wang Mazi goes to the street every day to sell sesame seeds, and Xiao Lian is alone at home. During the day, there are always idlers running around in Dingxiang Alley.

Moreover, every time Wang Mazi returned home, he could always see a few rascals lying on the wall of his house, peeking at the little lotus in the yard.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mazi felt very angry and panicked, fearing that someone would take his Xiaolian, becoming more and more suspicious.

For a while, he didn't go out to sell biscuits at all, and stayed at home to take care of Xiaolian.

But he soon ran out of money, and had to go out to sell biscuits to support his family.

A few days later, Wang Mazi happened to meet the trafficker again.

Unexpectedly, when the trafficker saw Wang Mazi, his face turned pale with fright and his expression was extremely frightened.

Wang Mazi asked him what's wrong?

The trafficker pointed to the twisted braid behind Wang Mazi's head and asked him, "Why do you want to tie a twisted braid?"

Wang Mazi said proudly: "Xiao Lian likes to tie twist braids. She asks me to comb her hair and twist braids every day, and then she will comb my hair and tie twist braids."


The trafficker swallowed, and a lot of beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, telling Wang Mazi one thing.

In fact, Xiao Lian is not only a widow, she has been married to four men before Wang Mazi.

"The four men, younger than 20 years old, older than 60 years old, less than a year after Xiaolian married them, they died somehow for various reasons."

"Some died in accidents, and some died violently. In short, all four men died. That's why Xiaolian was considered a ‘Koff’. No one dared to buy her as a daughter-in-law. No matter how cheap she was, she couldn’t sell it."

The trafficker was a little flustered, looking straight at the braid behind Wang Mazi's head, "When I took over Xiaolian, I heard a rumor that her four husbands were all **** in braids when they died."

As soon as this is said!

Wang Mazi was terrified, and quickly untied the twist braid.

The trafficker persuaded: "You are so good at it, it's better to sell Xiaolian quickly and stay away from the evil woman."

When Wang Mazi heard this, he suddenly became vigilant, suspecting that the trafficker was cheating him.

Because during this period, people kept coming to him and offered to buy Xiaolian, and the price was easy to negotiate.

Wang Mazi didn't think so. After returning home, he would live as he would live. I believe that when he enlarges Xiao Lian's belly, no one will harass him anymore.

However, since then, Wang Mazi has resisted the matter of twisting braids and doesn't want to do it anymore.

Helplessly, Xiao Lian really likes to tie twist braids, and she wraps Wang Mazi together every day.

Wang Mazi couldn't refuse, and couldn't bear to let Xiao Lian down, so he had to leave Xiao Lian alone.

But it's not over yet. Not only does Xiao Lian like to help Wang Mazi tie the braids, but also the mother-in-laws, aunts, aunts, and little girls in her neighbors. She often combs their hair and helps them tie the braids.

Xiao Lian is very well-behaved and kind to others. Everyone thinks she gets along well, plus she is quite beautiful, and women can't help imitating her dress.

So, less than three months after Xiaolian married Wang Mazi, all the women in Dingxiang Alley fell in love with the braid.

After that, it was out of control!

Every evening, Wang Mazi returned from outside selling biscuits and walked into Dingxiang Alley. All the men, women and children he saw were braided, and it became a trend.

Not long after that, the neighbor’s old woman had a conflict with her daughter-in-law, and after a fight, she suddenly committed suicide.

The problem is that the old man's method of death is very strange. She wrapped her braid around her neck, and then held one end of the braid with her hand, strangling herself to death.

Within two days, a little girl accidentally fell down, bumped her forehead against a rock, knocked her head and died unfortunately.

Someone saw with their own eyes that the reason why the little girl fell was because when she was running, her braid was thrown on her face, blocking her vision, she didn't see any stone under her feet, and she tripped and fell.

Two people died in a row, both of which had something to do with the twisted braid, and everyone couldn't help but talk a lot.

Since then, no one in Dingxiang Alley has made braids, except for Xiao Lian and Wang Mazi.


Dian Wei flipped through the last page and slowly raised his head, frowning.

Judging by his experience:

The old well in Ju'er Hutong in Chengnan, and the third room on the third floor of Huaxiang Building!

The things that happened in these two places were almost always caused by unusual occurrences.

But this place on Lilac Lane...

A woman who likes braided braids is a bit far-fetched, and there are people dying by her side.

Who hasn't many people around who have died?

The "Kef" theory is difficult to establish, because Wang Mazi is not dead, but the neighbors are dead.

"Anomalies always have a fixed behavior pattern, and there are certain rules to follow." Dian Wei's eyes flickered.

Upon seeing this, Feng Zhu smiled and said, "What's the matter, what's the problem?"

Dian Wei Lian said, "Why do you think there is something unusual in Dingxiang Lane?"


Fengzhu hesitated for a while, "This matter is a bit difficult to describe. You'd better go there and see it with your own eyes."

Dian Wei thoughtfully.

After a while, he walked out of Fengyuzhai, got into the carriage, and told the coachman: "Go to Dingxiang Lane."

In front of the window on the third floor, Feng Zhu watched Dian Wei leave, and sighed faintly: "This Dian Wei is really unlucky enough. I didn't expect that anomaly would come back to pester him."

Dian Wei is extremely talented and has extraordinary combat power, which makes him star-studded and highly anticipated.

But a genius who was entangled by anomalies was immediately discounted.

"If Dianwei can't solve the anomaly, he will be swallowed by the anomaly sooner or later."

Feng Zhu shook her head and sighed, "Everyone who is entangled in anomalies is like this, without exception, including my mother."


Lilac Lane!

At the entrance of the alley, Dian Wei got off the carriage, took a glance, and found a lot of cloves planted in the alley in front of him.

The bud of lilac is a kind of herb and spice. When the wind blows, the air is filled with a faint fragrance.

Dianwei walked into the alley and saw a few children playing marbles, so he stepped forward and asked a little boy: "Where is Wang Mazi's home?"

The little boy raised his hand and pointed forward: "That's the fourth door over there."

Dian Wei walked over, and at a glance, Wang Mazi's house was in dilapidated condition, with a shabby look.

The door was closed tightly.

Dian Wei listened carefully and could hear footsteps coming from the yard and someone walking.

A faint scent of biscuits came from time to time.

At this time, a middle-aged uncle passed by and saw Dian Wei standing in front of Wang Mazi's door, and said coldly, "Young man, don't look at it. Wang Mazi has already sold her daughter-in-law, Xiao Lian, you can't watch. "

"Sold it?" Dian Wei raised his eyebrows, "Why did it sell?"

The middle-aged uncle spit on the ground: "Bah, that woman is a broom star, and her **** is poisonous!"

After all, the middle-aged uncle left with a gloomy expression.

"Asshole is poisonous, have you played?"

Dian Wei was speechless. This middle-aged uncle seemed to hate Xiao Lian very much, and hated the look of abhorrence.


Dian Wei simply walked forward and knocked on the door.

After a while, there was a creak and the door opened.

A man was exposed under Dian Wei's eyelids, but Dian Wei could not help but take a breath!

The man's body is very strange, his neck is twisted, his head is tilted to one side, his mouth is also crooked, twitching constantly, his left arm is also twisted, like a tightly tightened garment.

What is even more permeating is that the ten fingers of his hands are entwined like tree vines, turning into a twist shape.

How can this be a normal person, clearly a crooked person!

"You are, Wang Mazi?"

Dian Wei was taken aback. The information provided by Feng Yuzhai was very clear. Wang Mazi was a normal person without any disability.

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