Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 104 Luke Family Loris

Matthews' thunder god clone and Albeli's wind god clone went to the area on Rengar Island specially used for competition.

"You take action first!"

Although Albeli has made some progress in the integration of wind sound waves and vocal music in recent years, she also understands that there is still a gap between her and the strong people at the six-star demon level.

"Island Master, I'm not polite."

Albeli's soft sword attacked Matthews slowly and quickly, and Matthews' lightning god clone stirred up dense electric threads formed by the thunder god's power.


Matthews punched Albeli's sword with his bare hands, and Albeli missed the blow. He flew back and prepared to attack again.

"Ding, ding——"

After several attacks in a row, Albeli saw that her attacks were easily dealt with by Matthews. Seeing that ordinary attacks had no effect, she directly used the dimensional blade in the wind system.


After one blow, Yalbele saw that her attack still failed to break through Matthews' defense, so she sheathed her sword and admitted defeat.

"Island Master, I surrender!"

Matthews has not consumed the power of the Lord God over the years, coupled with the tempering of the sea of ​​thunder in the sea of ​​stars and mist. His thunder god clone has reached the level of a high-level artifact. Coupled with the electromagnetic protection of the thunder system, it is difficult for ordinary high-level gods to break through his defense.

"Your last move is pretty good when combined with the Dimensional Blade Mystery."

After Matthews and Albeli fell back to the ground, Asolun came over.

"Boss, your thunder god clone has made great progress!"

"Well, all these years have not been in vain."

Matthew thought about a two-dimensional anime he had seen in his previous life, and saw the wind-type Rasengan described in the legendary "Otani Black Dunk Saves His Mother", which was very suitable for Albeli and the little fox Anna.

In the wind element ball, the wind element rotates in the spherical space at an extremely fast speed with mysterious speed, forming billions of small wind blades that merge with the mystery of the dimensional blade. The upgraded Wind Release Spiral Shuriken can even add the sound waves and vocal mysteries of the wind system.

This move alone combines the seven mysterious laws of the wind element, speed, slowness, wind space, dimensional blade, sound wave, and vocal music. It is equivalent to the Shura level that is integrated with the five mysterious laws of other gods. 's attack.

Matthews immediately told Yaerbei and the little fox Anna about the practice experience of this move.

"Island owner, thank you."

"We are a family on Rayne Island!"

After Matthews said this, Yalbele was obviously taken aback. She was forced to stay here after the defeat, so she only wanted to leave after fulfilling her promise. She has stayed here with Matthews and Asuo all these years. Lun and others did not treat her as an outsider. Now that she heard Matthews say this, she nodded seriously!


"Hahaha, okay, everyone will not go home until they are drunk today!"

Hecarim, as a talkative and supportive person, immediately responded positively to Matthews' call.

"Yes, you won't come back until you're drunk!"

Thorasis, being a cold-faced tsundere, cut him off.

"Drinking, I've never been afraid of you guys!"

Just when Matthews and others were drinking happily on the central island, Loris of the Luke family came to the entrance of Ren Island with the six-star demon Talosa and others.

"Metal life, please stop there!"

Loris smiled and asked his men to stop the metal life.

"This place will be my territory from now on. The construction is pretty good now. We can't destroy it. Let's go directly to the central island!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Lorris, a six-star demon, and a five-star demon's subordinate flew straight towards Matthews.

"Stop, entry is not allowed on the central island!"

Just as Mathews's guard tried to stop him, Loris stabbed the guard to death with one shot.


The moment Loris took action, Matthews sensed the person coming. Inspiring the divine power, the alcohol in the divine body dissipated instantly.

Albeli and Asolun followed Matthews and flew out of the central island's hall, and saw a six-star demon and two five-star demons massacring the island's guards.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

Matthews took action with hatred, and the six-star demon Talosa was instantly killed with one move.

Loris was forced back by Albeli's sword, and happened to see his father's six-star demon being killed instantly with one move.

"not good!"

He was suddenly shocked. From the previous information, he only knew that the owner of Rengar Island was a six-star demon, so he brought his father's subordinate Talosa.

The six-star demon level Talosa was instantly killed with one move, and he had already realized who might have set this up against him.

"Excuse me, I'm——"

Before he could say anything, Albeli's attack followed.

Loris turned around and ran away, ignoring another five-star demon-level subordinate who was still fighting fiercely.

Albeli chased him out, and Assolun quickly killed another five-star demon.

After a while, Albeli flew back.

"Boss, I also killed that five-star demon!"

"Well, it seems that someone is planning to take advantage of our Rengar Island. My Thunder God clone will stay on the island during this period."


The last time Matthews killed the city lord's son in Qingya City, he got a special thunder bead from the Star Mist Sea and Thunder Sea. That thunder bead contains the thunder and lightning fluctuations of the thunder sea, which can help Matthews continue to understand the laws of thunder.

When Loris came to Rengar Island this time, he brought the Sanctuary himself with him, so he died directly.

The six-star demon Talosa also had a lower-level god clone stationed in the Luke family mountain range. When he was killed, he awakened the god clone who was really practicing.

"There's trouble this time!"

His lower god clone went directly to see the seven-star demon Wakaru, the head of the Luke family.

"My lord, Loris fell on Rengar Island."

"What did you say?"

A terrifying aura directly suppressed the lower god-level Talosa. Under this momentum, his lower god clone and the holy body died directly.

Vakaru looked at the dead Talosa and shouted directly: "Come here, go check where Loris went?"

After a while, the Luke family's spies found out that Loris had taken the six-star demon Talosa and another five-star demon to the small island of Rengar.

Vakaru thought for a moment and then asked, "Why did they go there?"

Since Loris only brought two men with him and no one was informed about this matter, the Luke family spy shook his head and responded: "There is no relevant information!"

"Check again!"

Vakaru had obviously forgotten that five thousand years ago, his illegitimate eldest son came to him and casually mentioned the news about Rengar City.

Vulgan was about to pay his respects to his father when he saw the family's spies flying out. Although he was a little confused, he had no right to interfere in such matters that required spies.

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