Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 109 Becoming Shura God after ten thousand years

Matthews took out some cosmetics from the space ring and handed them to the earth god's clone of the main god Bauhinia. After she put it away, Matthews continued: "I have some new things here, which are newly developed using pearls and dream butterfly powder from the Star Mist Sea."

Matthews took out the newly developed facial mask and handed it to the Earth God clone of Lord Bauhinia. Lord Bauhinia put away the preparation method that Matthews handed over and left.


Matthews felt scared for a while. If his water god clone hadn't been in seclusion, he would have wanted to leave here quickly.

Since meeting the earth god's clone of the Redbud Lord God once, Matthews has never seen the Redbud Lord God again.

Time flies by quickly, and Asolun has no interest in continuing to pick up amethysts recently. Mathews' water god clone is in retreat to integrate the three mysteries of the law, and the thunder god clone is also in retreat.

Asolun, who had picked it up for more than hundreds of years, was lying bored not far from the wind tunnel in the Bauhinia Mountains. The elemental hand of the water element reached into the wind tunnel and picked up the amethyst, and after checking it. Only the larger and best-quality ones were put into the space ring, and the others were thrown into the wind tunnel where the amethyst erupted.

"So boring, so boring!"

Assolun has an active personality, and it is indeed too boring for him to stay in one place without anyone to accompany him for hundreds of years.

"Hey, boss. Your water god clone has come out of seclusion."

"Well, my water element has been integrated to complete the three mysterious laws!"

Asolun became interested immediately. He stood up and looked at Matthews excitedly and said, "Boss, when are we leaving here?"

"Don't worry, it's safer here. My thunder god clone still needs time to integrate the mysterious laws!"

After Asolun heard this, he sat down again with a dejected look on his face.

"Okay, it's great to take advantage of this time to integrate some of the mysterious laws of the water system."

Asolun's eyes suddenly brightened and he stood up again. He said with a smirk on his face: "Boss, your water god clone just happened to break through. Let's compete!"

Based on Matthews' understanding of Asolon, when Asolon made that expression, he knew that this guy must be harboring some bad ideas.

"Okay, come on!"

Asolon was good at controlling the mist, and the Redbud Mountains were shrouded in mist. Asolon is uniquely endowed in this environment. Although Matthews also understands the psychedelic mystery of fog, the fog he can control is limited.

"Ding, ding——"

During the discussion, Matthews' water god clone has been in a passive situation.

"Hehe, boss, I've always been indifferent when it comes to the water system."

Matthews usually speaks this word subconsciously as a mantra when sparring with Assolun, so Asolun had a chance to defeat Matthews's water god clone after his water god clone was defeated by Matthews' thunder god clone. Later, he would say this kind of thing to feel comfortable.

"Hmph, I found you."


After the exchange of blows, Mathews chopped up a clone of Assolun, and the god clone chopped into pieces by Mathews turned into water and fell to the ground.

Just when Asolon was about to attack Matthews again, he sensed a rule of heaven and earth coming not far away.

"Boss, someone has become a god!"

Matthews nodded. He and Assolan had not seen other gods during this time.

"Let's go and see!"

When Matthews and Asolon arrived, they found a superior goddess preparing to leave there. When she saw Matthews and Assolan, she sensed that they were the middle queens.

Then he came over and asked, "Do you know how to get out of here?"

Of course Matthews knew how to get out, so he said directly: "Just choose a direction, fly out, and you can leave here when you get out of the fog!"

After hearing Matthews' method, the goddess shook her head directly.

"I have tried the method you mentioned. The gravity here changes strangely, and the fog has the effect of psychedelic souls. I always come back and cannot fly out of this place."

"I do not know then!"

When Matthews saw this, he turned around and left. The female superior god did not pursue her. She did not trust anyone in such a dangerous place.

"Boss, since the method you just mentioned doesn't work, how can we leave!"

Matthews turned to look at Asolun, who looked solemn, and asked with a smile: "Why didn't you ask me how to leave before?"

"I thought the method you just mentioned worked, and I could just leave when the time comes. Now this method doesn't work, so I thought of asking you."

"Don't worry, I can still trick you. She can't use this method because she's not strong enough!"

"How strong can you be?"

"At least it must be at the level of a six-star demon or a seven-star demon!"

Asolun felt relieved after hearing this.

"Oh, all right."

Time always flies by quickly, and Matthews and Assolan stayed in the Redbud Mountains for more than ten thousand years. More than 10,000 years may not seem like a big deal to many levels of gods, but in previous lives these times were longer than the growth and decline of a civilization.

Asolun watched Matthews' thunder god clone end its retreat and put away the book he was reading.

"Boss, your thunder god clone is finally out of seclusion!"

Matthews nodded. In the past ten thousand years, with the help of the thunder bead he had received, he finally integrated all the five mysterious laws of the thunder system after exhausting the energy contained in the thunder bead.

Now among the six mysteries of the thunder system, he has not yet understood the remaining mysteries of judgment which are biased towards the idealistic aspect.

The understanding of the mysterious laws becomes more difficult in the later stages, and the greater the strength will be improved. Now his attack power is comparable to Ian Shura who came to Rengar Island 10,000 years ago.

If he uses the power of the main god and the main artifact, he can easily kill low-level Shuras like Ian.

"Let's go, it's time to go back to Raine Island Gar!"

Matthews and Asolon directly chose a direction and rushed out of the Bauhinia Mountains.

"Well, it's the two of them!"

The female superior god I had seen before tried several times to leave the Bauhinia Mountains, but all failed. He chose to settle down not far from the lake where Matthews and Assolon were staying.

Now she sensed when Matthews and Assolan were leaving, and followed them directly.

"Boss, that superior god is following you!"

"Don't worry about her."

Matthews' Shura-level strength caused Asolun to accelerate suddenly, and disappeared within the range of the female superior god's consciousness in a flash.

"That's not right, they were clearly here just now, how could they suddenly disappear!"

The superior god then chased Matthews and the others in the direction they left, only to find that they were still blocked back to the mountains by the gravity and fog of the Bauhinia Mountains.

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