Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 111 Ziyun Mansion Shura Challenge

After Matthews finished calling for 11.6 million ink stones, the god who participated in the bidding made no more bids. This weapon belonging to a powerful seven-star demon of the water system finally fell into the hands of Matthews.

"Brother, why don't we continue to participate in the bidding!"

This Shura-level god shook his head and said to his little sister: "No need, it's just a seven-star demon-level weapon."

What Matthews didn't know was that the person who had just bid with him was the sister of a Shura, and this Shura was the Shura who wanted to challenge the envoy of the Redbud God, Clotia.

Matthews and Asolun did not bid anything again until after the auction ended. Matthews and Asolun paid off the ink stone and obtained the weapons of the seven-star demon and the blood-sucking demonic vine of the lower god level.

Asolun recognized the seven-star demon-level weapon and put it into the space ring. He looked at the blood-sucking demon vine that had become a god and asked: "Boss, is there anything special about this lower god? Why do you need to turn 130,000 ink stones?" Photograph her.”

"There is nothing special about her. What is special is the place where she was born."

Asolun was still puzzled, and Matthews said directly: "The Abyss is a plane filled with the aura of killing. It is larger than the known material plane and smaller than the divine plane. If you have a chance to go to the Abyss in the future, You’ll know when you meet him!”

"Oh, that's okay!"

Matthews looked at this lower god filled with blood and coquettishness and said, "What's your name?"

"My lord, my name is Sophia."

"Follow us. You are too weak. I will not sign a contract with you."

After leaving the auction house, Matthews asked the Vampire Demon Vine Roya to tell some things about the Abyss Plane, and learned about the continental distribution of the Abyss Plane.

A month and a half later, the foot of Anshun Mountain southwest of Ziyun Mansion was already crowded with people. Matthews and Assolan were sitting in an open space. What was obviously different from the crowd around them was that there was a large empty space around them.

Sophia had thought that Matthews and the others were just two middle gods, and she was still thinking about escaping if there was a chance. After seeing Matthews take action, she understood that the Matthews in front of her was stronger than the strongest person she had ever seen in the abyss.

After Asolun took a sip of the tea that Sophia poured respectfully, he lay on the chair with a comfortable expression and asked: "Brother, we have been waiting all morning, why haven't they come yet!"

"It's almost time. Now that the challenge time and place have been set, they will go to the appointment on time."

As soon as Matthews finished speaking, he sensed that two men and one woman had arrived.

"Look, isn't this coming?"

Asolun looked in the direction Matthews pointed and saw a five-star demon level girl and two strong men flying over. When they passed by Matthews, the Shura nodded to Matthews.

The five-star devil-level girl looked at her arrogant eldest brother in confusion, and asked through the soul message in confusion: "Second brother, why are eldest brothers so polite to that middle god!"

"Meg, don't be rude, that middle god is stronger than me."

"No way, second brother, you are a seven-star demon!"

Shura, who was walking in front, continued: "What your second brother Forion said is right, he is also a Shura."

The girl named Meg looked back at Matthews and muttered: "He looks quite handsome. He is about the same age as me. I don't know how he practices."

His second brother Fulian saw his sister's movements and said directly: "Look, let's go!"

After these three people passed by, Asolun asked with a smile: "Brother, how does this Shura compare with you?"

"She should be stronger than me. My current strength is not enough to challenge the palace lord."

"Yeah, hehehe, brother, that girl just stared at you for a long time."

Matthews looked at Asolun, who was looking amused, and waved his hand to interrupt his fun.

"Okay, we are here to watch the Shura battle."

As soon as Matthews finished speaking, the owner of the Ziyun Mansion, Kolodiya, flew over from a distance, and the gods who were watching the excitement cheered.

Asolun took out the photo crystal that he had prepared long ago from the space ring and began to prepare to record this rare Shura battle.

"Hehe, boss, you can also buy the photo crystal this time for a sum of money."

Matthews shook his head and began to watch the battle seriously. Speaking of which, he has never experienced a battle with Shura since he became Shura. This is a good opportunity to watch the battle.

"It's too late for you to retreat now!"

After Cordia finished speaking, Challenger Zoro shook his head firmly.

"Since I, Zoro, want to challenge, I will not back down!"

Seeing this, Cordia said nothing more and drew out her weapon, a long whip that resembled a spine, and Zorro also took out his weapon, a spear.

"excuse me."

Zorro was the first to attack.

The spear ignited flames, like a fire phoenix flying through the space, sprinting in the direction of Clodia with great speed and heat.

Korodia snorted coldly, and the long whip hit the tip of the spear very accurately like a scorpion's tail, stopping the spear from continuing to advance. And the long whip was like a snake wrapped around the branches, baring its teeth and pointing towards Zorro.

Zorro had no choice but to swing his spear in a circle, and in a hurry he retreated and shook off the long whip that was wrapped around him. When he failed in his first shot, he fell into a passive defensive state.

Clodia's long whip has the advantage of attack distance. Her long whip is like a swaying scorpion tail, appearing just in front of Zorro every time.

After Zorro tried to fight for a few times, he understood that at his current speed, he couldn't simply get close to Clodia. He used an attack centered on the fire-based Explosion Mystery. This extremely explosive single-point attack knocked away Clodia's weapon.


Seeing this, Zorro immediately dodged and rushed towards his opponent. Clodia's long whip suddenly tightened and transformed into a long sword.


Cordia's weapons defended against Zorro's attack. Close combat was Zorro's goal. Looking at Cordia who wanted to distance herself again, Zorro naturally couldn't let her do so.

"Boom, boom——"

The two Shura fought in close quarters, and the aftermath of the battle exploded in the hell space.

Zoro used his best soul attack, which was a combination of four soul attacks: Explosive Mystery, Fire Element, Searing Mystery, and Burning Mystery. After Zorro cast it, a scorching flame burned into Clodia's soul.


Clodia ignored Zorro's soul attack and struck his spear with a whip to repel him.

Zorro looked a little ugly. Before challenging Shura, he had investigated the master of Ziyun Mansion, Cordia. Knowing that her body was a scorpion with extremely strong physical defense and attack, he chose the soul attack.

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