Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 150 Asolun, the main god of water system

Pash, the Lord of the Blood Peak, came to visit, and by the way, he got to know Matthews, the Lord of the Water Element, whom he had already met once. Unexpectedly, Matthews actually had something for him to do.

"Ah, do you dare to ask my lord what the matter is?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!"

"Ah, this-"

"Come with me!"

As he spoke, Matthews opened a tunnel and walked in.

Rengar Island is composed of three large islands in the Star Mist Sea, and the island where Matthews is located is a small island surrounded by the middle. Islands in the sea are usually connected to volcanoes on the seabed. After Matthews became the main god of the thunder system, he discovered the volcano on the seafloor here.

He opened a volcano to refine weapons, and now he is going to refine invitations for his wedding to Zijin.

Asolon smiled and said to the Lord of Blood Peak: "Let's go, my elder brother is joking with you, it's probably not a big deal."

After arriving around a volcano crater sealed with a bubble space, Pash, the Lord of the Blood Peak, asked doubtfully: "Sir, what are we doing here?"

"The Lord Bauhinia and I are getting married in two months, and now we need to make invitations!"

"Congratulations, sir, I wonder how I can help?"

Matthews took out a special ore and refined an invitation with the words "Invite Blood Peak Lord Pash and XX time to attend the wedding of Lord Ren and Lord Amethyst."

He said to Pash, the main god of Blood Peak: "You should know the names of most of the main gods. Tell me and I will refine the invitation."


With the help of Blood Peak's main gods Pash and Asolon, all the main god's invitations were quickly refined. After that, it was left to Pash and Asolon, the main gods of the Blood Peak, who had been promoted to be strong men, to deliver the invitations for Matthews.

Asolun tore the space of the underworld and appeared at the foot of the Holy Mountain of the Undead in the underworld. On the third level of the Holy Mountain of the Dead, after Asolon climbed up, he was discovered by the Netherworld Fruit Tree, the main god of life.

"Strange Lord God, what are you doing here?"

"Lord God of the Netherworld, I am Asolun, the younger brother of Matthews, the Lord of the Water Element. Come and send the wedding invitation between him and Lord Redbud for my eldest brother!"

As soon as the Lord God of the Netherworld heard Asolun mention Matthews, she immediately remembered it.

"Thank you, I will go when I have time!"

After Asolun sent it, he went to the main hall on the top of the mountain according to Matthews' instructions and sent the invitation to the Lord of Death for him.

"Asolon, the Lord of Water, comes to visit the Lord of Death with an invitation from the Lord of Water!"

"come in!"

After Asoron informed the Death Lord about the invitation and his eldest brother's marriage, the Death Lord looked at the invitation. There is indeed the aura of Matthews, the Lord of Ren, on it.

"Why doesn't he come in person?"

"According to the tradition of our plane, newlyweds cannot send invitations in person. Family members do it for them!"

She had just returned from the Supreme God Realm of Life, and the master of life, Weiweiya, had also received such an invitation. But it was Pash, the Lord God of Blood Peak, who sent the invitation.

"No, I just came back from the Supreme God Realm of Life. When did Pash, the Lord of the Blood Peak, become your family!"

"The Lord God of Blood Peak, Pash, is my brother's good friend and can be considered a family member!"

The Lord of Death smiled when he heard Asolon's answer.

"Okay, I'll go when I have time!"

After Asolun sent away all the main gods in the underworld except the Bone God, he left the underworld. At that time, he still remembered that Pash, the Lord of the Blood Peak, asked in confusion: "Why doesn't the Lord of the Underworld have an invitation from the Lord of the Bones?"

With a serious look on his face, his boss said something that shocked Pash.

"I originally planned to kill Xing Yi, just in time to gather the water main godhead and destruction main godhead that my brother and sister need. Unfortunately, Xingyi later asked the destruction main god to help, for the sake of the destruction main god. Xingyi sent it A water-type main godhead calms down grudges.”

"Now my brother has the main godhead of the water system, but my sister Mia's talent for destruction and death has only one main godhead. Come to think of it, the only main god who still has a grudge against me is the bone god of the underworld. Sooner or later, his main godhead will be me. It’s my sister’s, so it doesn’t make any difference if you invite him or not!”

From the words of his boss at that time, Assolun knew the origin of his main godhead.

After coming out of the underworld, Asolun looked at his elder brother who was stopped in the turbulence of space and shook his head.

"No Lord of the Underworld chose to take action against me! The Lord of Bones didn't make any move either."

"He could hold it back this time. Forget it, he's lucky this time."

After saying that, Matthews and Assolan left together.

After Matthews and Asolon returned to hell, the Lord God of Blood Peak, Pash, also returned to hell.

"Then what does Hu Erlei, the master of thunder, say?"

Pash, the Lord of the Blood Peak, said to Matthews with a frightened look on his face: "You have tricked me badly. The thunder master Hu Erlei didn't give me a good look at all and kicked me out directly."

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect him to be so heartless. Where is the Lord of Light?"

"When I went, the Lord of Light and Lord Auf, the Lord of Destiny, were together. He didn't say anything. Lord Auf said he would definitely come!"

"I know that Auf, the Master of Destiny, is a good old man, and he will definitely come."

Matthews said, thanking Pash, the Lord of the Blood Peak.

"Thank you for your hard work this time, I owe you a favor!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Pash, the Lord of the Blood Peak, knows that favors governed by the Law of Dzogchen can save lives, and the hard work these days has been worth it. After the main god of the Blood Peak, Pash, left, Asolun asked: "Brother, why didn't you let the main god of the Blood Peak, Pash, send the invitations from the four gods of the Heavenly Sacrifice Mountains together!"

"Okay, we had some conflicts with Labelle's brother at the beginning. Now that you are the main god, you are no longer lower than the main god mother whom he relies on, so you can definitely go there in person."

"Now you have to get back what you lost."

After thinking for a moment, Asolun nodded.

"Okay, I'll go there myself this time."

Matthews no longer paid attention to Asolon's trip to the Heavenly Sacrifice Mountains, but began to discuss with Mia how to arrange the central island of Rengar, and in what form to entertain the main gods who came to attend the wedding.

"Here, the flowers should be arranged like this."

"Yes, I want red flowers here——"

"No, I told you, we don't want those kinds of flowers over there!"

As Matthew's younger sister, Mia was so busy with her brother's marriage that Matthew could not get in the conversation. In Mia's opinion, the only thing her elder brother Matthew could do was not to cause trouble.

Many shops on Rengar Island have begun to close. According to Mia's request, these shops must perform a show with the shops on Rengar Island.

Of course, they all began to make preparations for food, hygiene and other aspects for the wedding of the great Lord God.

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