Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 165 The method of lightning clone

Matthews' water main god clone woke up from training and felt the strength of his current water main god clone. Switching to the clone of the water-type main god, Matthews took out the dagger he had refined before and slashed it on the arm of the water-type main god.

Matthews shook his head as he looked at the white marks on the body of the water-type main god made by the main artifact.

"It seems that the body of the main god has fully reached the level of the main artifact!"

After speaking, he sighed. Now he is using the original power of the Panlong World, just like a god using the main artifact to strengthen his divine body. He can easily reach the level of the artifact. No matter how the gods use the power of the main god, they can't. Your own divine body must be raised to the level of the main artifact, unless it is blessed by the special essence and blood of the main god.

Matthews also wants to use the power of the world's origin to strengthen his main god's body to the highest artifact level. Now it seems that it will take a long time to cultivate.

Asolun also felt the aura of Matthew Si's main water god clone not far away, and flew over and asked: "Boss, you are out of seclusion!"

Matthews nodded. Assolan, who had been staying on Rengar Island for ten thousand years, was feeling bored at this moment.

"Boss, my Lord God's messenger reported to me recently. The Lord God's messengers have gone completely crazy. The Lord God's messengers they encountered are all frantically snatching all the rare objects in the world with the attribute of death!"

"It's understandable. After all, the Lord Gods have all seen the power of the Supreme God. It's normal to snatch the Supreme God's artifact."

Asolun nodded dejectedly, then sat lazily aside.

"Boss, what are our plans now?"

"Mia is also in confinement now. My strength has improved. Now is the time to kill the Bone God."

Zijin also rushed over at this time and asked, "Do you want me to come with you?"

Matthew thought for a moment and nodded. When he goes to the underworld, it is estimated that the Lord of Death will come to stop him. At that time, Zijing will need to cooperate with his Thunder God clone to kill the Bone God.

"Okay, let's go together."

Asolun hurriedly asked: "Boss, what about me?"

"You stay here and protect our relatives."

After saying that, Matthews tore apart the space of hell with the redbud and rushed towards hell. When Bauhinia and Matthews appeared in hell, the Lord of Death had already discovered them.

"Ren, what are you and Zijin doing in the underworld?"

Matthews did not answer her, but the Lord God's consciousness spread out and directly locked onto the Bone Lord God.

Just when the consciousness of Matthews and Zijin locked on the Lord of Bones, the Lord of Bones also discovered Matthews and Zijin.

"not good."

Just like last time, the Lord of Bones tore apart the space of the underworld and ran towards the turbulent flow of space. Matthews immediately separated the thunder god clone and followed Zijin to chase the Lord of Bones. He left the water god clone alone and fused with the holy body in place, waiting to stop the Lord of Death.

The master of death and the clone of Matthews's main water god were fighting together. Just like last time, they were fighting to no avail.

Here, when Mathews' Thunder God clone was chasing the White Bone God with Zijin, a fire middle God appeared and stopped Zijin.

Bauhinia sent a message to Matthews's soul: "If you go after the Lord of Bones, I can handle it here."

Matthews nodded, and the clone of the Lord of Thunder suddenly accelerated past Zijin and chased after the Lord of Bones. Since the White Bone Lord God is not the middle Lord God of the Dzogchen level, Mathews' thunder-type Lord God clone is itself the lower-level Lord God of Dzogchen, and it also has the power of will. He was ten times stronger than the Lord of Bones, so he quickly caught up with the Lord of Bones.

When the Lord of Bones saw Matthews catching up, he had to take out a bone-shaped death sickle and fight with Matthews.

"Ren, we don't have too many grudges——"

Mathews' Thunder God clone used all the power of the fused Dzogchen Law Mysteries. The cold light blade in his right hand was filled with flashes of thunder. Before the Bone God could finish speaking, it slashed at him.


The Lord of Bones' main artifact, the Death Scythe, defended himself against Matthews' slash. Matthews's right hand's Shadow Broken Blade made a backhand move and slashed towards the Lord of Bones' belly.

The Lord of Bones could only step back, and then said: "I can apologize for what happened before, and send the wonders of heaven and earth as compensation!"

"It's not necessary. My sister just needs a main godhead. Your death-centered main godhead is also good!"

After hearing this, the Lord of Bones snorted coldly.

"If it is your water master clone who comes, I will turn around and run away now. Since you are looking for death now, don't blame me."

After the Lord of Bones finished speaking, he revealed his true form, a huge snow-white skeleton. Suddenly, a faint blue flame shot out from the soul fire burning in his skull.


This blue flame exuding coldness rushed into Mathews's soul. This flame, which seemed to be condensed to the extreme, was like a will-o'-the-wisp, and spread with the coldness of freezing the soul in the soul space of Mathews' thunder-type main god clone. middle.

Although many Dzogchens in the original work look down on non-Dzogchen master gods, Matthews knows that these guys who become master gods are not simple things, and this special soul attack cannot be underestimated.

Mathews takes the Mystery of Thunder and Mystery of Judgment as its core and integrates the other four laws of the Thunder system. Using all the power of will, thousands of thunders were formed in the sea of ​​souls.

"Boom, boom——"

With thousands of thunders, he met the soul attack of Matthews from the White Bone God. Matthews' soul, carrying the power of the Thunder God, crackled against the cold soul flame of the White Bone God, which was as hot as white phosphorus. It was not easy. Destroyed the soul attack of Bone Lord God.

The moment he opened his eyes, the death scythe of the Lord Bone God struck towards Matthews. The cold light in Matthews's right hand and the shadow in his left hand both blocked in front of him, resisting the sneak attack of the Bone God.

"I have to say that your soul attack is indeed powerful. If my thunder law were not perfect and had the power of will, I might not be able to defend against your soul attack."

Seeing that the soul attack and material attack had failed, the Bone Lord God was about to pull away and use another soul attack. How could Matthews give him this chance again.

"It's disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. Since you have performed a soul attack, I will also attack you in return."

"Heavenly calamity is coming!"

Matthews used the perfect thunder law to launch a soul attack on the Bone Lord God with ten times the power of his will.

"not good--"

The Lord of Bones shouted, and nine thunder elements descended from his soul.

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