Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 180 Matthews’ new plan

As the lower lord of the wind system, the White Tiger Lord quickly learned of the birth of the new wind lord.

"Brother, a new wind master is born."

The four divine beasts looked bitter after hearing the news, even though the four of them had already gone to search in the space turbulence. However, searching for a main godhead in the endless space turbulence is undoubtedly like finding a needle in a haystack, and there is no harvest at all during this period.

"Hey, now I can only place my hope on the higher godhead of the fire system."

Destiny seems to be playing tricks on the four gods of beasts. One day thirty thousand years later. A fire-type divine beast, Shura, refined the last scattered upper-level main godhead and became the leader of the fire-type.

Gradually, other lucky people picked up the main godhead and achieved the status of main god. But all of this has nothing to do with Matthews. His holy deity is still using the water world origin to temper his divine body in the soul space.

The God Clone of the Rules of Life also continues to comprehend the Rules of Life in the Golden Lotus of Merit, hoping to break through to the third Dzogchen God Clone.

On this day, Matthews came to an island in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Lord of Destruction Uhtred flew out of the water, looked at Matthews standing in the air and asked: "Lord of Water, why are you here with me?"

"This is the plane war between our water god plane and the plane of destruction rules. I hope you will give up this war on behalf of all the main gods of the highest plane of destruction rules."


"If you help me this time, the favor you owe me will be offset."

Uhtred, the Lord of Destruction, frowned. The last plane war between the Water God Plane and the Death Rule God Plane was because the relationship between the Water Ruler and the Death Rule was not harmonious. Therefore, both sides are very serious. Logically speaking, the water master should not be so concerned about the plane war with them that destroys the highest plane.

Uhtred, the Lord of Destruction, was frowning and thinking. He could give up this victory in a plane war that could not bring him any benefit. But judging from the fact that the water master was willing to consume his favors, it was clear that the water master had an unknown plan. He didn't know if he would lose some kind of benefit that he didn't know about in this unclear plan.

Taking into account the strength of the water system lord, he can also consume a favor he owed, and the water system lord also has a clone of the life rules god that is comparable to the Great Perfection level.

"Okay, I will inform them."

After Uhtred, the Lord of Destruction, agreed, Matthews was obviously relieved. However, for the sake of insurance, he still summoned all the main gods who had taken refuge in him and asked them to send the main gods' envoys into the battlefield.

The Lord of Destruction and several messengers of the Lord of Destruction did not show up, so Matthews easily won the ninth plane war. During the Tenth Plane War, Matthews went to the Lord of the Earth as usual and asked him to give up the planar war. The Lord of Earth, like the Lord of Destruction, also gave up on planar wars.

On this day, the Lord of Destruction found the Lord of Earth, and asked the Lord of the Earth straight to the point: "Did the Lord of Water make you give up on this plane war?"


The Lord of Destruction nodded and explained: "Yes, the last plane war between the water god plane and the highest plane of destruction rules, I gave up on behalf of the main god of the rule plane of destruction."

At this time, the Lord of the Earth also understood that Matthews had an unknown plan regarding the plane war. He frowned and said, "I'm sorry, I have already agreed to the Lord of the Water Element."

The Lord of Destruction turned around and left. After he returned to hell, he summoned a lower god. He said to him: "Go to the Lord of Death and the Lord of Life and tell them what I said."

The lower lord thought for a while and realized that the sister of the water lord was the lord of the underworld. If he went to the underworld now, he might be caught by the water lord. Afterwards, he could not withstand the revenge of the water lord, so he turned around and went to the highest place of the rules of life. noodle.

"The water master obviously has a plan in the plane war that we don't know about."

After listening to the analysis of the Lord of Life, the Lord of Death looked at the lower god who had surrendered to the Lord of Destruction, and then said with a pointed smile: "Didn't you give up last time? What do you mean by coming to us this time? ?”

The lower god sent by the Lord of Destruction also saw the mocking smile of the Lord of Death, but now he did not dare to make any dissatisfied expressions or actions towards the mockery of the Lord of Death.

"Sir, our master just asked me to inform you of this news. The water master has also approached the earth master this time, and the earth master has agreed to give up this plane war."


The Lord of Death waved his hand impatiently, signaling for such a lowly Lord to leave. After the Lord of Death left, the Lord of Death said to the Lord of Life: "Although we don't know what the Lord of Water is planning, we must not let him succeed."

"Yes, although this will lead to the Lord of Destruction being used as a spearman, we must stop the plan of the Lord of Water and not let him become stronger again."

The Lord of Death and the Lord of Life found the Lord of Thunder. After discussing the countermeasures, they still felt that it was not safe. Finally, they went to the Light God Realm and found Augusta, the Lord of Light.

"Lord of Light, I just revealed the plan of the Lord of Water, what do you think?"

Augusta, the Lord of Light, did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought. When there was a plane war between the Water God Plane, the Light God Plane, and the Supreme Plane of Destiny, they were busy with the Supreme Artifact of Life, which allowed the Water God Plane to win those two victories.

After the Lords of Light Augusta and Auf obtained the first supreme artifact, they made plans for the plane war. Now the water master also has plans for plane war, which is obviously not in his and Aof's interests.

"We really can't let the water god plane continue to win."


The Lord of Life looked at the happy look of the Lord of Death and shook his head. She knew that the Lord of Water was previously the messenger of the Lord of Death. He first became the main god of the thunder system, and then became the master of the water system.

After the water master's strength was almost the same as that of the death master, the death master became a little dissatisfied. And when the water master obtained the supreme material defense artifact with the attribute of death, this dissatisfaction became even more intense.

Now the joy of gaining allies is too obvious, which is obviously not in line with the mentality of seeking collaborators.

"Then why should I cooperate with you?"

After the Lord of Death heard these words from the Lord of Light, his face was filled with surprise. She looked at the Lord of Light with a vague smile, and her face turned cold obviously.

"What do you want?"

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