Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 183 The Plan of the Lord of Light

"Yes, the Lord God and God are not on the same level of life. For the sake of the Lord God's face, we really cannot get too involved in God's affairs."

Looking at the chattering gods, Matthews nodded. He smiled and said, "I agree."

Just as Matthews finished speaking, the Lord of Death followed up and said: "Yes, I think the clone of the Lord God should not participate in the war of gods such as the plane battlefield."

After the death master said these words, everyone turned their attention to Matthews, the water master.

"Hahaha, what a great suggestion."

Seeing that Matthews actually agreed with the Lord of Death's proposal, even the Lord of Darkness sitting next to him was a little surprised. Matthew thought to himself, I have won ten consecutive victories in the first plane war. After that, you will probably have a headache on how to stop the ten-game winning streak on the God Plane of Destiny Rules. I agree that there is absolutely no problem with this matter.

Mia also quickly sent a message from her soul: "Brother, how can you agree to this?"

Matthews motioned her to calm down, and then said: "I can agree to the Lord of Death's proposal, and in exchange I also have two requirements."

"First, since the Lord of Death has said that the Lord God should not be too involved in matters between gods. The number of Lord God's envoys should also be limited. The Lord can have eight Lord God's envoys, four for the middle Lord God and two for the lower Lord God. Name. In order to prevent the proliferation of main artifacts, the Lord God can only give the Lord God’s messenger one main artifact.”

After Matthews said this, he aroused the dissatisfaction of all the Lords of Light and other Lords who were interested in winning ten consecutive plane wars.

Matthews paused for a moment, indicating that all the gods were looking at him, and he was about to make his second request.

Then he said loudly and righteously: "According to what the Lord of Death said, the children of the Lord God are also gods. The Lord God can only bestow one main artifact to the children of the Lord God, and the descendants of the descendants can not give more than ten main artifacts in total."

After finishing the second sentence, it aroused the dissatisfaction of most of the main gods. Even the eyes of the four divine beasts looking at the Lord of Death were full of evil.

"No, how can the children of the Lord God be compared to the Lord God's messengers?"

"Yes, how could this be?"

Just after Matthews asked the question, he chose to watch the excitement.

When the Death Lord heard Matthews's first words, he was thinking about how the Water Lord could agree to a proposal that was extremely unfavorable to him.

But when Matthews finished his second sentence, she realized that Matthews was not simple. Now the water master has put the pressure on her.


At this time, the master of life chose to stand up. After all, the only one with the chance to subdue other master gods now is her, the master with the supreme artifact of material attack.

Sure enough, after the Lord of Life shouted loudly, the main gods who were noisy just now became much quieter.

"Hahaha, the master of life has He Gaoguang."

Looking at Matthews, the master of the water system with a smile on his face, the master of life, the master of death, and the master of the thunder system secretly communicated with their souls for a moment.

"Okay, we agree."

"Oh, since you agree, then I don't have a problem."

Seeing that the two strongest masters agreed, the other master gods had no choice.

The Lord of Death felt that since he had offended the other gods, he thought that the Lord of Water and Bauhinia had a son. Then he added: "Both parents belong to the main god, and they can only give their children one main artifact."

Matthews looked at the Lord of Death with a smile on his face, and then said: "Okay, in this case, I will make another request."

The Lord of Death and the Lord of Life looked at Matthews with an unkind look on their faces and motioned for him to continue.

"Then in order for the Shura to actively participate in the plane war, we can give them a badge. After they kill a Shura on the opposite side, they collect a badge. After accumulating ten, they can exchange it for a main artifact."


"This is totally fine."

Most of the main gods support this opportunity to give their children the opportunity to collect the main artifact set.

After the main god meeting, Matthews dissipated the main god projection.

On Rengar Island, Amethyst and Mia returned. And Asolon, who was already on the island, asked with a puzzled face: "Boss, why did you agree to those proposals?"

"It doesn't make any difference whether you agree or not. It will be almost impossible to get ten consecutive victory positions in the future."

"The matter of the main artifact is just a matter of interest."

The things Matthews mentioned were all agreements reached by the main gods in the original work. Now they are just mentioned in advance, and there is not much difference.

"Brother, it's just that after this, the Light God Plane and the Dark God Plane compete for ten consecutive victories in the plane war, and they will take advantage."

Mia has participated in two plane wars, and has also seen the Angel Legion of the Light God Plane and the Fallen Angel Legion of the Dark God Plane. With the limited number of messengers of the Lord God, the role of the angelic legions who are not afraid of death will be greatly reflected in the plane war.

"No problem, other main gods will not let any main god win another ten consecutive victories in the plane war."

In the original work, only Auf, the master of destiny, won ten consecutive victories in a plane war. No other major god since then has achieved this achievement, so Matthews is not very worried.

After returning, the main gods now have other thoughts. Uhtred, the Lord of Destruction, is very dissatisfied with the situation of this gathering of main gods. Before the rise of the Water Master, he and Auf, the Master of Destiny, were the two strongest Masters.

Now because the Lord of Water and the Lord of Life both have supreme artifacts, he also saw in this gathering that the main gods have already acquiesced that the Lord of Water and the Lord of Life are superior to other main gods.

Even the masters of the law have begun to choose teams. He destroyed the master of the Great Perfection, and in order to prevent the strength of the water master from being further strengthened, he had to choose to cooperate with the master of life.

"No, I must also get a supreme artifact."

In the garden of Auf, the Lord of Heavenly Destiny, the Lord of Light looked at Auf with a calm face.

"Auf, our strength has now fallen to the second tier. Do you have any other plans?"

"The supreme artifact we got is based on the rules of fate. The second time the water system is dominated by the rules of death, the third time Weiweiya's is based on the rules of life, and next time I guess it should be the rules of destruction. So we have to pay attention in advance, we have to Get the next token of the Supreme God.”

"I know this, about the plane war -"

After the Lord of Light left the heaven, he summoned the messenger of his Lord God and the patriarch of the Augusta family.


"Lord God."

Augusta looked at the two people kneeling below with a calm face. The Lord God had an agreement before and could not send the Lord God's army into the material plane, but he and Auf already had a perfect plan.

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